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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
July 22, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.25
Limited: 3.56
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Machamp (Furious Fists)
Furious Fists (as the name suggests) is to Fighting
Pokémon what Dark Explorers was to the Dark Type. In
other words, it contains some powerful Fighting Pokémon,
plus a ton of support.
Machamp falls squarely into the ‘support’ category. It
does have a
semi-usable attack, Machamp Crush (the Pokémon
equivalent of ‘Hulk Smash’?) which does 80
for three Fighting Energy and
has a damage-reduction effect, but if you are using
Fighting Pokémon, you can do a whole lot better
elsewhere. The main attraction for this card is most
definitely the Ability.
Fighting Fury gives each of your Fighting Pokémon’s
attacks an extra 20 damage.
That’s a considerable boost, and when you combine it
with other support cards (Muscle Band, plus other new
set stuff), you can soon be doing some serious
OHKO-style damage for relatively little cost. The
Ability ‘stacks’ too, so you get +20 for every Machamp
you have on the Field.
Will Machamp see some play then? Looking into my next
format crystal ball (which like everyone else’s is
notoriously unreliable), I
would have to say that I’m not convinced. It’s not that
Machamp isn’t good; it’s just that with all the other
support, plus the already-powerful attacks, I don’t see
why Fighting decks would need to clunk themselves up
with a Stage 2 line, plus Rare Candy. However, I haven’t
done all the maths yet, so it may be that people will
sneak a tech Champ or two in their decks if they find
that common attacks leave them 10-20 damage short of a
KO on a routine basis. As with all
these preview cards, it’s a case of wait and see.
Modified: 2.5 (good Ability, but is it needed?)
Limited: 1.75 (too difficult to get out for what it

aroramage |
Welcome to another exciting review
from the upcoming Furious Fists set! Today we're gonna
look at the OG four-armed wrestling champion of the
world, Machamp!
Machamp in the past has had a wide
variety of effects, from having a chance to survive hits
to just sweeping away Pokemon. In recent years, he
hasn't had a big impact on the scene, but that might
change with this latest addition to the pack!
His attack is a hefty 3 Fighting
Energy, which is difficult to muster without
acceleration; still Machamp Crush deals a nice 80 damage
and reduces damage by 40 to itself, which is better than
most reductions from similar attacks and might even save
your life. Combine this attack with the new special
Fighting Energy and maybe even the new Fighting Stadium,
and this attack could do major damage!
But why waste Machamp as an
attacker when it's clear from his better-than-last-time
Ability that he should sit this one out? Fighting Fury
is the Ability that'll make Fighting decks run Machamp,
as it boosts the power of all Fighting Pokemon's moves
by another 20 damage to the Active Pokemon. Now if
you're just looking at Machamp (who does qualify for his
own Ability, mind you), that means that Machamp Crush is
doing 100 damage prior to Stadium and Energy boosts -
and that's pretty solid! But what if you combine that
with Pokemon like Groudon-EX (DEX), Landorus-EX (BCR),
Terrakion-EX (DRX), or how about Rhyperior (XY),
Barbaracle (FLF), or just work with the newer Fighting
guys coming out in the set? There's no shortage of
Fighting-types you can combine Machamp's Ability with!
Now this Ability is reminiscent of
another Pokemon in recent history: Deoxys-EX. Now Deoxys-EX
only gave a 10-point boost to Plasma Pokemon attacks,
but he got the chance to be a Basic Pokemon. And that's
the main difference: you could run 4 Deoxys-EX in a
Plasma Deck to get up to 40 damage for each attack, but
you can't really run 4 Machamps in a Fighting Deck and
expect to consistently get 80 damage for each attack,
nice as that is on paper.
Still Machamp provides a larger
boost overall, and combined with the Energy and Stadium
from the new set, Fighting Decks are going to have an
offensive overhaul that could potentially make up for
their slow but steady nature. How hard do you think it
is to comeback from an attack that costs 1 Energy and is
dealing 70-90 damage while you're still working on
getting out your Energy for an attack? And that's why
Machamp is going to be a big supporter in the upcoming
Modified: 3.5/5 (he's going to
bring Fighting decks the power they need!)
Limited: 4.5/5 (never mind the
attack is already preventing 40, the fact that it's
getting an extra 20 on top of whatever else you attach
to him is going to decimate the competition here!)
