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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Gengar EX
- Phantom Forces
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 21, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.42
Expanded: 3.25
Limited: 4.42
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
One of the most hyped cards from the set,
Gengar EX sure does have a
lot to offer. Why it didn’t make the top 10 list is a
question I’ll try to answer later. For now, let’s just
focus on the positives.
For a start, Gengar has two
nice attacks, which can be made very good value with
help from Dimension Valley. Night Attack’s damage
counter placement would be better if you could spread it
around as you liked, but could still be useful for
clearing stuff from the Bench. The main event here
though is Dark Corridor: a Punch-and-Run style attack
that does 60 damage
and inflicts
Poison before getting Gengar
back to (relative) safety.
Lots of combos and options for this attack: a Benched
Dragalge FLF would stop your
opponent from retreating
their Poisoned Pokémon, while Robo
Substitute, Wobbuffet PHF,
or Sigilyph LTR could all
cause problems if you promoted them to the active slot.
That 60 damage doesn’t seem so spectacular, but with
Poison, it soon adds up: if you use a Muscle Band and
run Virbank City Gym over
Dimension Valley, you will be getting two-hit KOs on
just about anything.
So, why were we leery of putting
Gengar in our top 10? Well, for a start, we
already have a deck that is very similar to
Gengar in the shape of
Donphan PLS and friends.
Sure, he doesn’t get the Poison bonus, but he
can abuse
Strong Energy and Fighting Stadium. Best of all,
Donphan isn’t an EX, so your
opponent is forced to try and take 6 Prizes against a
whole bunch of awkward cards like
Robo Substitute and Sigilyph.
The second reason is Typing. Gengar
is incredibly vulnerable when facing one of the most
popular cards in the game: Yveltal
EX. Yes, he can hide on the Bench, but that won’t save
him from Lysandre (now
re-usable with VS Seeker).
It’s unfortunate, really, because I think
Gengar decks would be real
contenders if it wasn’t for that Darkness Weakness. They
still might be if Yveltal
stops seeing so much play as it has recently. For now
though, I’d rather use Donphan.
Modified: 3.5 (nice card, shame about the Weakness)
Expanded: 3 (Dark Patch means that Dark is even more
popular here)
Limited: 4.25 (big EX with cheap-ish
attack. You pull it, you play it).

aroramage |
Welcome back to our final card of the week, one that's
been showing up a bit more than his cover counterpart,
it's the sneaky shadow who may or may not be a Clefable
(no seriously, lots of speculation, you should check
that out!), it's Gengar's turn to get the EX treatment!
And...well...at least he's got some awesome full art!
Truth be told when I saw the spoiler for Gengar-EX, I
was...disappointed. You're telling me after we got
Lucario-EX that we're stuck with just this guy? Even his
Mega version isn't that impressive, but that's a card
for another day. Let's figure out if there's a good
reason to play Gengar-EX!
His first attack of the night, aptly named Night Attack,
puts 3 damage counters on any opposing Pokemon that
you'd like. I mentioned the Zubat line in my review on
Dimension Valley a couple days ago, and I think its
usage can apply to Gengar-EX as well. Night Attack
basically acts like Crobat's Skill Dive without having
to go through the trouble of playing down the group.
Granted, if you do decide on playing the full evolution
line - which is probably one of the few lines I'd
actually think you'd want to use the Stage 1
evolution - you'll be able to deal damage not just from
attacks but also from Golbat and Crobat's
"upon-Evolving" Abilities!
But back to Gengar-EX's Night Attack - functions the
same as Skill Dive without the Stage 2 line-up. It could
be comboed with Dusknoir's Sinister Hand, another card I
mentioned before, but I'd think running one of those
lines over the other rather than both will lead to a
much more consistent build. The idea of course being
you'd use Gengar-EX to rack up a bunch of damage on
Pokemon and move it around freely as Dusknoir. Dimension
Valley makes it easier by making Night Attack cost
absolutely nothing, making it a free 3-damage attack!
