Mew EX (Legendary Treasures)
Unlike yesterday’s
Stunfisk, you can
totally see why Mew was selected to
get the prettyful
pink shiny treatment. He is perhaps THE
original cutemon:
far more mysterious and elusive than
Anyways, Mew EX is pretty much on-theme,
as most Mews seem to be (Mew Prime and
Mew ex LM, for example). It is only
appropriate that the Versatile Pokémon
should be the ultimate in . . . well,
versatility, and that’s just what we
get, thanks to Mew EX’s aptly-named
Ability. With him in play, you may copy
any attack of any Pokémon in play,
provided that you have the required
Energy for it.
It’s always great to have one of these
Mews in the format: they are such
inviting combo pieces, challenging
players to come up with ways to exploit
a variety of attacks by abusing Mew’s
status as an easy-to-play Basic. The
most notable example would be Mew’s use
in the powerful
deck, where he could be used as a proxy
for a Benched
Accelgor, as he is faster to get
out than a Stage 1. Also, the low HP/two
Prize drawback didn’t matter as long as
he could return to the deck by copying
Deck and Cover.
If there aren’t too many other
opportunities for Mew EX right now, I’m
sure there will be in future. It’s such
a well designed card with the kind of
high risk/high reward trade-off that
always keeps you interested.
Modified: 3.75 (rating will vary wildly
according to what Mew has to work with.
I picked this kind of at random)
Limited: 1.75 (I would question the
usefulness of a low HP combo-orientated
EX here)