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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
Oct. 09, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.30
Expanded: 1.70
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Hey guys, welcome to another oldie-but-goodie blast
from the past kind of card! I remember this card being
out in Base Set! And it's never been reprinted since...I
wonder why now?
For anyone unfamiliar with Maintenance, it's a simple
card: shuffle 2 cards from your hand to your deck and
draw 1 card. Back in the day, this could have helped you
add that seventh card you need to Professor Oak-out your
deck without losing, or else get a second chance after
Bill failed you! Nowdays, such cards are Supporters like
Sycaper and Tierno, so they're only once per turn
effects. Still, not a shabby idea for a card, right?
But why now? Why after all these years give us a card
that...well let's be honest, I don't remember
Maintenance being used that much to begin with. What
deck could possibly benefit from having cards returned
to the deck instead of being in your hand? And the only
one that comes to mind is Fossils. With the new Fossil
mechanic searching for stuff at the bottom, Maintenance
allows you to return those unusable Fossil Pokemon in
your hand back in and draw a card - but why bother with
Fossils when you can just use Fossil Researcher?
Suddenly Maintenance looks pretty nice!
...with one card. I guess you could return an Item you
don't need till you want to search for it with Skyla
later? I don't really know if I'm clever enough to find
a use for Maintenance, but I also don't see how in
today's format there's a deck that could really benefit
from this. I suppose you could save a card from the
wrath of a Sycaper you're about to play, but then I'd
imagine you're hoping for the card you draw to 1) be
playable and 2) not be something you need immediately.
Still, Maintenance is a nice way of taking cards you
don't need or can't use right at the moment and
shuffling them back for a different card. Ultimately
though, Maintenance is a -2 (-2 from the cards you
return +1 card you draw -1 for playing Maintenance) in
terms of card advantage, so unless you've got a good
reason to return those cards back or you draw into the
exact card you need a la heart of the cards, chances are
you're losing advantage.
And that's the kind of reasoning that makes me think
that Maintenance isn't going to see competitive play in
the least. Fossils aren't really that competitive (I
don't think) outside of Tyrantrum stomping on the
ground, and there's only so much utility it can provide
(never mind space in the deck these days), but hey,
Maintenance might surprise us all! Who knows, maybe next
Worlds there's going to be a bunch of decks running
Maintenance. Then we can all turnaround and point at
this review and be like, "Ha! What a noob, thinking this
would be no good!"
...or maybe I'll be proven right, who knows.
Standard: 2.5/5 (good for keeping cards safe while
getting a new card, but ultimately it's a minus in card
Expanded: 1.5/5 (okay, you're NOT going to give up deck
space for a card like this, TRUST me)
Limited: 3/5 (I don't know if it'll be super-effective
here, but then again we've got smaller decks and smaller
prizes, so the chances of you getting the card you need
even after a slight increase is still significantly
Arora Notealus: Maintenance hasn't seen print since its
reprint in Base Set 2, over 14 years ago!! I wonder what
other cards haven't been printed in over 14 years...
Next Time: Come here and give us a kiss~<3

Otaku |
Today we come to a review I have mixed feelings about,
and I’ll explain why after covering the
fundamentals of the card and its history with the game.
We look at Maintenance, an Item that originally
as Base Set 83/102 and shortly there after
re-released as Base Set 2 112/130 before its
third and latest release as XY: Furious Fists
96/111. Its effect has you shuffle two cards into your
deck and then you draw a card. You must have at
least two other cards in hand to meet the “shuffle in”
requirement and you must draw a card.
This is an Item meant to promote hand management in a
game that is more and more about raw power across all
fields… including draw power. This is the mixed
blessing for Maintenance; one one hand it can
help you avoid chucking valuable cards with Professor
Juniper and or Professor Sycamore but it also
gives you a draw so that if you’re desperate you can try
to draw into what you need with it even though you risk
getting what you shuffled in back, less the copy of
Maintenance you just played and the second card you
shuffled back into the deck. On the other hand when
you’ve got raw power, you don’t usually worry about such
was not used competitively in the pre-Modified
days of Pokémon (which would be the last time it was
Standard legal). My own testing of the early days of
the game (primarily Base Set through Fossil
plus WotC Black Star Promos 1 through 15), where
I tested how removing Energy Removal and Super
Energy Removal affected the game, made me realize it
was a handy card in such a format, as you used it to
minimize the impact of discarding for Professor Oak
(which was still badly needed as the main source of draw
in any deck). I had hoped that would transfer over to a
Modified release.
My hopes were for naught. There were a few factors I
overlooked. To some degree, my usual refrain of “deck
space” applies, but I actually did consider the broad
application of that principle; what I underestimated was
how likely one is to draw yet another important card
when lists are so tight. A second major factor was N;
your opponent can slam you with it and you do not
want to draw into Maintenance when your hand is
too small to use it (and you really need a Supporter).
It also makes long term “hand planning” near useless,
which means trying to improve your hand quality with
Maintenance is similarly pointless. N is
also either the best or second best draw card we have
right now, so it is hard to build a deck where you’re
not “undoing” any improvements to your hand as you
shuffle and draw whatever it was you cultivated by your
own play. The big disconnect was that even though I was
one of the players expecting great things out of
Seismitoad-EX, I forgot that it was going to make
extraneous Items a terrible play; if it is too dangerous
to run multiple copies of Bicycle, Random
Receiver and Roller Skates, it is too
dangerous to worry about Maintenance.
So even though I had hoped for this card to return, the
reality is that it doesn’t add much right now. The good
news is that, it isn’t entirely useless, just regularly
the suboptimal pick for your deck. It might even have
some niche usage, at least until we get Lysandre’s
Last Resort (a Supporter which has both players
shuffle their own discard pile into their own respective
deck) which seems likely to serve as the answer for
decks that really can’t afford reckless discards right
now. For the most part, don’t bother testing unless you
constantly finding yourself needing to groom your hand,
outside of Limited where any draw power is appealing,
and this is most definitely worth running.
Maintenance regrettably didn’t receive any
“tweaks” as I would have hoped to see, like making the
amount shuffled in as many cards as you wanted
(including zero) and the draw afterwards optional and
while I thought even “as is” it could do some good
things, the results of testing is that if any of my
hopes might have been valid, Seismitoad-EX and
its Item blocking Quaking Punch have made sure you don’t
want any Items in your deck that are not vital. If you
do have a deck that just can’t afford the reckless
discards but needs Professor Juniper or
Professor Sycamore maxed out, then perhaps this is
worth running.