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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Mega Lucario-EX
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
July 25, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.43
Limited: 3.94
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Mega Lucario EX (Furious
As we saw yesterday, Lucario
EX is a formidable Pokémon in and of itself. Considering
the awkwardness of Mega Evolution, it’s a serious
question whether or not the card actually
needs a Mega
at all. Let’s see what it has to offer.
Well, it does give a handy HP boost, as you would
expect. At 220 HP, anything bar
Mewtwo EX is going to find it a tough
proposition. There’s also Rising Fist, which upgrades
the base damage you can do to 140. It also has the
effect of discarding an Energy from the active Pokémon,
though with all the attack boosting available, it seems
that this will rarely matter as M
Lucario will be KOing
in one hit anyway, as you would expect of a Mega
On the face of it, it seems like the upgrades you get
are hardly worth skipping a turn that you could spend
smacking around Pokémon and drawing cards with Corkscrew
Punch. What may well make Lucario
EX necessary, however, is the existence of
Pyroar FLF with its immunity
to Basic Pokémon. Short of teching
in an evolved Fighting Pokémon (Donphan
PLS or Machamp seem the most likely candidates, and
Machamp is very slow), or using
Garbodor DRX, M Lucario
seems like the best solution, and I suspect that will be
the reason for its inclusion in decks.
Modified: 3 (probably wouldn’t get used much if it
wasn’t for Pyroar)
Limited: 3 (eh, regular Lucario
EX is more than enough)

aroramage |
That's right, no surprises here! We're back with the
mascot on the front of the Furious Fists box! It's Mega
Lucario-EX!! And he's ready to bring on the pain!
...or is he? Ever since their debut, Mega Evolutions in
the TCG haven't really been...good, save for a couple.
The biggest reason is that Mega Evolutions here have
this one little clause that renders them more as a
detriment most of the time: "When 1 of your Pokemon
becomes a Mega Evolution Pokemon, your turn ends."
That's it! No more Energy, no more Trainers, but most of
all no attack! And not attacking in today's world is a
pretty hefty cost, even for some of the biggest baddest
Pokemon cards to ever hit the scene!
So can MLucario-EX topple this pain with his single
attack? Actually, he just might! See, his Rising Fist
attack costs exactly the same as Lucario-EX's Somersault
Kick, 3 Fighting Energy, and since he's Fighting-type,
naturally all the support that you could use with
regular Lucario-EX can be used with MLucario-EX! That
includes Machamp from earlier and the new Energy and
It gets even better though: Rising Fist already does 140
damage to the Active Pokemon. Now most Pokemon-EX could
survive a blow like that - but not with the boosts and
support from before! Assuming we're adding about the
same average amount that we've been adding (which for
you non-math folk is about 40-60 damage, assuming at
least 2-3 damage-boosting elements are around), that
damage goes up to 180-200, KOing most non Mega Evolution
Pokemon instantly! Never mind that this attack also
discards an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon,
which is practically negligible in the face of this kind
of power - this Mega Evolution can really pack a punch!
But is it worth your turn? Is combining the power of
your attacks into one devastating punch worth
sacrificing a single turn? Well that depends on how
crafty you are on the turn you Mega-Evolve Lucario.
Sure, Lucario-EX could potentially do the same amount
with enough support, but MLucario-EX can get it done
with less resources AND with a discard that's sure to
keep opponents in check! So could swapping Lucario-EX
for a substitute and Mega Evolving him work in your
favor? It'll depend on the situation.
Still I wouldn't fault anyone for playing MLucario-EX if
they can. It's the same situation that any person
playing any other Mega Evolution Pokemon has - it's just
that MLucario-EX is probably more worth it than some
Modified: 3.5/5 (you'll have to play smart if you play
with him, but the potential is strong with this one)
Limited: 4.5/5 (hey, even ending one turn just to play a
huge behemoth that can potentially KO everything isn't
that bad)
Arora Notealus: In case you didn't know, Rising Fist is
the Japanese name of the Furious Fists set, kinda like
how Dragon MCharizard-EX's Wild Blaze attack is the
Japanese name of the Flashfire set. The more you know!
Next time: Wait a minute, you're not a fighter...are

