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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2014
#6 - Strong Energy
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 19, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#6 Strong Energy
Pokémon’s decision to pick up the Dark Explorers way of
doing things again and give us themed sets lead to a
massive amount of Fighting Type support coming our way
in Furious Fists. Not all of it was very practical
(*looks at Machamp*), but Strong Energy was a stand-out
card that helped to create a new, highly successful,
archetype and handed out a significant boost to some
already powerful Pokémon.
Thanks to Strong Energy’s built-in Muscle Band effect,
Fighting decks can hit some
truly absurd numbers on the first attacking turn,
especially if you also factor in Muscle Band and
Fighting Stadium. This means that
Landorus EX can hit for 90 +30 for a single
Energy against an active EX, while
Hawlucha FFI can do 120 in the same
circumstances. That’s pretty silly in itself, but the
major achievement of Strong Energy was to help turn
Donphan PLS from a binder
uncommon into a top tier deck that is currently
dominating tournaments.
That’s because Strong Energy, together with all that
other Fighting Support, makes
Donphan’s cheap-but-weak Spinning Turn attack
into something capable of securing two-hit KOs on just
about anything, while it runs and hides on the bench
behind wall cards like Sigilyph
and Robo Substitute. This,
as fellow reviewer Otaku pointed out to me, is not the
first time Donphan has been
used in this way with Donphan
NG/Baby Pokémon and Donphan
SW/Jumpluff SW being
basically the same deck as what we have now.
Easily the most notable of the designer’s effort to
create new Type-specific Energy, Strong Energy has had a
predictable effect on the game. Almost all
damage-boosting effects are powerful, but when you hand
them to Pokémon that are already pretty good, it’s going
to be a game-changer.
Modified: 4 (made Donphan
playable and Landorus
Expanded: 4 (Fighting is a thing here too)

aroramage |
Before Strong Energy came about, Fighting types
weren't particularly notable aside from being teched
against Dark decks. Terrakion could stomp down on
Darkrai-EX, and Landorus-EX was an extremely potent
threat even in the early game with its Hammerhead
attack. Once Furious Fists came out though, the Fighting
types united into their own deck, and things became a
lot scarier.
Strong Energy was our #1 card from the Furious Fists
set, empowering all sorts of crazy cards including the
aforementioned Landorus-EX and the newer Lucario-EX.
Generally any Fighting type equipped with Strong Energy
got an extra 20 damage on all of their attacks, which
gives way to dealing out way more damage. Suddenly
Hammerhead goes from 30 to 50 with just the 1 card, and
adding more Energies or even Tools like Muscle Band and
Hypnotoxic Laser which made the game far more aggressive
only helped to serve the Fighting Deck's beatdown
Since its debut, Strong Energy has held an immense
impact on the format, but now it's going to if it hasn't
already see a small decline. The answer to why is simple
when you consider Enhanced Hammer's reprint and Xerosic
being a thing, making playing Special Energies much
riskier than before. Strong Energy can't last on the
field terribly long, and Enhanced Hammer can just whack
it off any Pokemon without using the Supporter slot;
throwing in things like Jamming Net and Head Ringer can
even make Strong Energy useless or inconsequential.
Despite these newfound weaknesses, Strong Energy will no
doubt continue to see play in aggressive Fighting decks
- after all, it's a Muscle Band with Energy! - but
they're gonna have to come up with tricks and clever
ideas to maintain their presence in this "Spenergy
Decimation" format. Maybe if they had an Item-lock like
with Seismitoad-EX...
Standard: 4/5 (still a powerful card, just more counters
against it now)
Expanded: 4/5 (same goes here)
Limited: 5/5 (no big removal and lots of Fighting types
- you get it, you run it!)
Arora Notealus: And to think, after looking at the new
Primal Clash stuff, we're gonna be getting even more
Special Energies. Every type's going to have Special
Energy at this rate! No wonder they brought back
Enhanced Hammer.
Weekend Thought: Any cards you think should've been on
the list by now? I'm sure you've got good predictions to
what's on top of the list! What cards do you think will
get better in the future? I dunno about you guys, but
I'm thinking around summertime next year, we're gonna
see lots of Fairy decks...
Next Time: Taking out stuff to put it somewhere else,
only to make use of it faster than ever!

Otaku |
Welcome as we finish off the first week of the Top 10 Cards Of 2014
Countdown! The lists were collected and averaged out
from the CotD to create the master list for reviewing.
