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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
Aug. 4, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.45
Limited: 3.99
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to an interesting week
on Pojo’s
CotD. Otaku
has been very busy and unearthed some
cards that haven’t been reviewed for a
while, but are pretty widely used at the
moment and look set to remain powerful
come the rotation.
We kick off with a look at
Dusknoir, a
card with a fantastic Ability that was
just waiting for players to come along
and (ab)use
it. What Sinister Hand does is allow you
to manipulate the damage you place on
your opponent’s Pokémon . . . as much as
you like. This can serve two main
purposes: firstly it makes spread damage
much more potent: if you can pile up the
counters you inflict, then you can take
KOs where you like on the board.
Secondly, it means that no damage has to
go to waste: need 50 to KO
the opponent’s
Pokémon but are using an attack
which does 90? Well then, just shift
four damage counters on to something
else to set it up for a future knock
out. This increases efficiency to the
point where it is possible to KO two
Pokémon in three turns, rather than
four, which can make all the difference.
So, where does
Dusknoir find itself used? In
decks that have a spread element such as
those using Flygon
BCR’s Sand Slammer Ability; in decks
that often manage a bit of ‘overkill’
and could use the greater efficiency
(like Empoleon
FLF); and it also finds a home in decks
where you actually don’t want to KO the
opponent’s active because you’ve got it
under some kind of lock (as with
DEX’s Paralysing Deck and Cover attack).
Honestly though, Sinister Hand is such a
useful Ability that I’m sure it will
continue to find partners as long as it
stays in the format.
is that rare thing in today’s TCG: a
Pokémon that requires a bit of
intelligence and skill in order to use
it to the best effect. I approve of
Modified: 3.75 (terrific support for a
lot of Pokemon,
but it
is a Stage 2, so not the easiest
thing to slot into a deck)
Limited: N/A

aroramage |
Hey guys, welcome back! This week's going to be a
little different, as we're taking a look at some of the
most popular cards that have shown up in the Nationals
of the Pokemon TCG! We've reviewed them all before
(well, I haven't, but they're here!), and now we're
going to take another look at them!
Today's card was a central part of Ishaan Jagiasi's
deck, which ended up winning its way to the top of the
Senior Division! Yep, Dusknoir from Boundaries Crossed
helped take someone all the way to the top! There's also
a very popular deck that showed up in the Nationals
using a combination of Dusknoir, Flygon (DRX), and our
good friend Accelgor (DEX)!
Before we get into these decks and how they work, let's
take a look at Dusknoir himself! He's a Stage 2 with an
expensive Shadow Punch that only does 60 damage that is
unaffected by Resistance. Hey, a solid puncher on
Darkrai-EX!...well, except for that Dark Weakness that
would instantly KO him in a one-on-one. Clearly,
Dusknoir's not an offensive threat.
Or is he? Dusknoir isn't exactly an attacker, but as
seen here, he can be dangerous, thanks to his Ability!
Sinister Hand acts similarly to Dusknoir (FLF)'s Shadow
Void, except that instead of moving damage counters on
your Pokemon around to Dusknoir, he moves the damage on
your opponent's Pokemon around in any way you want.
Basically, Sinister Hand is an offensive Shadow Void!
And that's where these decks come into play. See,
Dusknoir can move damage counters around willy-nilly,
even if it KOs Pokemon or puts them in range for an
attack to come through and wipe them out! With the F-A-D
deck, you keep Dusknoir on the bench and evolve your
other guys into Flygon and Accelgor as soon as you can.
Then, you use Accelgor's Deck and Cover attack to
inflict an okay 50 damage on the Defending Pokemon. "Is
that it?" you ask. Not even close! Deck and Cover also
Paralyzes AND Poisons the Defending Pokemon AND it
returns Accelgor to your hand.
"Wait, what's the point in that?" Well, with no Active
Pokemon, you have to put a Benched Pokemon into play.
Enter Flygon, whose Ability inflicts 10 damage on EVERY
opposing Pokemon in between turns; that's a total of up
to 60 damage overall before your opponent's turn even
begins! Combined with the Poison, that's already 70
damage on the Defending Pokemon alone, and by your next
turn that goes up to 90 damage (provided they don't
switch out), with a potential for an extra 50 damage
depending on how many Benched Pokemon your opponent has.
At that point, you just move counters around and KO
whoever with Dusknoir (which assuming all things go well
with a full Bench and no switches should be about 190
damage), swap out Flygon with Accelgor, and start the
whole process over again.
Ishaan went in a different direction with his deck,
using Miltank (FLF) as his headliner and utilizing
Empoleon (DEX) for draw power as well as an offensive
backup! Both Miltank and Empoleon have super-cheap
super-powerful attacks, with Miltank's depending on a
Stage 2 on the Bench (like, say, Dusknoir) and
Empoleon's providing up to 120 damage if both players
get full Benches (though more likely that's somewhere
around 70-90 damage, since you'd at least want your
Bench to be full for this combo). With those two dealing
heavy damage, and Dusknoir moving counters around,
Ishaan managed to top over at Nationals in the Senior
Division! What a play!
