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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Virizion EX
- Plasma Blast
Date Reviewed:
Aug. 8, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.38
Limited: See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
We end the week with a card I like a whole lot better
than the one we reviewed yesterday.
EX may be the single best support card we have in the
format right now. This is because it can perform two
functions very well indeed. For a start, we have Energy
acceleration for Grass in the form of Emerald Slash.
Normally, acceleration that comes from an attack is
difficult to use, but in this case you get a nice chunk
of damage to go with it. In fact, Muscle Band and
Hypnotoxic Lasers are enough
to turn Virizion from a
support Pokémon into something that can actually take
(or at least set up) KOs. So far, only
Genesect or
Mewtwo have really been used
with Virizion’s Emerald
Slash, but hopefully the options will widen in the
However, there are decks that play
Virizion, even though they have no
need whatsoever of Emerald
Slash. This is thanks to Verdant Wind: an Ability which
protects any of your Pokémon with Grass Energy (that is,
Rainbow or Prism), from being affected by Status
Conditions. That means no
Hypnotoxic Laser to worry about,
no annoying Paralysis, or
frustrating Sleep effects.
That’s good enough protection to make
Virizion a staple in any
Grass deck and a very serious contender for inclusion in
anything that runs Rainbow, Prism, or Blend GRPD (while
it’s still legal). As long as Status is having an effect
in the game, then this card will get some play.
Modified: 4.25 (always a good option to have around)
Limited: N/A

aroramage |
So we've covered damage manipulators, powerhouse
rockers, Ability negators, and Support snatches. What's
there left to cover from Nationals? Welcome to our final
card of the day this week, and let's just say there's a
reason this card got the top spot in its set's Top 10
List. Today we take a look at Virizion-EX, the ultimate
Grass support that's come out in recent years.
Now there were a few decks showing up in Nationals that
ran a combination of Virizion-EX and Genesect-EX
(usually abbreviated VirGen). While there wasn't a big
showing in the Senior and Masters Top 4, the Junior Top
4 had two of these decks, played none other than by
runner-up Jon-Luke Modory and Junior Champion Andy
Younger. So how did Virizion-EX help out Jon-Luke and
Well truthfully, Virizion-EX has a lot going for it.
First off, its attack, Emerald Slash, is a cheap
2-Energy that only does 50 damage but searches out 2
Grass Energy to throw onto a Benched Pokemon. That's
damage AND a set-up, and in a deck that doesn't Deluge
or Inferno Fandango (looking at you, Blastoise and
Emboar), Energy Acceleration of this magnitude is
outstanding! You can have Virizion-EX prepare your
Genesect-EX and deal out damage at the same time!
But there's an even more important part to Virizion-EX,
something has been prevalent since its introduction: a
counter to Hypnotoxic Laser. Virizion-EX's Ability,
Verdant Wind, nullifies all Status Conditions on Pokemon
with Grass Energy attached to them and keeps them from
getting any others! That means Hypnotoxic Laser is
powerless in the face of Virizion-EX! Now the opponent
is forced to relying on damage outside of comboing with
Virbank City Gym (PLS) in order to get that KO! Not only
that, unless they've got a Virizion-EX (or a special
Tool coming up in the Furious Fists set, a card I
imagine will get played frequently because of this), you
can use your own Hypnotoxic Lasers on their Pokemon!
Of course, neither Jon-Luke nor Andy relied on that;
instead, they opted to power through with a combination
of Genesect-EX and his Ace Spec G Booster, which
discards 2 Energy from Genesect-EX and delivers a
crushing 200 damage - unaffected by any effects on the
Defending Pokemon, I might add - for the KO! In
combination with Virizion-EX's acceleration and
protection, Genesect-EX can prove to be a real
challenge; not even Pyroar's Intimidating Mane can block
a G Booster, after all!
Still, it's proven that despite the influx of Fire-based
support, Grass decks are not ready to lay down and wilt
away! Virizion-EX will still be hanging around, giving
her support to all those she can!...well, at least until
she rotates out of Modified.
Modified: 5/5 (a counter to one of the most common
Trainers AND energy acceleration? Count me in!...well,
until that Trainer comes out, then it's a 4.5/5 for
being less splashable)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (sure, Full Heal's technically around,
but who needs Full Heal when you've got Virizion-EX?)
Limited: 5/5 (less status effects, no Hypnotoxic Laser,
but still a powerful supporter for Genesect-EX, though
she's not an unstoppable onslaught here)
Arora Notealus: I like how the full art for this one
looks like Virizion's leaping out of a space-time vortex
of color. Granted, she's got next to nothing to do with
time travel, but that's a neat concept at least.
Weekend Thought: What deck at the Nationals did you like
the most? Pyroar? VirGen? F.A.D.? Or more of the unique
brand of decks like Brandon's?

