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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Seismitoad EX
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
July 21, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.88
Limited: 4.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
EX (Furious Fists)
Hello and welcome to an exciting week here on
CotD (yes, even more exciting than when we’ve run
out of good cards and spend weeks reviewing the filler).
It’s especially
exciting because we are going to preview some of the
powerful new cards that will debut in
August’s Furious Fists set.
We kick off with a look at
Seismitoad EX, which is actually one of the more
hyped cards from the set. You get all the EX goodness
you would expect (massive HP, mainly), plus a decent-ish
attack in the shape of Grenade Hammer, which does 130
for three Energy. It does hit a couple of your own
Benched Pokémon, but hey, that’s what Mr Mime is for . .
. or maybe not, because the reason for all the hype is
Seismitoad’s first attack,
Quaking Punch.
For the easily affordable cost of two Colourless Energy
(that’s a DCE to you and me), Quaking Punch will do 30
damage (ho-hum), but has the effect of stopping your
opponent from playing Item cards during their next turn.
Already you can see yourself bulking that attack up to
50 with Muscle Band and not having to worry about
Startling Megaphone. Pair
Seismitoad up with Garbodor
DRX for a double lock and you have something very
similar to the Dragonite
PLF/Garbodor decks that were
used to counter Plasma lists . . . only instead of
having to use a three-Energy Stage 2, you now get to use
a EX Basic that can hit for the cost of a single
attachment. Nice.
There will likely be space in the deck for counters to
obvious bad match ups (Charizard
EX or Pyroar FLF to deal
with Virizion/Genesect),
so the deck seems to have quite a bit of promise. Of
course, nothing is certain heading into a new
format/rotation: if we lose
Hypnotoxic Laser, the deck takes a big hit; if
Items become less important as players turn to
Supporters like Pokémon Fan Club, Stadiums, and Special
Energy, well then that’s another mark against it.
Nevertheless, I do expect
Seismitoad to be the core of a new archetype . .
. how successful remains to be seen.
Modified: 3.75 (serious potential)
Limited: 4.25 (it’s big and heavy
hitting, and the Item lock may be handy too)

aroramage |
action-packed week of Furious Fists previews! Officially
the set doesn't come out until August 13th (unless
you're in the Netherlands apparently), but that's never
stopped us before! We've got some promising start-em-ups
this week, so let's see what we've got!
The first card of the week is Seismitoad-EX, and let
me just start off by saying that I've been pretty hyped
about this guy. I expect that for as long as Blastoise
(BCR) remains in the format (which might be a while
depending on whether Plasma Blast gets rotated out as
well or not), Seismitoad-EX is going to provide a strong
Water-type powerhouse.
Now why do I feel this way? It's mostly cause of
Seismitoad-EX's first attack: Quaking Punch. Actually,
Quaking Punch is probably the biggest part of Seismitoad-EX
in general. It's a measly 30 damage, which isn't the
most fantastic number, but the fact that it costs 2
colorless Energy makes him splashable, and on top of
that it has a phenomenal effect: the opponent can't play
Item cards during their next turn.
Now what does that mean? Put simply, that means no
Professor's Letter, no Hypnotoxic Laser, no Muscle Band,
no Giant Cape, no Trick Shovel, no Sacred Ash, no Fiery
Torch, no Ultra Ball, no Level Ball, no Computer Search,
no Master Ball - if the Trainer has any indication of
Item on it, it's no good! This is a HUGE effect to have
available, and it severely limits what your opponent can
do. Sure they've still got their one Supporter a turn,
and sure they can still play a Stadium or attach an
Energy or attack on their next turn - but the fact
remains that they have to start working around
Seismitoad's Quaking Punch as early as Turn 2
(especially if you go second and get a DCE in hand).
Alright, so the opponent's getting stalled out on
Items for a couple of turns - now what? Well after a
whack or two with Quaking Punch (and potentially your
own Hypnotoxic Laser to capitalize on their lack of
Switch or Muscle Band for raw power), Seismitoad only
needs 2 Water Energy and a third energy of any type to
unleash the Grenade Hammer, which deals a whopping 130
damage! The only catch? Two of your Benched Pokemon take
30 damage.
Or do they? See, there are ways to work around this
negative effect, the least of which is having no Benched
Pokemon. We've still got Mr. Mime (PLF) in the format,
and on top of that we're getting a new Stadium card in
Furious Fists that'll negate damage to Benched Pokemon
entirely! Suddenly Seismitoad's biggest drawback is
nothing but a 130-pound beatstick! And after a Quaking
Punch, a Hypnotoxic Laser, and/or a Muscle Band, most
Pokemon won't stand a chance.
Seismitoad-EX is going to be a power player in the
upcoming format, so I would definitely keep an eye out
for him! He may not have the new Fighting-type support,
but he's already backed up by one of the biggest
supporters in the format, and he's got an arsenal of
tricks to completely decimate opponents!
