Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a new week of reviews here on
CotD. We have a mixed bag for you this week: some
overrated cards, some underrated cards, and a couple
that I’ve never heard anyone
would be a card that falls into the latter category.
It’s a low HP Stage 1, which doesn’t help its case, but
it does have an ok attack in the shape of Torment which
does 20 for one Colourless Energy and lets you disable
one of the Defending Pokémon’s attacks. Seems pretty
good against Pokémon that only have one attack (or one
good one) such as Darkrai
EX, Thundurus EX,
Keldeo EX etc, but the truth
is that there are quite a few Pokémon in the format with
an Amnesia-style attack (Infernape
PLS, Golduck BCR, for
example), and they never work because the solution is as
easy as retreating for another attacker. Most of the
time, it will be no more than a minor annoyance that
does no significant damage.
Couple this with a very mediocre second attack (vanilla
three-for-70) and you it’s not surprising that
Simisage has slipped into
the format pretty much unnoticed and we are left with
yet another in a long series of utterly forgettable
cards featuring the BLW Monkey Trio.
Modified: 1.75 (now you know about it, feel free to
forget about it)
Limited: 3.25 (I rather like Torment here as it’s a lot
harder to deal with and the low damage
output isn’t so terrible)

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
We’ve seen a lot of the elemental monkeys since they
were released in Black & White and here they are again
in the XY base set… is anyone else sick of them yet?
Clogging up a rare slot in the set is another mediocre
Simisage. There has been some use for attacks like
Torment in the past (Sableye from Crystal Guardians
springs to mind as a handy tech during its time in
Standard) but it’s just not useful right now. There’s
plenty of Pokémon with just 1 useful attack, Torment
shuts down Pokémon like Lugia EX for example. But coming
off a Stage 1 with 90 HP and dealing only 20 damage
isn’t too useful, it doesn’t even set up a 2 hit KO with
its second 70 damage attack. Even if it does lock a
Pokémon out of attacking, so many decks play ways to
switch their Pokémon like Keldeo EX and Float Stone.
It is one of the better Simisage, but that isn’t saying
Unlimited 150.
Even in a format where it doesn’t have to compete
with 180 HP Basic Pokémon, Simisage still can’t find its
place. It doesn’t have any good versions of itself to
team up with and there’s little synergy between the 3
different Black & White monkey Pokémon. If you really
must play them, your best bet is to try and abuse the
cheap damage on the Next Destinies versions but as far
as Stage 1 Grass types go you’d be better off with
something like Tangrowth.
Standard: 1
Unlimited 150: 1