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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Target Whistle
- Phantom Forces
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 3, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.25
Expanded: 2.17
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Target Whistle
One of my all time favourite decks was Dusknoir/Lumineon.
You used Lumineon SF for its Fin Luster Power to pull a
Pokémon from your opponent’s hand, and then shuffled
away threats with Dusknoir DP and spread damage around
like mad with Dusknoir SF and the LV X. It was crazy
good and they just don’t seem to make fun decks like
that any more (or at least if they do, they aren’t
remotely viable).
The reason I bring it up is partly because I love
remembering it, and partly because Target Whistle has a
similar effect to Lumineon, only this Item puts Pokémon
from your opponent’s discard pile on to the Bench.
Obviously, this is not as helpful to an opponent as it
seems (otherwise, why would anyone play it?). There
aren’t any spectacular Dusknoir-esque combos for Target
Whistle, but you could use it with a Lysandre to take a
further two Prizes from a discarded Jirachi EX (or other
easy target), or you could seriously annoy a Bronzong
PHF deck by filling their Bench with big Energy
intensive EX Pokémon and deny them the space for the
Bronzongs that would power them up.
Of course, all this is pretty dependant on your opponent
using those cards and them ending up in the discard
pile. If that doesn’t happen, Target Whistle is useless.
Whatever happens, I can’t see it ever being worthwhile
against a lot of decks and unless we do get a much
better combo for it, Target Whistle doesn’t really have
enough utility to see widespread play.
Modified: 2.25 (could annoy people with Jirachi in their
deck, but is that
Expanded: 2.25 (still a combo piece in search of a
Limited: 1.25 (Can’t imagine it would ever hurt an
opponent here)

aroramage |
And now we take a look at a card that...wait a sec, is
this supposed to be a good thing? No wonder Team Flare
went down so quickly, they'd been using stuff like this!
Welcome back, today's card is Target Whistle, which
might just be one of the worst cards ever made.
So what does it do? It takes a Basic Pokemon from your
opponent's discard pile and puts it on their Bench. Now
I know what you're thinking: "Why would I want to do
that?" I think the premise of the card is to take
something like a Froakie or a Trubbish or a Pumpkaboo,
for example, and situate on the Bench to make for an
easy Bench-KO through some effect of sorts. I can
imagine using this in combination with Dusknoir's
Sinister Hand Ability to grab an easy Prize.
But there's a problem: decks these days tend to have
Basic Pokemon with larger HP, and some of the biggest
targets you'll find are the Pokemon-EX with as much as
180 HP! Sure, it'd be worth it to KO an EX like that,
but if you're thinking of using it with Dusknoir,
there's a few problems that come to mind. For starters,
you probably will have to have already KO'd the EX to
begin with, cause chances are your opponent isn't going
to be willingly sending those guys to their discard
pile. Then you have to have enough damage already
available on the field in order to shift it around onto
the "revived" Pokemon, which having 170-180 on the board
isn't so easy when you have to spread it around. And on
top of all of that, you're basically using up a lot of
that damage to take out a Pokemon that you brought back
yourself, which in most cases could mean you won't be
KO'ing your opponent's Active Pokemon-EX unless you
didn't have to take so much off of it.
Never mind how situational, high-risk high-reward this
type of strategy is (after all, if you're lucky, you can
net anywhere between 2-4 Prizes in a single turn). Just
examining the fact that part of the set-up requires you
to bring back an opposing Pokemon is a good sign that
this strategy shouldn't be used competitively. If this
were Yugioh in which there are some scenarios where
you'd want to bring back your opponent's monster to
benefit off of destroying it in one hit for, I'd
understand that, but Pokemon here has something called
Hit Points that make it less "one hit and it's gone" and
more "several hits and it's gone". Even some of the
smaller Basic Pokemon that decks these days run like
Landrous have around 100-130 HP, so unless you're
snagging a small Basic to immediately KO in some form or
another, Target Whistle is NOT a card to use.
Maybe it's good for filling up the Bench, but that's
about the most open-minded I can be with this card, and
trust me there's many other Items that are far better
for your deck.
Standard: 1.5/5 (an extra half-point if only for
Dusknoir, but please, don't waste your time)
Expanded: 1/5 (too many good Items to waste a slot on
this card)
Limited: 1/5 (Battle Compressor, Enhanced Hammer, VS
Seeker, Robo Substitute, Head Ringer, Jamming Net - in a
set with Items like this, why would you use this?)
Arora Notealus: I wonder how exactly this whistle
"revives" Pokemon. I mean, technically a Pokemon in the
discard pile is usually there cause they've been KO'd,
so apparently this whistle can bring them back somehow.
Now if this Whistle could only bring said Pokemon to
YOUR Bench, this whole scenario would be different!
Still situational, but different.