Gengar-EX isn't exactly immortal though, so he's gonna
need a bigger trick than just throwing damage counters
at everyone like he's the Oprah Pokemon (YOU get damage
counters, and YOU get damage counters!). So he's next
big attack for 3 - or 2 if you've got Dimension Valley
around - is Dark Corridor, which only does...60 damage.
That's a rather paltry amount for an EX - Manectric-EX
does the same amount for an Energy less, and by the time
Lucario-EX has 3 Energy on him, he's dealing 100! I
think the designers really want Gengar-EX to use
Dimension Valley, cause they're pushing it really hard
with this set-up.
It's not to say Dark Corridor's a bad attack, but it
doesn't do too much. First off, it deals 60 damage,
which after a Muscle Band goes up to only 80 - that's
barely enough to 2HKO most Stage 2 Pokemon, let alone
get around to KO'ing the heftier Pokemon-EX. Sure, you
could Poison them with HTL, but Dark Corridor already
Poisons them. If anything, you'd be using HTL to put
them to Sleep, but if you're using HTL with Gengar-EX,
you're effectively making part of his attack redundant
and useless. Not to say it's not effective, but the
Poison text is there, so you've got the option to save
your HTL for something later.
The other half of Dark Corridor is that it switches
Gengar-EX with a Benched Pokemon. Perhaps you'd like to
switch out to another Gengar-EX, or maybe you can throw
out Mewtwo-EX or potentially even have Wobbuffet take
the brunt of an attack, negating your opponent's
Abilities during their turn before switching back to
Gengar-EX and doing it again!
...hey, that's not a half-bad idea! Except for the whole
"Garbodor is better" thing, but in this case, you can
actually negate Abilities during your OPPONENT'S turn
when it's actually needed before having Wobbuffet KO'd
or switching him out and turning on your Abilities
again! Granted, opposing Garbodors will negate all other
Abilities period, but it's a nice little combo with him
Coming back to Gengar-EX: on his own, he's a rather
dismal Pokemon-EX whose saving grace is only found in
his Fighting Resistance (that's SUPER-relevant to
today's format), but when he gets combined with a few of
his friends, he can actually start to pose a real
threat. He builds up an entirely new deck archetype, and
that may be the scariest thing of all.
What Gengar-EX deck would you build: one that deals
obscene amounts of damage all around for little to no
cost, or one that can control your opponent's ability to
use Abilities?
Standard: 3.5/5 (he's better in the right build than
being used on his own, and if anything he'll headline
the Psychic Revolution as much as Bronzong has with the
Rise of the Metal-Types)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (I imagine he'll do about the same here,
keeping in mind that he'll never get a chance to take
down Rayquaza-EX on his own without switching
around...then again, Wobbuffet combo...)
Limited: 4/5 (you run him if you've got him; even with
subpar amounts of damage-dealing, he's still a bulky
Pokemon that can inflict status and damage anything on
the field, so that's going to be pretty valuable here)
Arora Notealus: Some of Gengar's earlier entries talk
about him hiding up in the mountains to take people's
souls. Why a Gengar would hang out in the mountains is
beyond me...unless...maybe there's some truth to that
whole "Clefable" connection...
Weekend Thought: What do you think of the cards from
this week? Any interesting combinations you can think of
amongst this set's cards?

Otaku |
This week we’ve been covering the cards that made at
least one individual reviewer’s Top 10 list but not the
shared Pojo Top 10 list: in short its “Runners Up” Week.
The cards are not being reviewed in the order in which
they placed but in the order that seemed best for review
purposes. Also, it is November 21st which means that
XY: Phantom Forces is… not quite tournament legal.
I hate calling attention to it, but at least regular
readers (or those lucky enough to read this particular
review) will get the correct date of November 26th:
specifically, three weeks (21 days) after November 5th
(the official release date in the U.S. of this set).
