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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 27, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.83
Expanded: 1.83
Limited: 3.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Furious Fists)
This Hitmonchan comes with
the boxing-style attack names that have been typical of
the card throughout its TCG history. Unfortunately, the
attacks themselves are a little on the dull side, with
Bullet Punch doing 20-60 depending on coin flips and
Mach Cross doing a flat effect-free 60 for the steep
cost of three Energy.
Really, Hitmonchan would
hardly be worth mentioning if it wasn’t for the fact
that Fighting Types get so much support in the Furious
Fists set, including some serious damage-boosting from
Strong Energy and Fighting Stadium. Even so, it’s hard
to see a reason for playing this 90 HP Basic over
Landorus FFI, with its
superior stats and useful effect, or
Hawlucha FFI which hits EXs
hard and cheap and has free retreat. That’s without even
considering the EX heavy-hitters like
Landorus and
could be decent in Limited if you pulled the right
support cards, but he will be overlooked for competitive
Modified: 1.75 (it’s hard for mediocre Fighting Pokémon
to get noticed)
Expanded: 1.5 (even more competition here)
Limited: 3.5 (solid, well supported Basic)

aroramage |
Ahhh, the great historic Hitmonchan, memorable for being
one of the greatest cards of the format for its cheap
Jab attack and its stellar Special Punch. It's a
notoriously powerful card, dealing 20 damage for...wait
what? This isn't Base Set? And we've got Pokemon who
don't just keel over at 40 damage? Wait, HOW MUCH HP
Welcome to another week of cards from the Furious Fists
set! Today we take a look at Hitmonchan, who was once on
top of the world and has since retired from fierce
fighting in the ring, showing up only every now and
again as a salty veteran. Today's Hitmonchan may not be
stellar, but he definitely chose the right set to come
out in at least! Can he take advantage of his typing to
utilize the support to its fullest?
First off, Hitmonchan starts with a classic Bullet Punch
at 2, dealing 20 damage. Not stellar, and all he gets is
two coins for a potential extra 20 per heads. On
average, this attack on its own will deal 40 damage
though, which while it's not as bad as 20, it's still
not that great. In other words, Hitmonchan's going to
have to take advantage of the Fighting support to even
deal decent damage, but at least this attack will always
do at least 20 damage, something not a lot of
coin-flip-based attacks can say.
Mach Cross isn't particularly interesting, being a
vanilla 3-for-60, which basically means that it's a
slightly more expensive Bullet Punch with two heads.
It's nice that it's guaranteed, and that makes adding
more damage-boosters easier, but Hitmonchan shouldn't be
your first pick outside of Limited for a heavy-hitting
Fighting-type. Still, I suppose it can get a nice
100-120 with Muscle Band, Strong Energy, and a Fighting
Stadium or Machamp.
Hitmonchan may not be as powerful as he used to be, and
he may not be that great here in the current format, but
he's not the worst Fighting-type around, and that counts
for something. If anything, he's a bit splashable with
Bullet Punch's Colorless requirements, though that's
nothing when compared to Pokemon like Seismitoad-EX and
Charizard-EX. Usable if needed, but chances are he'll be
one of the many who hangs around in your card binder as
part of the foil set you've got.
Standard: 2/5 (decent attacks, just not that fantastic
even with the support)
Expanded: 2/5 (searchable with Level Ball at least)
Limited: 3/5 (great with the support, you could do
Arora Notealus: I know Hitmonchan is technically named
in part after Jackie Chan, but what exactly does Jackie
Chan have to do with boxing? I mean, I guess he wore
boxing gloves, but I don't think Jackie Chan was
notorious for boxing. Where's my Hitmon-mixed martial
arts maestro?
Next Time: The icy winds of the north blow across the
fox and transform it into- |

Otaku |
We begin this week with Hitmonchan (XY:
Furious Fists 48/111). Why are we looking at him?
Well it is still too early for us to do XY: Phantom
Forces justice and I’ve got a soft spot for
Hitmonchan in general thanks to the original,
Base Set 7/102. The newest Hitmonchan is a
Basic, Fighting-Type Pokémon with 90 HP, Psychic
Weakness, no Resistance, a Retreat Cost of two and two
Being a Fighting-Type is the best, though we’ll have to
wait an see how XY: Phantom Forces, with its
Psychic-Type support and Metal-Type support shake things
up to know what the game will be in soon enough. For
now enjoy hitting most Colorless-Types and nearly all
Darkness-Types and Lightning-Types for double damage.
Don’t mind that Resistance to Fighting-Types is one of
the more common; that’s a relative thing (no Resistance
is by far the most common) and simply put, soaking 20
points of damage via Resistance (while handy) is rarely
as impactful as doubling damage via Weakness.
Fighting-Types are one of if not the best supported
Type, so in the end Hitmonchan comes out a winner
Being a Basic is still best, so that’s also a pretty
easy call to make. 90 HP is merely “okay”; in Standard
it means you’re a probable OHKO; Hitmonchan might
get lucky and the opponent won’t be quite set-up yet or
will be attacking with something not focused on damage
(like Seismitoad-EX) and still survive, but decks
attacking for damage with a solid set-up should be
taking Hitmonchan down in one. Its Psychic
Weakness is pretty dangerous right now, thanks to well
established Psychic-Type attackers like Mewtwo-EX
and likely will become at least a little more risky with
XY: Phantom Forces. No Resistance is
disappointing but unsurprising. I suppose since it is
the only “conflict free” Weakness due to the messy video
game to TCG conversion process and is already the
standard for Fairy-Type monsters, Darkness Resistance
was out. A single Energy Retreat Cost is very good; it
isn’t perfect but usually you can afford it with
relative ease as you’re not being set back by more than
a turn.
The card’s first attack is Bullet Punch for [CC]: 20
points of damage and two coin flips good for another 20
points of damage per “heads”, for a range of 20 to 60
points of damage with half the possible results scoring
40 and the other half evenly split between 20 and 60.
This is solid in the current environment; not great but
something you can build up in a single turn is better
than having to wait. Unfortunately the second attack
lets us down: Mach Cross does just 60 for [FCC]. It is
good you can just drop a source of [F] onto a
Hitmonchan you already started attacking with ASAP
via a Double Colorless Energy, but its about 30
points of damage behind the going rate and Hitmonchan
isn’t likely to survive your opponent’s turn.
Is all hope lost for this card? In Limited it should be
amazing; I strongly recommend against trying a +39 deck
with it but otherwise its a must run (you don’t even
have to have a source of [F] Energy). Expanded also
gives it access to Level Ball, but I don’t think
that will be enough to save it. Years ago this would
have needed to be a Pokémon-ex to be this good. You
read that right; the older variant mechanic from the EX
set era, not to be confused with modern Pokémon-EX from
the BW- and XY-eras.
1.8/5 - Starts off promising enough but it just doesn’t
2/5 - As above, but Level Ball really does help
it. Yes I’ve given this score out quite a bit lately,
to cards with better effects… but they weren’t
reasonably big Basic Pokémon that could attack for a
Double Colorless Energy or a Double Colorless
Energy plus one source of [F].
4.9/5 - Amazing here; only skip it if you pull something
like a Lucario-EX (and plan on building a deck
where Lucario-EX is the only Basic Pokémon).
While not the most fun note to begin the week, consider
it a PSA. Overall Hitmonchan just barely misses
out because its second attack is too weak; while I would
have preferred that magic 90 for three, as an easy to
search out Basic with a solid attack for Double
Colorless Energy, even 70 for three probably would
have done it for niche usage.