Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
We end the week with another card that tries to do what
other cards do, only worse.
is a Stage 2, so it would take a lot to make it
playable. Unfortunately, all it has to offer are a
couple of attacks that will cause most players to
experience some déjŕ vu. Bite Off, which is effectively
the same as Bouffalant DRX’s
Gold Breaker, does 60 damage plus 60 more if the
Defending Pokémon is an EX.
Bouffalant has always seen a reasonable amount of
play since its release, but that’s because it’s a Basic
and therefore uses resources so much more efficiently
than Stoutland. I can make
the same point about Stoutland’s
other attack, Wild Barking. For four Energy, this does
80 damage plus 20 to a Benched Pokémon, so essentially
it is a worse version of Genesect
EX’s Megalo Cannon, or a
downright terrible variation on
Darkrai EX’s Night Spear, depending on how you
want to look at things.
If Stage 2s are ever going to be playable as main
attackers, they will have to do a lot better than this.
Why should anyone run Basics
Evolutions and
Rare Candy to do the same things that a Basic can do?
That would make no sense at all.
Modified: 1.5 (superfluous)
Limited: 2 (Colourless is always a bonus, but there are
many better things to use)

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
Unlimited 150 review.
Stoutland from Boundaries Crossed has a very powerful
Supporter locking Ability, especially powerful
considering Supporters are often seen as a safe way to
draw cards as opposed to the more commonly lockable
options of Trainers and Abilities. Running a 1-1-1 line
as your main Pokémon is obviously not a good idea though
and Stoutland could do with some more good versions to
support it.
The XY version is ok, it has a very respectable 140 HP
and one decent attack. Bite Off isn’t very good value as
a 60 for 3 attack but against an EX, 120 seems much
better. A Laser or Crobat G turns this into 130 for just
the right number to KO popular “EX” Pokémon like Kyurem
and Reshiram. Stoutland from Black & White would have
been a decent card to add to the deck for Odor Sleuth
but Giga Impact cripples it and the Dark Explorers one
takes too much Energy for too little effect meaning the
XY version comes it 2nd place for Stoutland
3 (Good HP, OK attacks. Decent as some muscle to back up
Boundaries Crossed Stoutland)