Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
We end the week with a look at
Zoroark from XY. Like most fox-y Pokémon, this
one seems to be pretty popular and has a lot of
printings for some reason or another.
is a weak Stage 1 (100 HP isn’t much of a barrier these
days) with one decent-ish
attack. Corner only costs one Dark, does 30 damage, and
prevents the Defending Pokémon from retreating next
turn. Retreat lock is nicely disruptive but with
Keldeo EX and/or switching
cards in a lot of decks, it isn’t often a major problem.
Besides, when you’re only taking 30
damage a turn, you can most likely just KO the
Zoroark before it becomes a
nuisance. Night Claw does 100 damage
for three Energy but may cost you a hefty discard if you
get unlucky with a coin flip. Honestly, it’s not
offering enough reward to be worth the risk in
competitive play.
Really Zoroark is a very
mediocre Stage 1 with some nice all-action artwork and
the usual Dark Support (Darkrai
EX, Dark Patch). Unfortunately, mediocre Stage 1s don’t
get played these days. Heck, even the
good ones
are mostly ignored.
Modified: 2 (I like Corner, but not enough to play this
Limited: 3.5 (Corner is cheap and not so easy to play

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
Unlimited 150 review:
Zoroark has had many cards since it was released just a
couple of years ago and 2 of them are really good, so
much so that almost any Darkness deck should consider
playing them. I don’t think the new version will be
joining Black & White and Dark Explorers Zoroark in any
decks though. Corner would be ok on an overall better
Pokémon, but the main attack Night Claw just doesn’t cut
it. The drawback is just too much to risk for what’s
only decent damage for a Stage 1, 3 Energy attack. If
you want a Zoroark that hits hard and fast you’ve got
Ascention Zorua into Brutal Bash Zoroark. If you want
some setup and a Double Colorless counter to many big
beaters, you’ve got Foul Play Zoroark.
2 (A bad card in a very strong evolution line)