Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Out of the two weird new Fairy Stage 1 things,
Aromatisse has got all the
TCG love, thanks to its Energy Trans style Ability.
Slurpuff, however, is based
on a meringue, and that’s so random that it verges on
awesome. Its TCG debut isn’t terrible either.
Like Aromatisse,
Slurpuff is a weak Stage 1
with a rubbish attack, and you would only ever put it in
a deck because of its Ability: Sweet Veil. Really, this
is a variation on Virizion
EX’s Verdant Wind and it prevents any of your Pokémon
from being affected by Special Conditions . . . as long
as they have a Fairy Energy attached, that it.
Blocking Special Conditions is a very useful Ability to
have: it stops Hypnotoxic
Laser’s Poison and Sleep effects, plus
Accelgor DEX’s annoying
Paralysis plus Poison. The fact that you can get it from
a high HP Basic, though, means that there isn’t much of
an incentive to actually use
Slurpluff. Even Fairy decks tend to run toolbox
style with Rainbow and Prism Energy, and this means that
they can, and will, run Virizion
in preference to the actual Fairy card that was designed
for them.
If pure Fairy decks ever become a thing, then maybe
Slurpuff will find its way
into some of them. For now though, it’s kind of
Modified: 2.5 (nice Ability, but
Virizion does it better)
Limited: 2.5 (could be useful, but you would need to
base a deck around Fairy/Colourless Pokémon
to make it work)

Intro to
Unlimited 150 |
Unlimited 150 review.
I’ve practically reviewed Slurpuff
several times, it’s kind of hard not to talk about it
when you’re discussing any of the Fairy Pokémon in the
set. It’s not quite as good as the other Stage 1 Ability
Fairy, Aromatisse. It does have its uses though.
Being immune to Special Conditions
is often useful, whether you need to cure after a
Hypnotoxic Laser or a Beedrill keeps Paralysis locking
your Pokémon. To make sure you’re getting maximum usage
out of your Slurpuff though you want to be the one
causing the Special Conditions! There’s the well-known
Skuntank G that can Poison all non-SP Active Pokémon if
you have a Stadium in play and Wigglytuff (Great
Encounters) that puts all Active Pokémon to sleep, even
more useful now Wigglytuff has Fairy type cards too!
I’ve only talked about its Ability
so far… but that’s just about the only notable thing
about this card. The only problem I can see with a Fairy
deck is that it will fill its Bench up with lots of
awesome utility Pokémon that are useless in any other
way leaving them vulnerable to spread decks and cards
like Dusknoir (Diamond & Pearl) or Palkia G LV.X.
Rating: 3.5 (A nice Ability
makes it playable, a shame it doesn’t share a Basic with