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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 26, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.5
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
Confession time: until we were assigned this card for
review, I had no idea that it existed. I didn’t see one
in any of the Plasma Storm packs I’ve opened, and I’ve
definitely not heard anyone talking about it. Have I
been sleeping on a hidden gem from the set? Let’s find
is a Stage 2 Fighting Type Pokémon with the now-standard
140 HP. Mewtwo-EX is still a
popular card in Big Basics and
Garbodor deck, so Psychic Weakness can still be
an issue. The retreat cost of three means you will
likely be running Switch and Heavy Ball if you ever
decide to play this Pokémon.
The first attack, Facade, is a pretty faithful copy of
the video game version of the attack, doubling the
damage output from 60 to 120 if
Conkeldurr is Burned or Poisoned. The cost of
three Energy (even if it is all Colourless) still seems
a little high, especially if the effect isn’t triggered,
and why would the opponent even trigger the effect in
the first place if all it meant was that they would be
hit back hard by Conkeldurr?
I guess the idea is that Conkeldurr
can benefit from opponents who misplay
Hypnotoxic Laser, but in
reality the only time anyone would Laser
Conkeldurr is when they were
going to knock it out. Unless you are going to assume a
very helpful opponent indeed, Facade is nothing more
than a generic mediocre damage attack. The alternative
isn’t any better though. For the steep cost of two
Fighting and two Colourless Energy Drain punch will do
80 damage (so it won’t even two-hit a non-Weak EX
Pokémon), while healing 20 damage from
Cokeldurr (rarely, if ever,
enough to save it from a two-hit KO).
It’s tough to know exactly what to say about
Conkeldurr. It requires a
heavy investment of deck space and Energy in order to
run, and it really doesn’t offer much reward for all
that effort. Now that I know it exists, I really don’t
feel as if I have gained anything.
Modified: 1.5 (a filler Stage 2 with no place in the
Limited: 2 (Using Colourless Energy is a plus, but still
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Conkledurr is a Stage 2 Fighting Pokemon with 140 HP.
It is weak to Psychic and has a retreat of 3. It is
searchable by Heavy Ball.
'Facade' costs 3 Colorless energy and does 60 damage.
If Conkledurr is Burned or Poisoned, the attack does 120
instead. I guess this is decent since Hypnotoxic is out,
but that's no reason to run this guy. Against anything
but competitive decks, it's a good way to punish your
opponent for trying to use those two status conditions.
'Drain Punch' costs 2 Fighting and 2 Colorless
energy. It does 80 damage and heals 20 from itself. Not
worth the cost, it's one to many energy for just 80
damage. And 20 healed doesn't do too much (situational).
If it's against an opponent who can't OHKO or 2HKO you,
then it's worth more.
In a competitive format, it's hard to stream Stage 2
attackers, so this guy won't be seen. Plus the
lackluster attacks. In a way Bouffalant is a better
alternative. A 120 attack for 3 Colorless energy
(situational too) and it's a Basic.
Just saying.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo readers! Today we're
reviewing a new Stage 2 from Plasma Storm. Today's Card
of the Day is Conkeldurr.
Conkeldurr is a Stage 2 Fighting Pokemon. The most
common Fighting-types right now are Landorus-EX, with
Terrakion NVI still seeing a very little bit of play.
Like other Stage 2s, Conkeldurr will really have to have
a niche in order to justify building a deck with it when
there are more powerful, Basic options available. 140 HP
is fairly standard for a Stage 2 these days, and
Conkeldurr will only fall to all but the most powerful
attacks (which Modified is unfortunately full of).
Psychic Weakness makes the Fighting-type easy prey for
Mewtwo-EX and its X-Ball, no Resistance is what we've
come to expect, and a Retreat Cost of 3 is huge, and you
probably shouldn't pay it unless you're really in a bad
position. Use Switch or Escape Rope instead.
This version of the Muscular Pokemon has two attacks.
Facade starts off at 60 damage for three Colorless
Energy, but does 60 more if Conkeldurr is Burned or
Poisoned, making the attack deal a great 120 for three
Energy instead of a very mediocre 60. This attack is
pretty interesting with the popularity of Hypnotoxic
Laser, as Status Conditions have become rather popular
once again. Of course, many skilled players will only
use a Hypnotoxic Laser when they are about to get a KO,
so Facade's extra damage may not be as relevant as it
could be. Drain Punch is Conkeldurr's second offensive
maneuver, dealing 80 damage for two Fighting and two
Colorless Energy while healing 20 damage from Conkeldurr.
I can see the theoretical idea where Conkeldurr can heal
off damage taken from Burn/Poison after hitting hard
with Facade a couple times, but this attack is really
just too costly for any use outside of Limited. Then
again, this attack is excellent in that format, as it
deals steady damage and provides a constant source of
Modified: 1.5/5 While Facade could be good in the face
of Hypnotoxic Laser's popularity, Conkeldurr just
doesn't have the stats or damage output to back it up in
a format full of Pokemon-EX that will likely OHKO or
come very close each turn. Being a Stage 2 makes things
that much worse given the amount of resources to get the
Muscular Pokemon out.
Limited: 4/5 Both of Conkeldurr's attacks are great
here, with Facade potentially dealing huge damage here
for its all-Colorless cost, and Drain Punch providing
solid damage and healing. Like many Stage 2s, if you can
get Conkeldurr out, you'll likely be in a great