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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Phantom Forces
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 19, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.25
Expanded: 3.17
Limited: 3.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
You ever wanted a version of Garbodor that was easier
to get out, didn't require a Tool, and could go in the
Active slot? Congratulations, you now have a shiny new
Wobbuffet! Isn't that wonderful?
Wobbuffet's Bide Barricade is probably the most
interesting part of him, since all Psychic Assault does
is deal 10 damage plus another damage counter for every
damage counter already on the Active Pokemon (read: 10
damage more for every 10 damage on). It costs 2, though
with Dimension Valley that cost can go down to just 1
Psychic Energy, so that's notable.
But with such a weak attack, why would you want
Wobbuffet in the Active Slot? Probably because his
Ability shuts down everything, and I mean everything!
All Pokemon in play lose their Abilities, all Pokemon in
each player's hand lose their Abilities, even Pokemon in
the discard pile lose their Abilities (the noteworthy
example being Exeggcute). There are only two parts that
make this noteworthy:
1) this Ability is only Active as long as Wobbuffet is
the Active Pokemon
2) this does NOT affect Psychic Pokemon
From this set along, that includes Chandelure (who has a
50/50 of KOing anyone who KOs him), Gourgeist (who gets
an extra 100 HP if he's got Grass Energy attached) and
Crobat (who can deal 30 damage to any Pokemon when he
gets put in play). On top of that, a great noteworthy
Ability is Dusknoir's Sinister Hand, which can move the
damage counters around on your opponent's Pokemon as you
please, which can set-up Wobbuffet's Psychic Assault
rather nicely!
You'd think with such an all-encompassing Ability that
Wobbuffet would be a terrifying threat - and to be
honest, against most decks he is! But there's a
particularly popular Pokemon that deals with Abilities
quite readily, and he happens to be a Psychic Pokemon:
Garbodor. Even though Wobbuffet negates most of the
Abilities around, an opposing Garbodor will remain
unaffected simply because of Wobbuffet's exception,
which in turn makes Wobbuffet useless. An allied
Garbodor isn't much better, since you're effectively
just running another Wobbuffet that covers your bases -
and that's probably where it all comes down.
Wobbuffet does a LOT for a Basic Pokemon, but Garbodor
will usually do the job better. Each of them has their
own strengths and weaknesses, but while Wobbuffet has to
be Active to make things work, Garbodor can sit anywhere
so long as he's got a Tool. Be wary though, cause you
might see folks tech a Wobbuffet in as they set-up for
their Garbodors - and that could make or break the game!
Standard: 3/5 (a powerful Ability that early-game will
be trouble, but you might as well play Garbodor for
Expanded: 3/5 (same here)
Limited: 3.5/5 (Aegislash-EX is probably the most
noteworthy Ability to watch out for, but it wouldn't
hurt to have a nice starter nullifying Abilities)
Arora Notealus: Wobbuffet's a strange Pokemon, taking
all these units in order to use their power against an
opponent. Combined with Shadow Tag, he's pretty hard to
beat! The TCG folks have tried capitalizing on different
aspects of Wobbuffet, using Abilities to increase
Retreat Costs and attacks like Counter, Countercharge,
and Double Return that all deal damage back to the
opponent in some manner. Guess it'd be a bit much if
Wobbuffet had an Ability that dealt double damage, am I

Otaku |
This week we are covering the cards that made at least one
individual reviewer’s Top 10 list but not the shared
Pojo Top 10 list: in short its “Runners Up” Week. The
cards are not being reviewed in the order in which they
placed but in the order that seemed best for review
Today we cover Wobbuffet (XY: Phantom Forces 36/119).
It is a Psychic-Type, allowing it to access Type
support like Dimension Valley and exploit
Weakness on many Psychic-Types and Fighting-Types,
though you will have to deal with Resistance on nearly
all Metal-Types and Darkness-Types. Being a Basic is
still the best… and I know that seems pretty obvious but
long before many of you likely played, being a
non-Evolving Basic was actually the weakest (though
before that it was also still the best - go figure).
Anyway, easiest Stage to get into play, takes the least
space, many things are just more effective for them
(like scoop-up effects), and they even has additional
support in Expanded with the only real counter being
Pyroar (XY: Flashfire 20/106) and its
Intimidating Mane (though that is both Standard and
Expanded legal).
Wobbuffet sports a very
solid 110 HP. This isn’t outside of OHKO territory; I’d
say it is still fairly probable with survival mostly
owing to an opponent with an incomplete set-up… but
you’re only out a Basic Pokémon and a single Prize (plus
whatever is attached to Wobbuffet). It does
suffer from Psychic Weakness as one would expect (well,
ignoring how things work in the video games): this is
dangerous because Mewtwo-EX is Mewtwo-EX;
still a fairly common back-up attacker. The lack of
Resistance is pretty common, and reducing the damage you
take from one Type by 20 is a small bonus compared to
how crippling Weakness can be. The two Energy Retreat
Cost is high enough you won’t want to pay it but low
enough you often can and as usual, decks are likely to
include an alternative to manually retreating at full
Next we come to the main thing about Wobbuffet that
impresses people: its Ability, Bide Barricade. This
Ability turns off other Abilities when Wobbuffet
is Active except on Psychic-Type Pokémon. This
is quite intriguing, because it gives you the
possibility of shutting off some Abilities but not all
of them. Keep in mind that Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted
54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116; BW:
Legendary Treasures 68/113) it itself a
Psychic-Type: Garbotoxin completely trumps Bide
Barricade. Also, Wobbuffet needs to be Active,
some Abilities only really matter while the Pokémon
bearing them is itself Active, either not functioning at
all on the Bench or with diminished or next to no
purpose on Benched Pokémon (though again, Psychic-Types
don’t have to worry at all).
has just one attack - Psychic Assault - which does 10
points of damage plus another 10 for each damage counter
on the Active Pokémon. It requires [PC] to use. Two
Energy for this effect is kind of steep; attacks like
this are designed to be exploits; you drop a (relatively
disposable) Basic Pokémon and attack to take a Prize,
either because you made a favorable trade or you’re
desperate enough that its still better than the
The attack has an odd sort of synergy with the Ability
in that they almost have no connection… but that also
means they prove useful under different circumstances.
