(Plasma Blast)
I’m pretty sure I am not the only person who is puzzled
by the fact that Reuniclus,
one of the best defensive Pokémon in the video games,
has such terribly bad HP in the TCG. Maybe it’s some
kind of joke?
Speaking of jokes, whoever named
Reuniclus’s second attack certainly had a sense
of humour: Telekinesis of Nobility is maybe the most
ridiculous/pretentious attack names I have ever seen on
a Pokémon card (it probably works better in Japanese).
It’s actually not a terrible attack either.
70 damage is pretty good for
a punch-and-run that enables you to switch out
Reuniclus for something less
vulnerable (a Safeguard Pokémon like
Sigilyph DRX or something
with Silver Mirror attached maybe?). You could always
stick a Silver Bangle on the card and start hitting EX
Pokémon for 100 to get the two-hit KO. While you wait
for Telekinesis (which is thankfully DCE compatible),
there is always Barrier Attack which does 30 for a
single Psychic Energy at reduces damage to
Reuniclus by 30 on the
opponent’s next turn. It’s not bad could just about save
Reuniclus for the turn you
need to set up the Switching strategy.
To be honest, Reuniclus is
nowhere near as poor as I expected it to be. It is
definitely one of the best punch-and-run Pokémon we have
right now, but the really bad HP, and the fact that the
Basic (Solosis) only has 30
means that the strategy is a bit more fragile than
competitive play requires. Still, you can certainly have
some casual fun with this Pokémon.
Modified: 2.75 (140 HP and I might be tempted)
Limited: 3 (First attack is good here, but Stage 2s are