Next Time: Speaking of situational cards... |

Otaku |
Today we look at Target Whistle, a very interesting Item
that allows you to select a Basic Pokémon in your
opponent’s discard pile and put it onto his or her
Bench. This is a very valuable effect but suffers
because of how crowded decks are and the fact that
unless your opponent has something they really don’t
want back or you can successful KO the target that same
turn, you’re actually helping them out. Still I call it
“valuable” because we have a format with an amazing
offensive capacity in most decks, small-but-important
Pokémon that make for relatively easy OHKOs and the most
strategic but perhaps hardest to implement, decks that
require a fairly specific set-up (whether its a static
set-up across all matches or a dynamic set-up that tries
to tailor itself to what it is facing).
If you are already running a very aggressive deck, this is quite
tempting to work in. Maxing it out is probably
overkill, but two or three copies in a deck that can
easily deal 90 points of damage to a Pokémon-EX makes
Jirachi-EX one of the worst plays ever… of course
there is no guarantee of there being a Jirachi-EX.
Exeggcute is another card that its player
doesn’t want being recycled, and in this case the KO is
optional: leave it in play as long as it is safe to deny
your opponent self-recycling discard fodder and then
take a final, easy Prize if you need it (30 HP is low
enough for many forms of spread damage to take down).
Even a Mewtwo-EX can be a boon if you’ve got
Lysandre (and your Supporter for the turn) handy and
your own Mewtwo-EX with a Double Colorless
Energy and Muscle Band ready to go.
The current format is very heavy on discarding cards thanks to the
likes of Professor Juniper, Professor Sycamore
and Ultra Ball; if your opponent has something
they won’t want Benched via Target Whistle, it
can be hard to keep it out of the discard pile (plus if
they run something like Bicycle, clutter in the
hand is a pain). If they run nothing you would want to
revive for your opponent, Target Whistle becomes
a dead card cluttering your own hand. Most decks can
score a OHKO on something small or with the correct
Weakness easily, and also pack at least one Lysandre
and a few VS Seeker and/or can score solid Bench
hits and/or manipulate damage counters etc. so in
general, this card is useful but not great. At best, a
“61st” card you wish you had room for but don’t… along
with (another?) Enhanced Hammer, a Crushing
Hammer, Pokémon Catcher etc. Now, what
happens if we get specific? Extremely aggressive decks
might find the risk worth it; after all in Pokémon the
best defense is a good offensive and if you’re able to
easily OHKO something Turn 2 or 3, there is a much
better chance your opponent can’t score a retaliatory KO
and you can take down that same target again with no
additional effort beyond the Target Whistle and
(unless its something you can OHKO on the Bench) a
When you really start looking, you remember specialty attackers
like Espeon [Plasma]; its second attack does 40
to one of your opponent’s Pokémon (Active or Benched,
its your choice) but has the unusual feature of applying
Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon. Trubbish
are pretty common right now and all are within OHKO
range. Eevee (XY: Furious Fists 80/111)
makes it easy to speed out an Espeon and giving
up a single Prize for a single Prize is good or bad
depending on how well you’re doing it. Here the issue
is what happens if they don’t have something Espeon
[Plasma] can OHKO: perhaps you can use some of the other
Eeveelutions to still create a viable deck,
perhaps not. Hand control decks might have another
piece of the combo(s) they need to become viable in a
game where a single Supporter can grant a fresh seven
card hand: if you can actually discard cards from the
opponent’s hand or deck, you can improve your options
for Target Whistle. As you can tell, these are
pretty vague ideas; I don’t know of any specific and if
you’re wondering yes at the time of writing I still
haven’t heard much about this first weekend of Cities
(to the point I am wondering if I got the dates wrong).
Standard: 3/5 - Composite
score: this isn’t a bad card and its in a format where
most decks can use it assuming it would be of use in a
particular match-up. The risk of there being no target
worth reviving and the amount of competition is
significant but not overwhelming. In decks that can use
it well, it is purely about whether you have the room
for it. This means for everyone that you probably won’t
build your deck to counter it but you will need to allow
for it in mental calculations.
Expanded: 3.25/5 -
Tynamo are tiny. The popularity of Eelektrik
(BW: Noble Victories 40/101) backed decks is
significant and the best such decks can do is a 40 HP
Tynamo. Not quite small enough for common bonus
Bench hits to OHKO but for decks more dedicated to Bench
obliteration, its a fairly sweet target. It isn’t alone
either, but seemed the best example and that’s worth a
Limited: 3.75/5 - In Limited, your own deck usually has plenty of room for
specialist Trainers, so Target Whistle is no
exception: run it whatever deck you build, excluding
scenarios where you are far too fortunate in your pulls
that it gets crowded out. Tempering this (and lowering
the score) is how your opponent might just need a warm
body to sacrifice for something useful on the Bench, and
how much harder it is to tell the filler from the focus.
Summary: Target Whistle is an interesting trick that can enable game
winning plays in the right circumstances… unfortunately
careless play can make it a game winner for your
opponent and not just you. Like many recent cards, it
seems like it is late to the party; past formats (both
relatively recent and far back) would have done some
amazing things with Target Whistle, but right now
it feels like yet another killer play your average
beatdown decks wants to run but can’t justify the space
to include. I say get a play-set just in case, and even
if it seems like no one is running it, don’t forget it
when trying to anticipate an opponent: this is the kind
of card that seems stronger the less people pay
attention to it.