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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
#6 - Sparkling Robe
- Furious Fists Top
Date Reviewed:
Aug. 29, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.25
Expanded: 3.25
Limited: 4.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#6 Sparkling Robe
Today’s card is the only one to make the collective top
10 that I didn’t have on my own top 10 list. Did I miss
a trick here?
It’s not that I think Sparkling Robe is bad. Clearly, it
has the potential to be a very useful card: like
Virizion EX in the form of a
Tool, it gives immunity from Special Conditions to the
Pokémon it is attached to. No more Poison damage.
or annoying turns where your
Pokémon stays asleep after a
Hypnotoxic Laser, is the main attraction here,
though there are also a few Pokémon around that can
cause Status-related trouble, such as M
Venusaur EX.
Sparkling Robe does have a couple of advantages over
Virizion: it doesn’t compel
you to attach Grass (or Rainbow)
Energy, and it isn’t shut off by
Garbodor LTR’s
Garbotoxin Ability. On the
other hand, it is susceptible to Item
Lock (see
Seismitoad EX,
Trevenant XY), and can be
disposed of with Startling Megaphone. The real thing
holding up widespread usage, however, is going to be the
fact that players will likely prefer to use Muscle Band
(for attackers) or Float Stone (for high retreat
Bench-sitters) as their Tool of choice, especially as we
have options like Virizion
EX and even Keldeo EX to
help out with Special Condition problems.
A good card in my opinion, and it could play a role here
and there. Mostly though, I expect it to be squeezed out
of lists in favour of some of the even better Tools we
already have.
Modified: 3.25 (offence wins out over defence in this
Expanded: 3.25 (Accelgor is
a threat, but the item lock means this card will rarely
be a counter to it)
Limited: 4 (Special Conditions are always a big deal
here, and this card would be great against
something like

aroramage |
Alright guys, wipe the sweat off your brow and get
yourselves ready. We've got a great new Tool for anyone
- and I mean ANYONE - who needs it! You ever feeling
down in the dumps cause your opponent wiped you out with
Hypno-Virbank again? Didn't you wish you could get rid
of the Paralysis that Vanilluxe (NVI) gave out every
time it flipped heads even once? Isn't having someone
just obliterate you with Status Conditions just
terrible? Not running Virizion-EX, are we? Then
Sparkling Robe is the card for you!
Sparkling Robe isn't just for Fighting-types, even if it
does look like one of those robes that boxers will
sometimes wear when they come out onto the stage! This
is a Tool everyone can use! And it's special cause it
completely neutralizes Special Conditions on the Pokemon
it's attached to! Alright, not bad, but what does that
mean? Well for those decks that don't run Virizion-EX,
that means your Active gets to remove its Poison and
Sleep from Hypnotoxic Lasers and can't be affected by
another one so long as the Robes are on! That's pretty
Now I had this pretty high up on my list for that
reason, but that's all just the positives of Sparkling
Robe, and in order to give a fair rating, we've gotta
take a look at the negatives. So what's wrong with
Sparkling Robe? Well nothing, to be honest, but there
are some things that need to be taken into
consideration. For starters, people use Hypnotoxic Laser
and Virbank for the extra 2 damage counters in between
turns since 30 damage is much more than 10. And if
yesterday's card is any indicator, an extra 20 damage is
the difference between a KO and scraping by! Attaching
Sparkling Robe before a Hypnotoxic Laser comes out is
the most assured way of preventing that from happening,
since attaching it after only keeps the damage from
stacking rather than removing the damage that's been
Another thing of note is Sparkling Robe is a Tool, and
just like any other Tool, it's susceptible to the
popular Startling Megaphone. So if your opponent has the
right combination in hand, Sparkling Robe may only keep
their Hypnotoxic at bay for a turn before they Startle
it and Hypno-Virbank your Active for the 30 they need to
KO it.