Apparently I had a total brain fail and instead of
typing in 26 (5+21) I simply typed 21. My apologies for
such a simple error… that I failed to catch as I kept
copying and pasting (and occasionally editing) the same
block of intro text for the Top 10 list, and thus
committed 10 times in a row. We finish this week with
Gengar-EX (XY: Phantom Forces 34/119,
114/119), a card that… didn’t make any Top 10 list.
Wait, then why are we looking at it? Technicality; I
had M Gengar-EX (XY: Phantom Forces
35/119, 121/119) but it made the list as a personal
compromise (I didn’t want to list both on my list) and
in retrospect, I should have just gone with the Basic.
Between this and the mess-up on the legality date, I
think I’ve thoroughly undermined my own credibility.
Time for the review to really begin!
is a Pokémon-EX, which has some major drawbacks: its
worth an additional Prize when KOed, is target of
several anti-Pokémon-EX effects and there are a few
beneficial effects on cards that specifically exclude
Pokémon-EX. Most of the upsides aren’t guaranteed;
Pokémon-EX tend to have higher HP scores than a
“regular” version of that Pokémon, but a few are
relatively tiny and while most are intended to have
better effects than “regular” versions of the same
Pokémon, but there are plenty of misfires. The one
thing guaranteed so far is that anything that is a
Pokémon-EX but not a Mega Evolution is a Basic Pokémon,
which is a step up for Gengar-EX. Normally
Gengar are a Stage 2, the hardest to use Stage but
Gengar-EX gets to be a Basic instead, enjoying a
now formats long reign as the best Stage. It is a
Psychic-Type, and this is well timed; the previous set
boosted Fighting-Types, and one of the major Weaknesses
among Fighting-Types is Psychic Weakness. This set
boosted Psychic-Types so not only does Gengar-EX
benefit from added support (both direct and indirect),
but many Psychic-Types are also Psychic Weak. The only
real downside is that nearly all Darkness-Type and
Metal-Type Pokémon are Psychic Resistant: the former was
the first Type in the BW-era to get a boost (with some
support still Standard legal and all of it an option in
Expanded) while Metal-Types also got their due in XY:
Phantom Forces, making that Type one of the stronger
ones while also making it the “new toy” for a lot of
people to play with. All in all though it is good to be
a Psychic-Type Pokémon right now.
sports 170 HP; this is good but not the best we’ve seen
printed on Basic Pokémon-EX, but that max is just 10
more. Many decks will try to make sure they can at
least OHKO, even if it takes certain resources and isn’t
easy to do repeatedly, 170 HP Pokémon-EX even if they
can’t quite take down a 180 HP version… but in the end
it is hard to score said OHKO without a very good set-up
or by exploiting Weakness. The Weakness on Gengar-EX
is to Darkness-Types, and its quite the pain against
things like Yveltal-EX. I don’t think it is the
absolute worst Weakness in the format, but its not too
far removed from it. Gengar-EX does sport
Resistance, however, and its even of a useful sort:
Fighting Resistance is probably one of the most useful
to have right now, but Resistance as a whole is a much
weaker (and thus possibly balanced) mechanic in the
game. Gengar-EX sports a Retreat Cost of two;
this isn’t good but it isn’t really bad either. If
you’ve got to pay for it, you probably can without
completely ruining your set-up. Most decks already pack
something to aid in retreating (or bypass manually
retreating entirely) so its a fairly “neutral” attribute
sports two attacks. The first is Night Attack, which
requires [C] and allows you to select one of your
opponent’s Pokémon and place three damage counters on
it. The second attack is Dark Corridor; it requires
[PCC] and does 60 damage in addition to Poisoning the
opponent’s Active Pokémon and forcing you to
switch Gengar-EX with one of your Benched Pokémon
(unless you have none). Rulings indicate that you can
bring up a Pokémon protected by an effect like
Safeguard; as far as the game is concerned the effect is
one forcing Gengar-EX to the Bench, the natural
result of which is that you must promote something to
replace it. Both attacks are useful but also a bit
underwhelming. They are Double Colorless Energy
compliant; its overkill for the first attack but if you
attach a source of [P] Energy first, you can jump from
Night Attack to Dark Corridor without an awkward
“between” moment in terms of Energy.