Facing a deck with no Abilities? Psychic Assault can
still be helpful. Facing a matchup where you have to
score OHKOs (either because of healing shenanigans or
simply because your deck is able to take them easily)?
You still might benefit from shutting down Abilities.
Of course sometimes they will have overlapping usage
and sometimes neither will be beneficial. There are no
Standard or Expanded legal Wynaut to cover, and
since they didn’t take the gap between TCG eras to reset
start releasing Wobbuffet as a Stage 1, who knows
when they’ll release one and how it will or won’t
interact with Wobbuffet. There is one other
option for Wobbuffet though: BW: Boundaries
Crossed 58/149). The differences between the two
are pretty easy to spot; 20 less HP and just a single
attack - Headbutt Bounce - that costs [PPC] and only
does 60 points of damage, so skip it.
So how should we use this card? If it made at least one
list and was selected as a Runner-Up, there has to be
something, right? Indeed; just about any deck can
consider it in theory as you can toss it up front and
disable the Abilities on all non-Psychic-Type Pokémon.
It would likely be a stalling tactic as without a means
of damaging the Defending Pokémon (preferable to
whatever is needed for a Psychic Assault KO) the
offensive prospects are bleak. Still it would be useful
sometimes, particularly when something of your own is
KOed between turns going into your own turn and you’ll
be shutting off opposing Abilities of at least some
importance. This leads to the more obvious use I think;
combo this with porter style attackers, like Donphan
(BW: Plasma Storm 72/135). Yes such decks
already have multiple options, but this one is certainly
another worth considering. I think there is one final,
major use for it: decks that use Dimension Valley.
Second Strike becomes a lot more useful when it costs
only [P]: you might not pull ahead in Prizes very
easily, but its good for “damage control” (only risk one
additional Prize and Energy instead of even more) and of
course, clever play can make sure you win “trades”, at
least in the correct deck.
3.5/5 - A composite score; in certain decks it very
valuable, but for general its probably a little below
average… and in most cases you only need one or two
3.5/5 - I can think of no reason why it should fare
worse here, though neither can I think of a good reason
to rate it higher. Of course I am still learning this
format so if porter and/or Dimension Valley decks
just don’t work as well here, I have overrated the card.
4.8/5 - Another card that you need a good reason to
not run. Obviously, leave it out of decks built
around a single, bit Basic Pokémon (its not strong
enough for its own +39 build). There are not a lot of
Abilities to shut off but there are a few, Psychic
Assault is more valuable (and most decks should be able
to make room for a few Psychic Energy even if
this is the only Pokémon that needs it) and 110 HP Basic
you can “sacrifice” is also a useful trick here. Even
if your own deck has an Ability that will get shut off,
this is often a format where you need to make such trade
Wobbuffet is an interesting card with actual
competitive merit, though its general prospects are
poor. Porter decks with their hit-and-run style tactics
or decks that can pay for Psychic Assault with ease are
likely to include it as a single and possibly a double.
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Phantom Forces)
In the video game,
Wobbuffet’s job is to be a very
annoying wall. That concept has found
its way into the TCG . . . somewhat,
has just-about-decent 110 HP and his
Psychic Assault attack could be usable
in certain situations when facing a
heavily-damaged Defending Pokémon, but
the main reason you would push him into
the Active slot is his Bide Barricade
Ability. When he
is Active, this blocks the Abilities
of all non-Psychic
Now there is a fair amount of good stuff
that Wobbuffet
doesn’t shut down:
Trevenant XY, Mew EX,
Deoxys EX,
Dusknoir PLB
. . . as well as some obscure Pokémon
like Cofagrigus
PLF and Cresselia
EX that you don’t see much anyway.
However, there is still a fair amount of
work it can do against the likes of
PHF, Darkrai
EX, and Jirachi
EX to name but a few. Clearly, shutting
down Abilities is good news against some
decks, but why would you opt to use
Wobbuffet in
the Active position, when you can get a
much more coverage by Benching a
Well, in general, you wouldn’t.
Garbodor may
take up a lot more space with the Stage
1 line and a bunch of Tools, but on the
whole he does a much better job and
frees you up to use much better attacks
than Psychic Assault. The exception to
this is in decks that use punch-and-run
attackers like
Donphan PLS or
Gengar EX.
For these decks,
Wobbuffet acts as one of a number
of disruptive place-holders alongside
Safeguard Sigilyph
and Robo
Substitute which can be used as the
situation demands. Being able to shut
down your opponent’s Abilities on their
turn might be a very nice option to have
against a Metal/Bronzong
deck, for example.
I guess Wobbuffet
could also be used for general
stalling/disruption, but
the two Energy
Retreat cost and mediocre HP and
attack count against him. Still, he can
be a nice option in the right deck.
Modified: 3.25 (a bit limited, but some
decks will like him more than the big
trash bag)
Expanded: 3 (maybe another option for
Accelgor DEX
to use?)
Limited: 2.5 (Abilities aren’t huge
here, but you could get some use out of
the attack and HP)