Otaku |
Today’s first CotD is going to be a bit short, because
it is largely an add-on to yesterday’s: if you didn’t
read it, please click
and do so! M-Lucario-EX (XY: Furious Fists
55/111, 113/111) only differs from Lucario-EX in
that it is (of course) a Mega Evolution and not a Basic,
has 40 more HP, and has a different attack. While the
boost in HP is good, the Mega Evolution mechanic is
demanding, especially as Lucario-EX seems
positions to generate a decent chunk of advantage each
time it attacks, and Mega Evolving costs you a turn’s
attack plus access to the three attacks on Lucario-EX
(without appropriate combo options). As yesterday’s
reviews indicated, those attacks were kind of important.
The attack you get in exchange is pretty good, but not
great: for [FFF] Rising Fist scores a 140 points of
damage and discards an Energy from the opponent’s Active
Pokémon. Both the damage and the effect are good, it is
just that after all this effort you need to pull off a
OHKO. The combo opportunities open to this card (as a
Fighting-Type) make that actually quite feasible, but it
also means the Energy discard is often useless; a
different effect or of course a little more damage would
likely have been more useful.
I do not know if I would bother building a deck around
M-Lucario-EX, as the investment means you need to
pull off a OHKO against a Pokémon-EX ASAP to make sure
you at least break even. As Lucario-EX can
somewhat easily 2HKO the same targets, you aren’t really
coming out ahead by Mega Evolving (and the +40 HP is
easily erased by an opponent’s “extra” attack relative
to your own, thanks to said missed turn). All is not
lost, however; there are times when it will be worth the
hassle, like having an answer to other Mega Evolutions
and of course, to bypass Intimidating Mane as Pyroar
(XY: Flashfire 20/106) shows no signs of going
In Limited, first you’ve got to pull Lucario-EX,
and then you need to lack any other better non-Basic
Pokémon choices. The “+39” decks need to be mostly
Energy; missing an attachment can doom you. As long as
your opponent isn’t messing with your hand, that means
up to six cards can be non-Energy, and that is only if
you’re extremely conservative in approaching the deck
(and if you are, it might not be a suitable fit). The
fact that Lucario-EX draws doesn’t help much
(your hand might be too big to get the extra draw), but
the fact you’re likely already taking Prizes means you
can afford a few extra non-Energy draws.
Modified (BCR-On):
3.5/5 - I believe it can do just enough to have a place
in some Lucario-EX decks: being so specialized,
of course means that its much less potent outside of
said decks.
4.5/5 - If you’re fortunate enough to pull both, you’ll
almost certainly be best off running them both (along
with 38 other non-Basic Pokémon cards).
A good Mega Evolution, probably the best one yet. The
mechanic is still just so punishing that it can be hard
to tell.

Chicago, IL |
Hey everyone! Since we didn't have a COTD yesterday,
we're gonna make it up to you guys with two cards for
today! The first of the two that we will be reviewing
will be the Mega evolution of yesterday's card from
Furious Fists, M Lucario EX ! For this review, it will
be kind of short since we did Lucario EX yesterday.
First we will start off with it's stats. It sports 220
HP which is average for a Mega evolution pokemon. Has
the weakness to Psychic types but compared to its prior
evolution, it would take more work to try to take down
this card in one hit. Lastly, has a retreat cost of 2
which isn't terrible.
Just like the other Mega evolution Pokemon, it has one
attack but a somewhat decent one, Rising Fist. For 3
Fighting Energy, it does 140 damage and assuming the
defending pokemon survives, you get to discard an energy
attached to it. Due to the damage it does, this will
OHKO any stage 2 pokemon or anything with a Fighting
weakness. The discarding energy effect does prove handy
when it comes to other EX pokemon. It forces the
opponent to either reattach energy just to get at least
one more attack off or refocus their energy attachment
elsewhere which gives you one free shot at their
severely weakened pokemon. And this is all considered
without any additional damage you could do with other
cards such as Strong Energy, Muscle Band, Fighting
Stadium, etc. With all of those cards considered,
anything playable in the format can be OHKO with ease as
long as you are able to set up this beast.
I am not as high on this card as I was for Lucario EX
due to the Mega evolution rule, especially since Lucario
EX is best played with a lot of speed but I do deem it
necessary to play due to popular counters to EX pokemon
in general (Pyroar w/ Intimidating Roar). Seeing that
Lucario EX being paired with Landorus EX will probably
be the most popular choice to play, this card will see a
bit more play there. Landorus can put damage all around
the board early or mid game such as hitting the Fighting
resistant Yveltal EX or just regular EXs.That will allow
M Lucario EX OHKO just about anything even at its base
attack damage it can deal.
Modified 3.75/5 (It definitely doesn't hurt to play 1 or
even 2 in your deck depending on how you want to play
your own Lucario build.)
Limited 2.5/5 (Only because you rather focus on the
regular EX with its versatility in attacks. Getting it
out here is more of a victory cigar at that point.)