(Kalos Starter Set)
If you’re like me and want to blast through the early
stages of a new Pokémon game, then you probably pick the
Fire Type starter too, which in this case means
(eventually) using Delphox.
Fire can usually be counted on to have the speed and
power to make the first couple of Gyms a piece of cake.
I wouldn’t be in such a hurry to use this card, though.
Like yesterday’s Chesnaught,
what we have here is a very vanilla Stage 2 that doesn’t
even try and convince you that it is worth playing. I
mean, seriously . . . look at the attacks.
Will-O-Wisp is actually
annoying me
because it is a straight vanilla two Energy for 30
damage attack. How hard would it have been to include a
coin flip for Burn?
just to make it a bit more like the video game version
of the attack. Fire Blast is just the typical
generic big Fire attack. Decent, but
not great, damage (120), for too high a cost (four
Energy), plus a discard. We’ve seen similar
things on all the big Fire Pokémon before and they are
nothing to get excited about. Yes,
Emboar LTR can help with the Energy costs, but
that would just be a waste considering the many better
If you can wait one whole day until the proper XY set is
officially released, then you can get an interesting and
potentially useful Delphox
to play with. Meanwhile let’s just quietly pretend that
this one doesn’t exist.
Modified: 1.5 (takes an exciting new Pokémon and makes
it boring)
Limited: 2 (still not worth the bother)