Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Magnetic Storm
Bit of a strange one for you today . . . for some reason
or other, Pokémon have seen fit to reprint an eight year
old Stadium from the Hidden Legends set. Unlike some
other reprints we have seen recently Magnetic Storm is
practically a forgotten card, which was never exactly
brilliant back in the day (to be fair, it had some
serious competition from a lot of other great Stadiums).
In fact, this reprint is more like an upgrade. While the
original only prevented the effect of Resistance on
Psychic and Fighting attacks, today’s new, improved
version just cancels Resistance altogether. It could be
kind of useful in certain situations and with certain
decks, but overall Resistance just doesn’t play a very
large part in Pokémon any more. For a start, relatively
few Pokémon even have a Resistance, and attacks are so
powerful these days that it hardly seems to matter when
they do.
I guess Magnetic Storm could function as a kind of
‘neutral’ Stadium in decks that just want to kick other
Stadiums off the Field (Virbank
City Gym, for example). After all, our beloved Tropical
Beach will most likely rotate out of Modified soon.
It’s unlikely to hurt and on rare occasions may
even help.
Modified: 2 (it’s something to bear in mind for the
future, but right now, decks just don’t need this card)
Limited: 2 (most likely to be harmless deck filler here

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
Magnetic Storm.
Unlimited 150 review.
Once again, the Black & White-on design team has decided
to rewrite the text on an old card instead of just
making a new one. Previously, Magnetic Storm only
affected the attacks of Fighting and Psychic Pokémon,
which in a way made it better. If you built a deck using
those as your main types then it’d be unlikely your
opponent would get as much use out of it as you do. With
the new version removing all resistances it affects both
players equally. All this said, Resistance doesn't play
nearly as big a part in games as Weakness and even fewer
decks will use this new version.
1.5 (A downgrade to its old version. Resistance isn’t
important enough to dedicate a Stadium to, especially in
such an open meta.)