Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
According to the flavour text,
Conkeldurr taught humans how to use concrete
5,000 years ago. Hey, at least he’s good for something.
That’s probably
a bit unfair as Conkeldurr
in excellent in competitive video gaming, as far as the
TCG is concerned though, he’s been far less impressive.
I don’t want to write this one off completely, though,
as Wake-Up Slap has the potential to do 90 damage for a
single Fighting Energy, and that’s the magic number you
need to OHKO Darkrai EX,
Thundurus EX, and anything
else that happens to be Fighting-Weak. You do have to
find a way to inflict a Special Condition (Hypnotoxic
Laser and Munna BCR seem
like the obvious things to use), and that Condition is
removed by the attack (which is bad if you aren’t
getting a OHKO), but it
doesn’t seem too horrible or difficult to pull off to
Despite this, I don’t see
Conkeldurr getting much, if any, play. Dynamic
Punch is expensive and less than mediocre, Wake-Up Slap
isn’t all that if you aren’t hitting for Weakness, and
worst of all, Conkeldurr is
a Stage 2. In ye olde days,
we would have bent over backwards to make a 90-for-1
Pokémon work in a deck, but now? It’s not enough to be
generally effective and there are plenty of Basic
options (Landorus EX,
Terrakion LTR,
Sawk PLB) if you are trying
to abuse Weakness.
Modified: 2 (Had potential, but there are easier things
to use in the current format)
Limited: 2 (not so easy to trigger Wake-Up Slap here)

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
Unlimited 150 review.
Conkeldurr, it’s a funny looking Pokémon, but I’m sure
it has its fans. The addition of this new version means
there’s probably enough decent Conkeldurr to build a
deck with, especially as there’s 2 themes running across
the 3 of them; Special Conditions and tanking.
A good partner for Conkeldurr is Skuntank G, letting you
get a reliable Special Condition onto the Defending
Pokémon, netting a nice 90 damage for just 1 Energy.
Just make sure you have another Pokémon to take the
Poison for Conkeldurr or make it immune somehow! Dynamic
Punch has ok base damage but is really good with a heads
though I’m not sure if it warrants running Fliptini.
The Skuntank G plan goes nicely with the Plasma Storm
version, meaning you’re essentially doing 130 for 3
Colorless, enough to KO most big Basic beaters like
Reshiram and Kyurem. Noble Victories #64 Conkeldurr has
been dying to get into the game with its 220+ HP and
having these 2 decent versions to back it up should
help. Fighting types will get some more support in the
upcoming Rising Fist set which might help Conkeldurr
even more.
Rating: 3 (Good HP and a nice, cheap attack)