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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Training Center
- Furious Fists
Date Reviewed:
Sep. 17, 2014
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.83
Expanded: 2.50
Limited: 4.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Training Centre
We all know how dominant Basics have been in recent
years, and evolution decks took another hit with the
recent rotation, when they lost Level Ball and Tropical
Beach. Training Centre is an attempt to give evolutions
some much needed support, but will it be enough?
Well, there’s no denying that it does give a boost to
evolutions, specifically to their HP. When this Stadium
is on the Field, Stage 1 and 2 Pokémon get an extra 30
HP: that turns Tyrantrum FFI
and Dragonite PLF into 180
HP beasts, while even things Like
Empoleon PLF and Kingdra
BCR can have EX levels of HP at 170. Of course, evolved
support Pokémon like Blastoise
BCR, Garbodor LTR and
Dusknoir BCR can benefit too
if an opponent decides to KO them with snipe/spread
damage or drag them active.
The big question though, is whether this will be enough.
Quite honestly, I doubt it. Seeing as most decks are
built to deal with the widespread use of EX Pokémon,
getting non-EXs to that HP level won’t have as much
impact as people imagine (it’s still a two-hit KO with
Megalo Cannon, for example).
Furthermore, use of Training Centre is easily disrupted
as most decks play their own Stadium (Virbank
City Gym, Fighting Stadium). There’s nothing more
soul-destroying than surviving an attack through
Training Centre, and then watching your opponent get a
KO just by playing a counter Stadium, giving them a free
shot at whatever you promote.
I suppose Training Centre is a decent attempt to support
evolutions, but in the end it’s just a drop in a very
unfriendly ocean.
Modified: 2.75 (would be good if we had better
Expanded: 3.25 (evos are
more viable here, thanks to Beach and Level Ball)
Limited: 4 (if you have any evos,
you’ll use it)

aroramage |
Hey guys, welcome back to another Card of the Day!
This time we're taking a look at yet another Stadium
card, Training Center! As with any Stadium, it's a
simple card with a simple effect, but could that effect
affect the competitive scene? Let's find out!
So Training Center is built more for evolutions like
Tyrantrum, Empoleon, Pyroar, and even Garbodor and
Blastoise, giving them a hefty boost of +30 HP. That's
enough to put most Stage 1s up to enough HP to rival
Stage 2s, and in turn helps most Stage 2s gain enough HP
to rival Pokemon-EX! Not too shabby!
Still, it's got a lot of competition for that Stadium
slot, coming from stuff like Virbank City Gym and the
new Fighting Stadium, and if Giant Cape (DEX) was any
indication, cards that just add HP aren't usually worth
running. Think of it this way: would you rather
Hypnotoxic/Virbank for 30 damage between turns, or have
30 extra HP? Would you want to hit for 20 damage more
against a rivaling Pokemon-EX, or be able to survive
something with those 30 extra HP?
Of course, Training Center also suffers from a
vulnerability to these Stadium cards, and while having
an extra 30 HP would be great normally, losing it in an
instant to your opponent playing a Stadium could be
detrimental - especially if they've spread their damage
around to your Pokemon and took away the 30 HP that was
keeping them around!
Training Center is a niche defensive card in a heavily
offensive format, but I'm sure some decks will want to
run it to keep their Pokemon around a little longer
despite the drawbacks. If push comes to shove, though,
Training Center probably won't be that prevalent in
Standard: 2.5/5 (a decent card, but just not that great
in an offensive environment)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (it's not even going to make an impact
in a format with Rayquaza swimming in it)
Limited: 4/5 (there are a few evolution cards around,
and keeping them in play for longer can't hurt in a
format like this)
Arora Notealus: I like how this keeps in with the whole
"boxing/fighting" theme in a way, even without
supporting the Fighting-types. Just imagine a Pokemon
coming in and punching some of those bags!
Training Center
(XY: Furious Fists 102/111) is a new Stadium that
gives all Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokémon in play +30 to
their HP. Note that Mega Evolutions are not
Stage 1 Pokémon, and of course this applies to both
players. This is a simple piece of Evolution support
that isn’t bad, and while it is good it definitely isn’t
great. You can boost the bigger Stage 1 and Stage 2
Pokémon to Pokémon-EX levels, the moderately sized ones
to the level of the bigger ones pre-boost, the small
ones to the durability of the pre-boost moderately sized
ones, etc.; exactly how useful this can be will vary
depending on the exact match-up; if a Pokémon goes from
being a OHKO to a 2HKO, 2HKO to a 3HKO etc. or has some
specific benefit from its HP being higher (perhaps
another effect references it) it can be quite handy…
...but some Pokémon won’t be significantly affected
because the Pokémon was already being “over” KOed. The
other glaring Achilles’ Heel with this strategy is that
your opponent can play a different Stadium at any time
to either
Prevent any benefit as the HP scores of
your Pokémon revert before it ever
actually affected the game.
KO injured Pokémon already in play at a
later date.
you don’t combine this with healing, that last bit can
be a bit of a trap as your opponent is less bothered by
cards like N until they conveniently KO something
(or several “somethings”) in play simply by discarding
Training Center. You could even have an opponent
take six Prizes all at once with this simple act.
Despite my concerns, this is a solid card; just accept
that it is going to get discarded at times and don’t
make that HP bonus a major part of your strategy. It
might just be me, but I am finding I need to run two
different Stadiums anymore, because the metagame is such
that running just one spikes the odds that it will
backfire. Space tight Evolution decks may find this
their new default; while it might help your opponent
more it requires their HP scores shift to the next best
“tier” while yours does not and it doesn’t require
making space for more “accessories”, such as Virbank
City Gym usually wanting to include at least two
Hypnotoxic Laser.
3.25/5 - Obviously only if you’ve got an Evolution worth
boosting, but if you do its at least a “happy side of
‘average’” card.
2.75/5 - As per usual, I have very little data on this
format. If it turns out in any of the ways I expect,
this will perform similar but a bit lower as most
Evolution decks will really want Tropical Beach
for a Stadium, and I suspect here most can’t afford room
for more than one Stadium.
5/5 - Take it in case one of the other Stadiums hurts
you more, and if you’ve got your own Evolutions good.
Training Center is not a bad card, it just is
very vulnerable while giving a good effect, and if we
had say Tropical Beach back its prospects
wouldn’t be so good. Boosting HP is great, but less so
when your opponent can so easily undo said “boost”.