Otaku |
This week we’ve been looking at some of the cards that
played role at the U.S. Nationals, as a precursor to the
pending World Championships, and we finish with
Virizion-EX (BW: Plasma Blast 9/101, 96/101).
VIrizion-EX was the somewhat surprising
number one pick
of the Pojo CotD crew for our Top 12 of BW: Plasma
Blast, but for the most part I think it lived up to
the placement. How?
Well let us recap. First, its a Grass-Type. While far
less of a big deal now, at the time we got it we were
aching for a solid Grass-Type attacker to exploit
Grass-Type Weakness, which was most prominent on the
popular Water-Types of the day. As of now, its still
actually a pretty solid Typing; a little bit more Grass
support is out but so far hasn’t led to anything, the
Grass Weak Pokémon to KO aren’t as big of a deal as they
once were, but then again now the Fighting-Types that
are Grass Weak will be getting access to the same
support as their kin, so perhaps it will be a boon to
Grass-Types like Virizion-EX.
Being a Basic Pokémon is great except for being unable
to touch Pyroar (BW: Flashfire 20/106); it
makes Virizion-EX fairly easy to work into decks,
ignoring Energy requirements. Being a Pokémon-EX has
its usual drawbacks; opponent takes an extra Prize when
Virizion-EX is KOed, it can’t tap certain pieces
of support, and its vulnerable to various
anti-Pokémon-EX cards. The trade off is that (as we
already know), Virizion-EX ended up well endowed.
For starters, its 170 HP isn’t guaranteed to survive
for a turn, but most decks can’t reliably, repeatedly
score OHKOs and some will really struggle at it. Its
Fire Weakness is unfortunate right now as XY:
Flashfire still has people running more Fire-Type
decks more than they used to. Its Water Resistance
won’t matter too often, but it does come in handy from
time to time. Its single Energy Retreat Cost is very
good and also pretty important; Skyarrow Bridge
allows it to retreat for free, and that’s a combo that
sees a decent amount of play with the card.
The main star is its Ability; Verdant Wind allows
anything with a source of [G] Energy to ignore Special
Conditions. Said Pokémon can’t be afflicted with
Special Conditions, and if they already are then
attaching a source of [G] Energy cures them. Any deck
running Blend Energy GRPD, Grass Energy,
Prism Energy or Rainbow Energy needs a
good reason for not running Virizion-EX. The
attack is much more deck specific; Emerald Slash
requires [GC], which is not too deck specific, but it
does 50 damage plus allows you to search your deck for
up to two [G] Energy cards and attach them to one of
your Benched Pokémon. It doesn’t specify Basic Energy,
so it will work for Special Energy cards like the
upcoming Herbal Energy. Unfortunately Herbal
Energy states it must be attached from the hand for
its healing effect to trigger, so you don’t have much of
a reason to do so.
only showed up in the VirGen decks alongside Genesect-EX;
this may make it seem like an odd choice to review over
say Genesect-EX itself. Part of why I chose
Virizion-EX was that Genesect-EX actually got
two reviews fairly close together, as it made both the
Top 12 list for BW: Plasma Blast as well as the
Top 10 list for 2013. While it wasn’t apparent based on
the top finishers, the average deck really does have a
good deal of incentive to work Virizion-EX in so
long as it can tap the Ability. Hypnotoxic Laser
isn’t in every deck, but it was in half of the top
finishers for the U.S. Nationals, and this time three
out four Masters’ Division finishers were running them,
so you can expect to run into it almost constantly.
I would expect it to remain as good as it currently is
once the rotation happens; possibly a little bit better
if some of the Grass Weak Fighting-Types see a surge in
play due to XY: Furious Fists, but I currently
don’t think such a shift will be significant. We’ll
lose some of the Special Energy cards that made it
easier to work into decks, but we also lose Enhanced
Hammer. Once again, I believe it will more or less
perform the same in Expanded, as I doubt all the decks
that use Hypnotoxic Laser are going to stop. For
Limited play, Virizion-EX is a great pick, but
probably not for a +39 build. You’d have nothing to
attach to and thus you’d just have a big Basic Pokémon
able to swing for 50 points of damage for two Energy.
That isn’t bad, but there’s a decent enough chance your
opponent will outpace you in damage since they just need
a single KO. Try to work it into anything else you
pull, though.
Modified (NXD-On)/Modified (BCR)/Expanded (BW-On):
4/5 - It isn’t quite the staple I expected it to be, but
its still proven to be a valuable card. Most of the
changes that happen between the formats seem likely to
even out.
4.5/5 - Slight chance you’ll pull it but be unable to
use it well.
Virizion-EX is a solid attacker with an amazing
Ability, but a lot of decks can’t make use of its Energy
acceleration effect without making themselves worse,
meaning only a few decks will tap its full potential.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t a great card, but it does
mean that its often got to share credit with something