Modified: 4/5 (his Item-lock and high-damage output
along with great typing will give him a big spot in any
Water deck; if you can make room for him, he's gonna
help you go far)
Limited: 4.5/5 (Item-lock here is going to be
fantastic, and his 130 damage is going to KO most
Pokemon in the format hands-down! Even the recoil's not
a big pain when you're dealing that much damage!)
Arora Notealus: Apparently he can break a boulder in
one punch using vibrations in the bumps on his hands.
Guess that explains the "quaking" in his "Quaking

Otaku |
This week we are reviewing five cards from the
not-yet-released XY: Furious Fists. These cards
won’t be tournament legal until September 3rd, if I
counted right (August 13th release date plus 21 days),
and outside of Pre-Releases and apparently a
Charizard-EX Gift Box that went on sale in (some)
European locations, you won’t have English language
cards of it until the Pre-Releases at the earliest.
That means this is going to be almost pure speculation;
by the time these cards are legal, we should have
learned of the set rotation and probably have already
experienced it… but as of writing this, neither when nor
what will be rotated has been announced!
(XY: Furious Fists 20/111, 106/111) is a Pokémon
that has many people excited, but others leery. At a
glance its just another Pokémon-EX: possibly good Typing
(Water Weakness is getting more popula), 180 HP (best
we’ve seen printed on Basic Pokémon-EX), Grass-Type
Weakness (VirGen decks still ensure this is a bad
thing), no Resistance (technically the worst, but its so
common to lack any), and a three Energy Retreat Cost (Heavy
Ball complaint, but that probably isn’t sticking
around; bad but easily bypassed). The second attack
does a good 130 for [WWC], but you’ll either need
something you’ll either need no Bench, up to two Pokémon
you want to damage or Mr. Mime (BW: Plasma
Freeze 47/116), and probably Muscle Band plus
Hypnotoxic Laser/VIrbank City Gym to OHKO
anything without Water Resistance and 180 or less HP.
The thing is, without Energy acceleration that’s too
slow to be why you would run it; Black Kyurem-EX
(BW: Plasma Storm 95/135) and Keldeo-EX
have nothing to fear about losing their place in Deluge
decks due to Grenade Hammer.
So we come to the first attack I blatantly skipped,
making it obvious that is the part of this card that has
people excited: for [CC] you score 30 points of damage
and prevent your opponent from playing any Items during
the next turn via Quaking Punch. Dragonite (BW:
Plasma Freeze 83/116) had its season of popularity
because of how potent Item lock is, even when executed
via an attack. Being able to fuel it with two manual
Energy attachments or one Double Colorless Energy
means it will have potential not only in its own decks,
but in a wide variety of decks. Early games it protects
your own set-up, slows your opponent’s and chips away at
the HP of whatever said opponent has Active. Any other
time it can still be played, powered up, and promoted to
try and buy time.
Possibly, it could anchor its own deck; as it blocks
Items, your opponent will need an Ability or Lysandre
to force it out of the Active slot (Lysandre
being more likely) and end the effect of the attack… but
most decks don’t run the former and only one or two of
the latter (which also costs them their Supporter for
the turn). Being just a big, Basic Pokémon,Seismitoad-EX
has room for a lot of possible support, including
options you would normally avoid because they are too
vulnerable as Items are being blocked. I can see a sort
of Quad Seismitoad deck that runs heavy disruption (Hypnotoxic
Laser, Crushing Hammer, etc.) in an effort to
slowly pick the opponent away. I can see a build that
backs Seismitoad up with a variety of useful
Bench-sitters, including the aforementioned Mr. Mime
to protect them. I can definitely see a Garbotoxin
backed build, as without Items or Abilities, many decks
will grind to a halt. Lastly, I could see trying this
with Team Plasma Support and Team Plasma Badge;
your opponent won’t be able to discard Team Plasma
Badge with an Item due to the effects of Quaking
Punch, allowing you to not only tap into Colress
Machine/Plasma Energy for another way of
powering it up in a single turn, but Deoxys-EX
for extra damage.
So what’s the problem? We don’t know the future, and
more and more decks have a few useful non-Item power
plays, like Lysandre, that could completely wreck
the Item-Lock this deck has going. Plus with the low
base damage, your opponent may simply set up with manual
draws and Supporters before you take enough Prizes to
have secured the win. Grass-Types might see a spike in
play. There are many paths that lead to Seismitoad-EX
not living up the the hype. All in all, I think it will
be a pretty potent force in Modified, whether with what
we’ve got or what we will have. Ratings
N/A - It won’t be legal for another seven and a half
weeks, give or take a few days. If it were and the
format is still around, I would give it a 4.5/5 but be
surprised neither if it proved more or less formidable.
5/5 - It is a big, Basic Pokémon-EX: just take it, add
39 non-Basic Pokémon, and go for it! Grenade Hammer
can’t damage Benched Pokémon that aren’t there, and
while the Item lock won’t matter much, you can probably
take four Prizes at least a turn before your opponent
takes down Seismitoad-EX.