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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 27, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Plasma Storm)
Generation V’s obligatory cat Pokémon is pretty cool in
my opinion, and a great improvement on Gen IV’s offering
of Purugly. What would be
really nice is if he got a really good card to make him
is a Dark Type Stage 1 Plasma Pokémon, which means he
has a ton of support available: Dark Patch, Dark Claw,
Colress Machine . . . it’s
all good (even if he can’t use any of them especially
well). The Fighting Weakness isn’t much fun though,
especially when it’s combined with a worryingly low 80
HP. It’s not going to take much to KO this kitty . . .
heck, Landorus-EX can do it
for a single Energy with some help from
Hypnotoxic Laser and
Virbank City Gym. Oh well,
at least it actually
has a
Resistance (to Psychic), and the retreat cost of one is
very easy to manage.
Silent Claw, for a single Energy of any Colour, is a
really interesting attack which closely resembles
Smeargle UD’s Portrait
PokéPower. Your opponent
reveals their hand (which always yields useful
information), and then you get to discard a Supporter
card you find there and use the effect as the effect of
Liepard’s attack. Obviously,
there are situations in which this would be fantastic:
you get to use your opponent’s Juniper, N, or
Skyla to help get set up and
(best of all) you then get rid of it so that they can’t
use it themselves (well, sort of, in the case of N).
Yes, there’s always a chance it will backfire: they may
not have a Supporter in hand, they might have one that
you can’t use (Bianca if you are holding more than six
cards), or they could have one you don’t
want to use
(Junipering away your entire
hand might not always be the best option). Overall
though, it’s a very nice set up/disruption/information
gathering effect.
So . . . will this card see some play? Unfortunately, I
have my doubts about that. The last time a Stage 1
starter Pokémon was tournament viable was way back in
the early days of HP-on (2008-9) when
Furret SW had a brief
appearance in the spotlight before being overshadowed by
Claydol GE. Since then, the
game has moved on an awful lot . . . and by that I mean
it has speeded up immensely to a point where 80 HP Stage
1s are lucky to hit the Field at all and will almost
certainly get obliterated by a big EX Pokémon the moment
they do. Even the fact that
Liepard’s second attack, Fake Out, isn’t terrible
(hey, at least it gives you a flip for Paralysis) won’t
save it from being a binder card for the moment.
If the rotation and future sets slow the format right
back down again, then maybe this card could work.
Somehow, I doubt that’s going to happen any time soon.
If only Silent Claw was printed on a Basic Pokémon, as
an Ability. Then we’d be talking . . .
Modified: 2.25 (I love what Liepard
does, but he’s doing it in the wrong format)
Limited: 2 (there’s only one Supporter in the set, so I
doubt you would get much use out of
Liepard except for a
bit of Paralysis stalling)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing a
new Team Plasma Pokemon. Today's Card of the Day is
Liepard from Plasma Storm.
Liepard is a Stage 1 Darkness Pokemon. Dark-types are
still fairly common due to Darkrai-EX builds, but most
of those are generally focused on either fast hitting or
disruption, and Liepard could possibly fit in as a
disruptive support Pokemon. 80 HP is terrible for a
finally-evolved Stage 1, as Liepard will likely be
Knocked Out in a single hit by almost the entire
Modified metagame. Fighting Weakness is also pretty bad,
as Landorus-EX is still very common and will easily OHKO
Liepard with a well-timed Hypnotoxic Laser. Fortunately,
Psychic Resistance provides at least a little bit of
protection against Mewtwo, although it won't really help
that much. Finally, Liepard's Retreat Cost of 1 is not
too bad, and you can definitely afford to pay it if you
The Cruel Pokemon has two attacks. Silent Claw allows
you to look at your opponent's hand, discard a Supporter
from it, and use it as the effect of this attack for a
single Colorless Energy. This attack would be a great
opening move, and would be fantastic on a Basic Pokemon.
Of course, given that Liepard is a Stage 1, it's
considerably less effective here. Even still, disrupting
your opponent by getting rid of one of their Supporters
can be quite powerful, but also be careful, as if your
opponent doesn't have a Supporter in hand, you've just
wasted an attack!
Fake Out is Liepard's form of offense, dealing 30 damage
and Paralyzing on a coin flip for a Darkness and a
Colorless. This attack isn't very good in Modified, but
it at least usable in Limited. Even still, for attacking
purposes, you'll want better options.
Modified: 1.5/5 Liepard would be amazing if it were a
Basic Pokemon, as Silent Claw could be a potentially
awesome opening move to totally wreck your opponent's
setup. As it is, Liepard shouldn't see play outside of
Limited, as its low HP, bad Weakness, and weak offensive
moves won't get it very far in the hard-hitting Modified
Limited: 3/5 Liepard isn't quite as impressive as it
should be here, either. Silent Claw is amazing when it
hits, but your opponent won't have any Supporters in
their hand more often than not, making this attack's
potential wasted. Fake Out is also only decent here, but
the Paralysis can be nice. If you're looking for a
support Pokemon in Dark, Liepard can be nice, but
otherwise, don't bother.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Liepard is a Stage 1 Dark Pokemon with 80 HP. It is
weak to Fighting, resistant to Psychic, and has a
retreat cost of 1. It is searchable by Level Ball and
is also a Team Plasma Pokemon.
'Silent Claw' costs 1 Colorless energy. Your opponent
reveals their hand and you get to discard a Supporter
you find. Then you use the Supporters effect as this
attack's effect. It's reminiscent of Smeargle, only you
have to use an attack to do it and Smeargle never
discarded it. It certainly is situational. Hitting a
Juniper is good if you have no hand, but if you have a
lot of stuff and Juniper is all they have... Also, you
can't really do anything until your next turn.
'Fake Out' costs 1 Dark and 1 Colorless energy. It does
30 damage and if heads, Paralyzes the Defending Pokemon.
Not really worth the cost, and Paralysis isn't so big
any more.
The 80 HP makes this card really fragile. Coupled with
the fact that the best attack does a little disruption,
I don't think this card will see much play. Especially
not when you see deck built around doing T1 90...
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: