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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Flashfire
Date Reviewed:
July 16, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.50
Limited: 2.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
The Kookodile line has been
pretty popular with the card designers since it debuted
in Black and White, so we have seen plenty of this stage
1 Krokorok. In fact, we
don’t even have a Krookodile
in Flashfire, so this one is
a sort of bonus.
It’s not much of a bonus, though. Like 99% of evolving
Stage 1s, this Krokorok
doesn’t do a lot to help out its evolutionary line. I
suppose Dark Clamp is ok, doing a cheap 10 damage and
creating a retreat lock. You might even find a rare
situation where that comes in handy – it’s always wise
to know all
the options that exist in your deck, just in case.
Meanwhile, Double Swing has the potential to do some
decent damage, but the fact that it relies entirely on
coinflips means you would
only ever attempt it out of sheer desperation.
If you really wanted to play
Krookodile, then this
Krokorok is no worse than any other in those
situations where you don’t have the Rare Candy, or are
Trainer-locked. If anything, it may be the best of a
mediocre bunch. However, given that we have never had a
that remains a moot point for the time being.
Modified: 2 (ho-hum, Stage 1)
Limited: 2 (no Stage 2 in the set, but Dark Clamp isn’t
the worst attack)

aroramage |
Welcome back to another wonderful Wednesday card review!
Today we've got the most chillaxing gator around,
Krokorok! Just look at how chill this guy is. He's so
chill, even the hot desert winds can't make him sweat!
Is there anything this Krokorok won't be able to do?
Well as always that depends on what his attacks are, and
seeing as his middle-of-the-road Stage 1, don't expect
anything impressive. His first attack is a nice cheap 1
Energy Dark Clamp, which does a puny 10 damage and
prevents the opposing Pokemon from retreating manually.
Unfortunately we live in a world of Keldeo-EX and
Switch, so this might as well be a 1-Energy vanilla
attack for 10, and there are Basic Evolving Pokemon with
better attacks than that.
His second attack might seem more impressive by
comparison, but it's a coin-flipper; that is, it's an
attack that relies entirely on coin flips to work.
Attacks like to use coin flips as a means of inflicting
status conditions or forcing an opponent to mess up on a
damaging move, but the trouble with coin flips is
simple: there's a 50% chance they'll work and a 50%
chance they won't. That kind of probability is risky,
and while gamers can appreciate taking risks, I'm sure
they'd rather deal with just drawing the right card from
their decks than with an attack that might not even
That said, Double Swing does 60 damage for each heads
you flip for 3 Energy. Now this looks pretty good for a
Stage 1; you've got a 25% chance of both coin tosses
being heads, meaning you have a 25% chance of inflicting
a whopping 120 damage! That's nice and all...but you're
more likely to hit the 50% chance of getting one heads
and one tails, meaning you're only doing 60 for 3
Energy. Never mind that you've also got a 25% chance to
completely mess up with 2 tails in a row, dealing a
grand total of 0 damage.
Krokorok isn't really all that great, and honestly if
you are playing the Krookodile family line, I'd just
write him off and go for the Rare Candy treatment. I
imagine the Pokemon company kept a potential Flashfire
Krookodile so as not to oversaturate the Krookodile
market, but now we're just stuck here with this guy and
not a very good way of Evosoda-ing our way up to Stage
Modified: 1/5 (his attacks are either gonna do nothing
at all or be somewhat ineffective most of the time)
Limited: 1.5/5 (3-Energy attack for 0, 60, or 120? Ehhhh,
maybe you can get a win here with some luck)
Arora Notealus: So I know their protective membranes
protect their eyes from the sandstorms, but do they also
protect their eyes from the sun?
Next time: HEADBUTT

Otaku |
Today we look at Krokorok (XY: Flashfire
57/106) and perhaps the most important thing to remember
is that the entire line makes me crave Cookie Crisp™
cereal, and unfortunately like other cereals I usually
become noticeably ill after consuming it (with or
without milk). Why must you torture me, Pojosama ?!
Seriously though, there isn’t a lot to discuss about
this card, but I’ll try in case I missed something; I
wasn’t paying a tremendous amount of attention, but I
believe I’ve seen people trading for these on the PTCGO.
I even participated in a few; I wasn’t using them and
at the time they were easy to come by so I hope I didn’t
make a big mistake. None of the currently available
Krookodile have proven worthwhile, and I fail to see
what this could offer either in conjunction with those
or as a stand alone Stage 1 attacker… and as it has no
Ability, either it has to be used as an attacker or
something has to be copying its attacks.
For (D) it can use Dark Clamp to hit for 10 points of
damage while preventing the opponent’s Active from
manually retreating. Of course this goes away if they
use another switching effect, so something like
Keldeo-EX can use Rush In to “free” the former
Active Pokémon, and then manually retreat itself. It
can be a handy effect, but its not a new one; similar
attacks and effects are available on multiple other
cards. The second attack requires (DCC) and does 60
points of damage times the number of “heads” on two coin
flips; obviously zero is terrible, while 120 is very
good and the mean, median, and mode result of 60 is
below the going rate for a three Energy attack. So… no
reason to play this yet.
There are three other Modified Legal Krokorok…
perhaps some Krookodile fans were just abnormally
active in trading and Pojo just happened to notice or
coincidentally select this for the CotD? The Stats for
this Krokorok don’t seem to be any better than
your three other choices for Standard. All are 90 HP
Darkness-Type Pokémon with Fighting Weakness, Psychic
Resistance and two attacks. Some have a Retreat Cost of
three instead of two, but until Heavy Ball
rotates out, that is probably an Advantage; most
probable decks would just use Darkrai-EX and its
Dark Cloak to get a free Retreat Cost while Krokorok
- or any Pokémon - has at least a single (D) Energy
attached. The “big” attacks on the other versions
aren’t any better than today’s card, but only one or two
seem noticeably worse and some of the other lower priced
attacks are likely as good or better than Dark Clamp.
1.5/5 - A Stage 1 that isn’t good, but isn’t entirely
useless. There are other options that are at least as
good competing with it, and of course most decks would
do well to rely more (or exclusively) on Rare Candy.
3/5 - If you can work in at least a few basic
Darkness Energy cards, this seems like a decent
pick. As per usual, damage output and HP scores are
lower here, and you’ll need attackers with all or mostly
Colorless Energy requirements because you’ll almost
certainly be running at least a two different basic
Energy Types. Dark Clamp’s effect should be more
valuable here as well.
1.75/5 - A tiny bump here because Krookodile has
a bit more potential when you’re desperate for a Stage 2
to try and build a cohesive (if not especially
competitive) deck around… and that translates to
Krokorok itself being a bit more useful.
At this point, I am going to assume it was a coincidence
because I am just not seeing anything about this card
(let alone the various Krookodile) that would
make them especially noteworthy, though at least this
wasn’t pure vanilla filler. Also… I still really want
some Cookie Crisp™!