As with our Top 10 lists for individual sets, reprints
are excluded: without this rule cards like Double
Colorless Energy place (possibly take it) most
years. For my own list, my main guideline was card
impact. I evaluated the card according to breadth of
impact (how widespread its usage/response to its usage
was), depth of impact (how deeply it affected the decks
that used it/needed to counter it) and time of impact
(how long did it affect how we played).
Our fifth review of the week and sixth place finisher is Strong
Energy (XY: Furious Fists 104/111). We
looked at it back on September 11th and you can read
that review
it was our number one pick for the set! If you don’t,
what you need to understand is that this is a part of
the Fighting-Type support from XY: Furious Fists,
which gave the already strong Fighting-Types even more
power but surprised us by not favoring only those to the
exclusion of the other Fighting-Types. Instead several
lesser played Fighting-Types were reinvigorated and a
few near misses have gone from chump to champ, most
notably Donphan (BW: Plasma Storm 72/135).
In fact, this selection is something of a proxy for all
those cards! Strong Energy itself provides +20
damage when attached to a Fighting-Type Pokémon and
can’t be attached to a Pokémon of a different Type (it
even discards itself if you find a way around that
restriction). Offense is the best defense in Pokémon,
Fighting Weakness is one of (if not the) most common and
together this allows for some big hits for little
Breadth: This is a card for decks that have a significant Fighting-Type
presence… which at the time of release wasn’t actually
that rare as Landorus-EX had made a comeback and
been performing quite well. Technically a deck doesn’t
have to have a lot of Fighting-Types in it for the
Fighting-Type presence to be “significant”; if most of
the other Pokémon in the deck aren’t attacking and/or
have very low Energy requirements that are [C] or [F],
you can probably squeeze in at least some Strong
Energy (if not a whole set). Note that I’m not
suggesting you can use it on off type cards, just that
any other Energy you run should be sufficient if demand
is so low. It definitely isn’t universal but it works
in multiple Fighting-Type decks (some mono-Fighting,
some with very few Fighting-Types actually in them) and
in elevating such decks, it has helped to shape a lot of
the format indirectly.
Depth: Much like how the impact is wider than it appears at a glance, it
is also deeper than it first appears. +20 damage
doesn’t seem like much, but it literally has made
certain decks. The effect stacks so if your opponent
can’t get rid of them (or the Pokémon to which they are
attached) quickly, small attacks can get large and large
attacks can become massive OHKO machines, even without
exploiting Weakness. There are other damage boosting
tricks available to Fighting-Types: Fighting Stadium
(versus Active Pokémon-EX), Machamp (XY:
Furious Fists 46/111; XY Promos XY13) and
Muscle Band (which works for anything). The
difference is that Strong Energy adds to that
total plus stacks with itself. The format had to adapt
to a Landorus-EX capable of opening with
Hammerhead for 90 damage (Fighting Stadium,
Muscle Band and one Strong Energy) against an
enemy Pokémon-EX plus hitting the Bench for 30. Donphan
goes from needing Muscle Band just to score a
3HKO against Pokémon-EX with Spinning Turn to (with
sufficient reliability for the current format) scoring
2HKOs against them with it and OHKOs with a well timed
Time: Strong Energy has had about one third of the year to affect
Organized Play: this was the set when the official U.S.
release date wasn’t the tournament legal date, but
rather three weeks later (September 3rd, 2014 which was
also the day when the Standard Format became BW:
Boundaries Crossed and later). Unlike the other two
formats, there is no ambiguity here; it has only had
that much time to affect the format, and it most
definitely had affected the format during this time.
Everyone was waiting and no one was surprised when this
card turned out to be potent; some of us may have
expected a bit less or a bit more, but overall, we knew
what it meant.
Standard: 4.5/5
Expanded: 4.5/5
Limited: 4.9/5
Summary: Strong Energy has helped to shape the format even though
its only for Fighting-Types. You may have noticed I
raised its Expanded score while leaving the others
alone: I thought Enhanced Hammer would be more of
a problem, with how things unfolded, Enhanced Hammer
hasn’t hampered Strong Energy as much as I
expected now that it is back in Standard… and that was
the only difference between the two formats I was
concerned about. I actually scored Strong Energy
as my ninth place pick, but I can see why it placed
higher and think I may have lowballed it.