Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Mr Mime (XY)
Fun Fact: I was looking up decks from German Nationals
the other day, and I discovered that Mime is called ‘Pantimos’
in Germany. That’s awesome, and so is the lovely
background art for this card. Unfortunately, even the
best artwork couldn’t disguise how poor this Mr Mime is:
a low HP unevolving Basic
with two rubbish attacks.
The first, Massage, heals 60 damage
from one of your Benched Pokémon. Not only is
this not worth using an attack for (we have various
Potions to do that job), but it costs TWO Energy, which
is a pretty ridiculous waste of resources, even assuming
that you get the chance to use it. Sacrifice a Prize (it
will get
KO’d), an attack, and two Energy to heal 60? No thanks.
Slap Down, the offensive option, is just as unappealing.
Three Energy for 40 damage
plus a couple of coin flips that could bump it up to 80?
That’s just terrible.
Mr Mime is really just a filler card, no-one should even
think about using him.
Modified: 1.25 (prettyful
filler is still filler)
Limited: 1.5 (only if you’re desperate for something to
put in your deck)

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
Unlimited 150 review.
Mr.Mime has some of the most useful
cards in the whole format, there’s the Plasma Freeze
version that shields your bench from all attack damage
and the ubiquitous Jungle version that’s incredibly
difficult to 1 Hit KO, a staple in any Psychic deck!
His Fairy type debut isn’t nearly
as impressive though. Massage is the sort of effect you
want on a Trainer or Supporter, not to use you turn’s
attack up on. Slap Down can do a good 80 for 3… on 2
heads, like most flippy attacks it’s just not worth
investing energy in an attack that can backfire.
Rating: 1 (It doesn’t really
do anything. If you love Mr. Mime there are much better