Now, Gengar-EX can evolve into M Gengar-EX;
it gains 50 HP, drops its Retreat Cost by [C] and
replaces its two old attacks with one big, new one:
Phantom Gate. Phantom Gate costs [PCC] so it is no more
expensive than Dark Corridor. Using it allows you to
select one attack from your opponent’s Pokémon (Active
or Bench) and use it. Verified by rulings, you don’t
need to worry about the Energy cost of the copied attack
and you do as much of the attack as you can. It can get
a bit complicated so I encourage you to check out the
Rules Compendium or the Ask The Rules Team subforum over
on the
You can use Gengar Spirit Link (XY: Phantom
Forces 95/119) to avoid the nasty “Your turn ends
after you Mega Evolve” effect, which is definitely
recommended if you choose to use M Gengar-EX:
from what little I’ve seen its definitely an optional
play and may even be better to skip.
So if the attacks are good-but-not-great, what makes
this card worth using? So many combo elements. In some
ways, this set seems almost tailored to Gengar-EX.
You can use Dimension Valley to use Night Attack
for free or to drop the price of Dark Corridor down to
just [PC], but as that isn’t a huge savings (still two
attachments for Dark Corridor) most are likely to use
good ol’ Virbank City Gym instead, as you are
Poisoning the Defending Pokémon, after all. Using the
hit-and-run strategy other recent porter decks have been
developing for the last few sets, you’ve got quite the
selection of “dance partners”, from big, Basic Pokémon
with attacks that do more damage based on the damage
counters on said Pokémon to Safeguard Pokémon to soak
hits to Trevenant (XY 55/146) that we
much earlier this year
if you want to block your opponent from using Items.
This set added a lot to porter decks in general and a
few that are mostly just suited to Gengar-EX
based ones (if there). The new Wobbuffet (XY:
Phantom Forces 36/119) we just reviewed
is a choice, and can use new Mystery Energy (XY:
Phantom Forces 112/119): we haven’t reviewed it yet
but the short version is you can only attach it to
Psychic-Type Pokémon and only provides [P] while
reducing the Retreat Cost of the Pokémon it is attached
to by [CC]; that is enough for Gengar-EX,
Trevenant or Wobbuffet to retreat for free…
or you might just use Float Stone. I’ve also
heard some talk of using Dragalge (which we
looked at
to keep the opponent’s (now Poisoned) Pokémon from
retreating. You’ve got Robo Substitute to soak a
hit without giving up a Prize. The porter strategy is
solid, though some might prefer sticking to with other
options like Donphan (BW: Plasma Storm
3.25/5 - Porter decks are already a thing and its hard
to view Gengar-EX as its own thing instead of
just a different main attacker. Porter strategies are
very reliant on everything else in the deck as well, so
even as a deck specific rating, it doesn’t score that
high. It isn’t bad, but its definitely niche.
3.25/5 - Hate to sound like a broken record (and I’ve
probably used that expression multiple times for this
section already), but I’m not thinking of anything major
that this card pool adds but the Standard card pool
lacks that is directly relevant to the performance of
this deck.
4.9/5 - I recommend against running this in a +39 deck.
Technically it still has enough damage output (thanks
to the Poison damage) to probably outpace most
decks buts just far too close for comfort. On the other
hand, unless you pull a different Pokémon-EX that is
indeed worth running in a +39 deck, use this in whatever
“real” deck you build: even the Psychic Energy is
optional (but recommended) as a “big sniper” can come in
Gengar-EX is a good, solid addition to the stable
of main attackers in porter style decks. It has some
different tricks as compared to the previous, successful
hit-and-run style attackers but overall will play
largely the same unless you really focus on the Poison
and/or Psychic-Type aspect of the card.