Arora Notealus: I dunno, I think "Machamp
Crush-er" would've been slightly better than "Machamp
Crush," but at least they didn't go with the obvious "Machamp
Next time: Machamp tags out to
bring in his best partner!

Otaku |
This week we are reviewing five cards
from the not-yet-released XY: Furious
Fists. These cards won’t be
tournament legal until September 3rd, if
I counted right (August 13th release
date plus 21 days), and outside of
Pre-Releases and apparently a
Charizard-EX Gift Box that went on sale
in (some) European locations, you won’t
have English language cards of it until
the Pre-Releases at the earliest. That
means this is going to be almost pure
speculation; by the time these cards are
legal, we should have learned of the set
rotation and probably have already
experienced it… but as of writing this,
neither when nor what will be rotated
has been announced!
(XY: Furious Fists 46/111) is the
first Fighting-Type from this set we are
looking at; this may be appropriate
because its Ability (more on that later)
is a piece of Fighting-Type support.
This set provides Fighting-Types with
both actual support like Strong
Energy (Special Energy that can only
be attached to Fighting-Types and grants
+20 to their attacks’ damage) and
pseudo-Type support that isn’t
technically limited to them but is
likely to favor them, Landorus (XY:
Furious Fists 58/111), a big, Basic
Pokémon that can hit for 20 and attach a
basic Energy card from the discard pile
for just [F]. In terms of Weakness and
Resistance, Fighting is among the most
common Types for both, but Resistance
itself is far less common than Weakness
and far less significant to damage
calculation, so its a very good deal in
the end.
Being a Stage 2 Pokémon is definitely
still drawback, but it can be managed.
150 HP is good, often enough to survive
a hit if “big damage” isn’t the deck’s
“thing”. Psychic Weakness has been and
remains an issue; Mewtwo-EX and
Deoxys-EX will take Machamp
down hard, and Mewtwo-EX is
likely due a spike in play because we’ll
be seeing more Psychic Weak
Fighting-Types thanks to this set. A
Retreat Cost of two isn’t great, but if
you have to pay it is isn’t too bad, and
in most competitive decks you won’t have
to pay.
The Ability is why I believe this card
will see play; Fighting Fury provides a
+20 boost to damage from attacks by your
Fighting Types before applying
Weakness and Resistance and unlike
Deoxys EX, it applies to Machamp
itself as well. Each copy is good for
+20, but getting (and keeping) multiple
Machamp in play is a serious
challenge. The Landorus
mentioned earlier would find itself able
to do 40 while accelerating Energy or
100 with its larger attack (that
normally does only 80 and falls shy of
the OHKO/2HKO threshold).
actually has a solid attack in Machamp
Crush: 80 for three is just a little
underpowered, especially as all three
Energy requirements are Fighting. The
Ability bumps this to a solid 100 for
three… plus the effect of the attack
reduces the damage you take from attacks
by the opponent’s Pokémon, good for -40
to damage also before Weakness
and Resistance. That means a
Psychic-Type hitting Machamp for
40 would do zero points of damage, a
significant change from the 40 it would
still do if the reduction applied after
or the 80 it would do without the effect
at all!
Looking at related cards, the new
Machop (XY: Furious Fists
44/111) is a slight improvement over the
only other Standard Legal option (BW:
Plasma Blast 47/101) due to +10 HP
while the new Machoke on par
Machoke (BW: Plasma Blast
48/101): same everything but Retreat
Cost and the old Machoke has two
attacks instead of just one, but the net
result is probably even. Use the new
Machop and whichever Machoke
you prefer, plus Rare Candy.This
card seems to demonstrate some learning
on the part of the card designers for
this game. Machamp (BW:
Plasma Blast 50/106) is… kind of
underwhelming, and I only am mentioning
it to point out that you will not
want to bother using it alongside
today’s card: 10 less HP, 1 more to
retreat, and two overpriced/underpowered
On the other hand BW: Plasma Blast
49/106 you still shouldn’t bother
running, but the “why” is what matters:
its attack was also overpriced, but of
relevance is its Ability that allowed
Fighting-Types to ignore Resistance. A
complaint I made (but sadly not in a
posted CotD) pointed out what many of us
realized; ignoring Resistance is only
good for a situational +20 points of
damage… but an Ability should be worth a
flat +20 to everything! Lo and behold,
we get today’s card.