Dusknoir's still going to hang around the format, though
we'll have to come up with a new set of strategies if we
want to use him to this effect, since Empoleon, Accelgor,
and Flygon are all rotating out in Modified. But hey,
with Miltank as a powerhouse and the upcoming Stadium in
Furious Fists, maybe Dusknoir's going to have a niche?
Modified: 3/5 (he loses some partners in the format, but
that shouldn't detract from his value; it just will take
some more creativity!)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (as you can see, Dusknoir has a
long-standing history here in this format, and he'll
continue to help out in whatever way he can)
Limited: 3/5 (if you're sticking around a Boundaries
Crossed only world, he'll help you out just fine)
Arora Notealus: Spooky scary, spooky scary~
Next Time: Why does everything smell so bad in here?

Otaku |
Hello readers! This week we will be looking at some of
the cards that played role at the U.S. Nationals, as a
precursor to the pending World Championships. We begin
with Dusknoir (BW: Boundaries Crossed
63/149; BW: Plasma Blast 63/149), originally
reviewed by the staff
about 20 months ago. Two significant differences
between then and now were the errata to Pokémon
Catcher, nerfing it so that it required a coin flip
to succeed, and the implementation of the current first
turn rules.
This perhaps explains why Dusknoir missed out on
the Top 10 list for BW: Boundaries Crossed.
Well… no, not really; hindsight is 20/20 and if you
look at the Top 10, you’ll see several cards that never
really had the impact we expected. So what actually
makes Dusknoir so good? It certainly isn’t being
a Stage 2; that just slows it down and makes it require
additional space… though it would be horribly broken as
a Basic Pokémon so that is good. Being almost never
matters; you shouldn’t be attacking with it so the
available support, Weakness and Resistance just aren’t
going to matter. The 130 HP does matter, especially
with the Darkness Weakness; this card has always been in
a format where it was a probable OHKO, especially for
Darkness decks that were already a force back then. The
chunky Retreat Cost of three made it a legal Heavy
Ball target which has been handy, but its status as
a Bench-sitter has made that a less obvious Achilles’
Heel: fortunately most decks just adjust by running
something to reduce or completely bypass said Retreat
The only attack on the card is terrible so let us get it
out of the way; four Energy on something robust needs to
score a OHKO so 60 and ignoring Resistance doesn’t cut
it even for [PCCC]. So at last we come to what you
already knew; Sinister Hand has long been an amazing
Ability; rarely do attacks hit for the exact amount of
damage needed to KO the target, and often you have to
attack something you’d rather ignore for a more
important Pokémon on the Bench. Sinister Hand solves
these problems, which are most pertinent for Pokémon
good at scoring 2HKOs and especially those that could
only score near OHKOs, which usually meant a lot
of wasted damage. At the U.S. Nationals, Ishaan Jagiasi
won the Seniors Division using an Empoleon (BW:
Dark Explorers 29/108; BW: Plasma Freeze
117/116) deck to do just that.
As Dusknoir usage has already been persevering
against the many decks with potent Darkness-Type
attackers, I don’t expect it to prove any less useful
for the duration of the NEX-On format. As Darkness-Type
decks lose Dark Patch, there is some chance that
it will in actually become a little better in the
pending BCR-On format. I expect it to have a presence
in BW-On as well; a significant contributor to it and
many of its preferred partners having less of a presence
when BW-On was the Standard format was because of the
previous iteration of rules and pre-erratum Pokémon
Catcher. I am not confident I can predict how BW-On
will unfold (in fact I am confident that I don’t know);
for now I will cautious predict a performance similar
but different to NEX-On. If you are fortunate enough to
pull a Dusknoir line in Limited, run it unless
you also pull a Pokémon-EX that would work better in a
deck on its own: even a 1-1-1 line is a powerful
presence here, on the Bench, meaning you don’t need to
worry about the Energy concerns.
Modified (NEX-On):
3.5/5 - A powerful presence but as a Bench-sitter
backing up something else.
Modified (BCR-On):
3.75/5 - Not having to worry quite as much about that
Weakness is quite significant, even if a few decks will
still be packing things like Yvealtal-EX.
Expanded (BW-On):
3.5/5 - A bit more to deal with, but most of what really
concerns Dusknoir, it is already facing in
4.95/5 - Technically you might pull something good
enough to skip it, if you get a Pokémon-EX worth running
a +39 build. Note that you can’t run the Secret Rare
version due to a lack of lower Stages, so its score is
N/A in BW: Plasma Blast.
This card is a nightmare if your opponent is good at
getting damage onto the board, and it extreme cases it
can be used to maintain locks, including taking six
Prizes in a single turn. It is almost useless
completely on its own, however, and that helps reign it
in a bit. Dusknoir is one of those cards you
really should track down if you lack it; just be
greatful most decks don’t require more than two.