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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day


 Dialga EX  

- Plasma Blast

Date Reviewed:
October 1, 2013

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.25
Limited: 4.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Combos With: See Below

Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Dialga EX 

I wish I could say this was a whole lot better than the Palkia we just looked at, but I would be lying if I did. In fact it’s the kind of card that tries to entice players with its combo/alternative strategy potential, but just ends up being a (bad) gimmick. 

Yes, it’s got all the big HP you would expect from an EX, plus Dragon Typing which seems to be pretty neutral at the moment as Dragons aren’t commonly played (with one notable exception). The attacks do look interesting, I admit. Reverse Edge does 50 damage for an awkward cost of Psychic, Metal and Colourless with the bonus effect of giving you a coin flip to put any card from your discard pile into your hand. Great when it works, but the low damage and silly Energy requirements make it more or less unusable. 

Fast Forward will probably bring back memories of the dreaded Durant mill decks from a couple of seasons ago. It costs four Energy, does 90 damage, and discards a card from your opponent’s deck for each Plasma Energy attached to Dialga. Without the discard, it’s just an expensive vanilla attack, but then I guess you are meant to play Dialga with Porygon Z and Max Potions to move around the Plasma Energy and keep healing off the damage. 

The trouble with this strategy is that it is very vulnerable to any kind of disruption (Enhanced Hammer, or an attack which discards Special Energy such as those on Garchomp DRX or Drifblim PLB), and it is also badly hurt by anything that can OHKO a fully Plasma’d up Dialga (Black Kyurem EX, stuff with Silver Bangle and Hypnotoxic Laser). To be honest, if you want to exploit Plasma Energy and Porygon Z, you are better off with the Plasma Tornadus EX which can do ridiculous amounts of damage and end the game in 3-6 attacks, depending on whether it is KOing EX Pokémon or not. Either way, it will get the job done a lot faster than Dialga’s damage-plus-mill attack. 

This is a card that promises a lot more than it delivers, and will likely be spending tournaments looking pretty in the binder. 


Modified: 2.25 (oh, go on then – use it for League)

Limited: 4.25 (it’s a big EX and if you pull some Plasma Energy, decking out your opponent is a real possibility)

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