Still, I think Sparkling Robe will be a nice tech
against Hypnotoxic Laser for most decks that aren't
VirGen and need their big attacker to stay healthy for a
while, and I'd imagine that it'll be run for that
purpose. It's important to note that it's better as
prevention rather than a countermeasure; perhaps we'll
see some of it, perhaps Muscle Band and Startling
Megaphone will keep it out, or perhaps Hypnotoxic will
suddenly be less popular just for the sheer damage
output in this set being more favorable than anything,
neutralizing a need for this card to begin with. But for
what it's worth, it's a pretty handy Tool to have. And
hey, who knows when the next Vanilluxe-lock comes by?
Standard: 3.5/5 (good against Hypnotoxic Laser, and last
I checked most decks aren't running Virizion-EX)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (same as Standard with the addition of
being good against more Status-inflicters)
Limited: 4/5 (while most of the set is built around
D-D-D-DAMAGE, this is great protection against the likes
of Victreebel and Aurorus)
Arora Notealus: It is a very nice-looking set of robes.
I can totally imagine a Pokemon coming out onto the
stage with these on!...a little weird, but still cool!
Weekend Thought: Do you agree with our #10-6? What cards
do you think will make the Top 5?
Next Time: Time to bring the ground into the sky!...or
something like that.

Otaku |
We close out our the bottom half of our the Top 10
Promising Picks of XY: Furious Fists with the
close of this week! As a reminder, the reviewers each
compiled his own separate lists, and Pojo crunched the
numbers to determine the site list. As these cards
aren’t technically legal for competitive play under
NXD-On Modified (the “current” Standard Format until
September 3rd), I’ll be using this list as the official
transition point and using scores for the pending
Standard format (BCR-On), new Expanded Format (BW-On)
and the Limited format.
The number six collective pick is Sparkling Robe
(XY: Furious Fists 99/111) and… it is pretty
simple. So much that I’m at a bit of a loss as to what
to write about it, so I’ll start with the fundamentals,
as usual; it is a Pokémon Tool that prevents the
equipped Pokémon from being affected by Special
Conditions, including removing any present at the moment
it is attached. Now, Pokémon Tools, for better or worse
are affected by anything that applies to them
specifically, anything that applies to Items and
anything that applies to Trainers as a whole. Right
now, there aren’t a whole lot of things that apply to
any of those categories, and what is there includes both
support and counters. The big deal would be Item
blocking effects, like Quaking Punch courtesy of
Seismitoad-EX and Tool discarding effects like
Startling Megaphone.
Special Conditions are… sort of powerful. Specifically,
Hypnotoxic Laser is still a great card. When
they can be inflicted so easily, Poison and Sleep are
pretty amazing. The thing is, most decks already have
answers to Special Conditions, some of which double as
answers to all attack effects and several other tricks
(hello Switch). The second strike is what I just
mentioned; this is not a good time to be a Pokémon Tool
thanks to Item blocking effects and Startling
Megaphone. For me, the third strike is that most
almost all Pokémon are restricted to one Tool at a time,
meaning if I use this I can’t use Muscle Band,
Float Stone, etc.
That doesn’t mean this is a bad card per se; its a lot
more useful than Full Heal (unless you already
have a Pokémon Tool attached) and as you can hold onto
it until you need to treat a Special Condition (at the
risk of one turn of Poison and/or Burn damage), you can
avoid it being wasted by a sudden discard or KO. A
decent amount of decks are counting on Poison damage to
boost their damage output, and this prevents that.
3/5 - A general score, made less impressive in a format
where we’ve got the likes of Float Stone,
Muscle Band and Silver Bangle, which all
score much higher.
3/5 - I don’t foresee it doing any worse here, but also
not any better.
5/5 - Special Conditions are amazingly potent here, so
make room for it if you pull it!
Sparkling Robe is good but not great, and while
it does its job well this isn’t the best format for this
kind of Pokémon Tool, outside perhaps of specialized
combos of which I am unaware. indeed, I am hoping that
one of the other reviewers will do a better job of
explaining why this card is good; it didn’t even make my
own Top 10, and I tentatively put it as my 19th place
result for my Top 20. The way the Top 10 was compiled,
it either was someone’s number one pick or else it was
present on multiple lists.