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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Team Plasma Grunt
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
March 5, 2013
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 4.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunts: essentially no different from any
other evil Team’s Grunts, providing no challenge and
very few EXP points since 1996. At least Plasma aren’t
as outright insultingly stupid as the Generation III
antagonists (let’s make more land by blowing up a
Here they appear on a Supporter with a simple draw
effect: discard a Plasma card from your hand (you must
be able to do this), and then draw four cards.
Now drawing four cards is actually pretty brilliant.
Much, much better than drawing three
(sorry Cheren). Even
with a prior discard it’s fine – remember Felicity’s
Drawing? That card got played
and it needed a double discard to draw four. The problem
with Team Plasma Grunt isn’t that it needs a
discard, it’s all about
what you
have to discard. The Team Plasma card could be a
Pokémon, Trainer, or an Energy,
but right now we really aren’t playing enough of any of
those cards to be able to make good use of Team Plasma
Grunt. What’s more, those that
are seeing
play (Hypnotoxic Laser,
Colress, Plasma Energy,
are not cards that you throw away lightly . . . or at
all, unless you are desperate.
Maybe when we start seeing full-on Plasma decks with
some redundancy in the Pokémon lines, this card will
have a part to play as a better alternative to Bianca
and Cheren. For now though,
we are better off sticking with the other draw
Modified: 2.75 (Plasma isn’t enough of a thing yet)
Limited: 4.25 (include some random useless Plasma
Pokémon for a very nice draw engine)
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Team Plasma Grunt
Team Plasma Grunt is a Supporter that makes you discard
a Team Plasma card from your hand in order to draw 4
cards. This isn't really the best of Supporters, but I
guess if you have a Team Plasma build, then it could be
of more use than not. It's nice that it can be any Team
Plasma card, so if you are in a pinch you could discard
a Team plasma trainer card instead of a Pokemon (I would
assume you'd normally discard a Pokemon since you can
actually get it back easier).
The drawing 4 cards really only nets your hand 3, so
it's somewhat equivalent to Cheren. If that 4th card is
really critical, then I guess run this. I'm just not a
fan of having to discard (especially with a specific
cost), since there are times that can happen where you
can't pay the cost and it becomes a dead card in your
I think there are plenty of other Supporters to play
over this card though. But I think it's one of those
Bianca/Cheren deals, where you can use a Supporter that
definitely gives you cards or one that gives you
more/less depending on the situation.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Combos With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:

Otaku |
Today we look at
Team Plasma Grunt (BW: Plasma Storm 125/135),
the only Supporter from the BW: Plasma Storm
For the price of burning your Supporter usage for the
turn you get to… discard a Team Plasma card, and then
draw four cards.
It also is a Team Plasma card itself.
Obviously right now we have
which draws three cards with no discard required.
While a little extra draw power is often worth a
small cost,
Cheren doesn’t see heavy play and thus makes a good
Drawing three cards hasn’t been enough, and while a
fourth card (even for a discard) might have proven to be
just enough, not when it is restricted in such a manner.
Remember, plenty of staple and near staple cards
are not Team Plasma affiliated, and no Evolving Pokémon
or Basic Energy card will be either; in short a good
chunk of even a dedicated Team Plasma deck isn’t Team
What makes it so puzzling is that this is a step back
for this kind of Supporter; this kind of theme support
is hardly "new".
Team Aqua
Schemer and
Team Magma Schemer were the first Supporters to
represent the generic members of a villainous Pokémon
gang as a “draw four cards” Supporter, and they actually
could discard any card to draw three cards; you got a
“bonus” fourth card if your discard pick was of the
appropriate alignment (at that time, indicated by card
name and restricted to Pokémon).
Now that non-Pokémon can be team affiliated that would
make the effect a little more potent, but making it all
or nothing is a huge restriction.
Even when we get the rest of the Team Plasma
Support seen in
unless there is something special that would galvanize
this card, it just isn’t worth it.
If you are that concerned with dead Team Plasma
cards in hand (and that will happen from time to time),
you probably just need to make room for
Ultra Ball,
but is that really a concern?
Team Plasma Grunt
should only see play in Limited, where it even fails to
attain the customary perfect score for Trainer based
draw/search power; while unlikely, you might not have a
deck with enough discard fodder to make it worth
In constructed formats, it doesn’t draw enough for a
required, restricted class of discard,
when you could just run
I don’t know why the designers thought
Team Plasma
Grunt would be too powerful if it functioned as a
direct update of the older themed draw cards of this
That still would not have made it a great card, but it
would have been better.
Had I been considering this, I would have
expected some of the power creep shown elsewhere in the
game, not a weaker version of a well balanced Supporter
from nearly nine years ago!
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo viewers! Today we're reviewing a new
Supporter from the Plasma Storm expansion. Today's Card
of the Day is Team Plasma Grunt.
Team Plasma Grunt is a Supporter, meaning that you can
play one per turn, and once you do, you can't play any
more Supporters for that turn. Therefore, you'll want to
make the most out of Team Plasma Grunt's effect in order
to include it into your deck. Team Plasma Grunt allows
you to discard a Team Plasma card from your hand in
order to draw four cards. Obviously, since Team Plasma
Grunt won't work unless you discard a Team Plasma card,
the chances of this card seeing play outside of
dedicated Team Plasma decks is somewhat low.
Additionally, card draw (like we have here) is often
less advantageous than "shuffle draw" like N or Colress,
since it tends to give less card advantage on average,
so many decks will still prefer to use Supporter staples
like N, Colress, Bianca, and Professor Juniper (another
card draw Supporter that gives more advantage than this
Modified: 2.5/5 Team Plasma Grunt isn't bad per se, it's
just outclassed by other options we have right now in
Modified. Many players will prefer using N/Colress/Juniper/Bianca,
and the Team Plasma discard restriction doesn't help
much either. Additionally, Team Plasma Grunt does little
to differentiate itself from Cheren, aside from seeing
one additional card (at the cost of a discard). Team
Plasma Grunt may find its way into a deck sometime down
the line, but most decks will prefer other options.
Limited: 5/5 Team Plasma Pokemon are plentiful here, and
card draw is limited. Therefore, Team Plasma Grunt is an
excellent inclusion into any deck running some Team
Plasma Pokemon (which should be almost all of them in
Plasma Storm Limited).