Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to the week on
Pojo’s CotD. After a
week of Items, it’s time to get back to looking at some
of the Pokémon in the XY Set.
We kick off with Scolipede,
a Stage 2 with plenty of HP, but little else to offer.
Random Peck might be cheap, but it’s also much too . . .
well, random
to be of much use as it relies on successful coin flips
to do any significant damage. Meanwhile Poison Ring
offers a bit more in the way of damage and also inflicts
Poison and
stops the Defending Pokémon from retreating next turn.
There’s lots going on there, but it doesn’t add up to as
much as you would think. Switching cards or
Keldeo EX defeat the lock,
Virizion EX can prevent the
status, 70 damage isn’t very much, and the cost? It’s a
prohibitive four Energy.
Which all kind of leaves this card nowhere, really.
It’s a resource-hungry Stage 2 that is outclassed by a
ton of Basics, so it is never going to see play.
Modified: 1.5 (Poison + retreat lock is nice, but far
too much trouble with this card)
Limited: 2.25 (lock works better here, but it’s still a
lot of effort)

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
Unlimited 150 review.
This new Scolipede follows card tradition of having a
really high HP score and a bad, sluggish Retreat Cost…
so the exact opposite of its in-game self then.
The 150HP is the standout part of this card, especially
for a non-ex. Random Peck is cheap but unreliable,
Poison Ring is ok but quite over-costed, it could have
easily have been 3 energy. The best way to use it will
be to Gust something big into the Active position for a
2 hit KO and like any Poisoning Pokémon, Virbank will
always be useful.
All other Scolipede have had the same sort of template
as this one, good HP but unimpressive attacks so it
doesn’t really have any other versions to team up with
for an impressive deck. Still, there’s much worse
Pokémon you could use, if you really love Scolipede you
could support it with some Energy acceleration like
Gardevoir (Next Destinies) or go the tanking route with
Alakazam (Base).
Rating: 2 (Good HP on all its versions is the
only thing that makes this Pokémon stand out)