So a Fighting deck built using
Machamp as as a backer seems like a
winning proposition. I won’t claim it
is a guaranteed path to success; perhaps
it will turn out that a different Stage
2 is more beneficial to the same
attackers, or that for the same amount
of space Machamp requires its
just better to run another means of
damage boosting. The reason I believe
Machamp is going to prove worth it
is that it works in addition to
what is probably already going to be in
the decks; you’ll reach new damage highs
because you’re already going to try to
squeeze this in among cards like
Strong Energy, Muscle Band,
etc. It might just be something to bad
some solid big Basic Pokémon, or it
might be something to attack with
itself. The latter is quite unlikely
but with Landorus or perhaps even
Milotic (XY: Flashfire
26/106) to help that might not be quite
so farfetched.
As Machamp requires [FFF] to
attack and its Ability is only good for
Fighting-Types, either you’re going to
have to run it in a deck with mostly
basic Fighting Energy cards so it
(and Machop and Machoke)
can attack, a deck with a lot of
Fighting-Type Pokémon so its just being
used as a Bench-sitter to boost damage,
or of course both. As a Bench-sitter,
even a 1-1-1 line might be worth it, but
as an attack you want at least 2-2-2 to
justify how much of your deck’s Energy
will be needed to accommodate it. Odds
are still good, though, given how much
of this set is Fighting to begin with.
N/A - If this were legal for competitive
play right now, I would put it at about
a 3.5/5, because I think it has
potential but will largely be relying on
other Pokémon.
3.25/5 - Amazing here but only when you
get enough cards to support it or for it
to support.
Machamp should give at least some
Fighting-Types a serious boost, with the
possibility of anchoring a new deck.
Still when compared to the additional
draw, Energy acceleration, and
inexpensive attacks of current
competitive Stage 2 Pokémon, its success
is far from guaranteed… though its
appearance in at least the early rounds
of events probably is going to happen
until XY: Furious Fists starts to
feel old.

Chicago, IL |
Hello everybody! I am personally excited for this
week! We will be looking at cards from the next upcoming
set "Furious Fists". I'm actually pretty excited about
today's card, Machamp!
I will first start out with its stats. It is a stage
2 with 150 HP, really beefy since most stage 2's on
average are at 140 HP. Has the typical weakness to
Psychic so Mewtwo EX will pose a huge problem to this
card no matter if Machamp is powered up with its attack
in effect. A Mewtwo can do 160, an OHKO, even after a
Machamp Crush.
The ability, Fighting Fury, IMHO is going to be one
of the top abilities in the game next format. The
ability allows you to add 20 extra damage with any of
your fighting pokemon, including itself. Best part that
it stacks if you have multiple in play, similar to Team
Plasma's Deoxys Power Connect ability. Getting 2-3
Machamps out will make any fighting pokemon, from a
measly basic Landorus, Machop, Stunfisk, etc into a big
threats. Combining this card with Lucario EX seems like
the obvious combo for a pure fighting deck due to that
all of the fighting support in the set provide a lot of
Its attack, Machamp Crush, does 80 base damage (100
damage with its built in ability) for 3 fighting energy.
Its subpar for a stage 2 due to the fact that it can
only be fighting energy. The added effect reduces any
damage done to Machamp by 40 makes this attack
worthwhile, making it difficult for your opponent to hit
it with most pokemon, let alone OHKO it. With no energy
acceleration for fighting types except for Landorus in
this set, this attack will be pretty hard to set up
against some potential tier 1 decks next format.
But once you get it going, it's going to be very hard
to stop unless there is a Psychic type on the other
side. Popular cards that I can see taking on this card
easily given the proper circumstance is a Deoxys EX,
Mewtwo EX, or Genesect EX with a G Booster attached.
With so much fighting support within this set such as
Strong Energy, Fighting Stadium, Korrina, Focus Sash,
etc., it can OHKO most pokemon in the game with ease,
especially EXs. If you can set this card up before your
opponent can get their main attackers going or before
finding a counter to setting this it up, that could
spell good game to your opponent.
Modified: 3.5/5 - The only thing holding this card
back is that Machamp is a stage 2. Expect to see this
card in plenty of variants.
Limitied: 4.5/5 - Just a monster when you are able to
get it out and surprisingly enough, there is so much
support here.