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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Blaziken EX
- XY54 Promo
Date Reviewed:
August 18, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.80
Expanded: 3.00
Limited: Promo
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Next up in our line-up is Blaziken-EX,
and he looks ready to cook up some turkeys! Hehehe...it's
not even close to Thanksgiving...
Blaziken-EX has some similarities
to Sceptile-EX from yesterday, but I'd like to think his
chancy attack is more...usable, in a way. But first,
we've got warm up to that attack, and that's where his
Fist of Focus comes into play (wait, why not Focus Pun-riiiiiiight,
already a move)! At the cost of 2 Energy, it can deal 30
damage and attach an Energy in the discard pile to
Blaziken-EX, fueling him up for his next big attack. Add
in stuff like Battle Compressor and Fiery Torch to get
that Energy into the discard and Blacksmith to bring it
out faster, and Blaziken-EX almost doesn't even need
Fist of Focus.
The real kicker (not to pun off the
artwork there) to Blaziken-EX though is the powerful
Flare Storm. Initially, it's a 4-for-100 strike, which
isn't that great in the grand scheme of things, but with
every additional Fire Energy attached, you get to flip a
coin and add 20 damage for every heads that comes up. So
potentially, you could one-shot any Pokemon-EX just by
having 4 Fire Energy, but you're more than likely to
deal on average about 140 damage. Throw in a Muscle
Band, and that's still a fairly solid hit...but not
quite enough to make things work out.
Sure, you could always throw on
more Fire Energy to up your chances of KOing a Pokemon,
but you're gonna have to watch yourself around Mewtwo-EX
in Expanded and Yveltal-EX in Standard, as they'll be
ready to annihilate your Blaziken-EX in an instant.
Aside from that, Blaziken-EX still has a solid chance to
only be able to deal a 2HKO, which can give the opponent
enough time to easily OHKO Blaziken-EX or at least deal
a LOT of damage.
And that's where Blaziken-EX's
chancy ultimate attack falters. Sure, you can speed up
to it quickly, but if you don't get lucky and get
momentum off of it, it can bring you down very quickly.
Thus, Blaziken-EX, like his attack, is left to a chancy
situation and is thusly banned to the depths of casual
Standard: 2.5/5 (...okay, he's not
"banned" banned, and he's got a decent ways to eliminate
stuff, but he's not gonna be the best by far)
Expanded: 2.5/5 ("meh")
Arora Notealus: In Japan, there's
also a M Blaziken-EX, which means of the three evolved
Hoenn Power Tin starters-EX, only Blaziken-EX has a Mega
Evolution...well, until Ancient Origins comes out, then
only Swampert-EX won't have a Mega Evo-WHOOPS DID I JUST
Next Time: I heard you liked
Mudkips, soooooo...

Otaku |
Our second promo for the week should be a bit less
confusing as the new (current) set doesn’t have another
version: Blaziken-EX (XY: Black Star Promo
XY54). Again, I’ll try to cover the card as is “now”,
but also take into account what it will be like post
rotation, which will include the new cards (and for
Standard, cards lost to rotation). Being so new I’ve
mostly just seen (as opposed to used and/or faced) most
of XY: Ancient Origins, though.
is a Fire-Type; while this is what one tends to expect
it is a dual-Type Pokémon in the TCG and so is also a
Fighting-Type there… and being a Fighting-Type in the
TCG right now is generally much better than being a
Fire-Type. We’ll have to see if the rest of the card
makes it clear that it is better off as a Fire-Type or
if it would rather have access to Strong Energy,
Fighting Stadium and Korrina as opposed to
Blacksmith and… does Fire have any other
noteworthy, Type specific support? The Fire-Type does
at least hit vast majority of Grass-Types and
Metal-Types for double damage via Weakness, so its not
too far behind the Fighting-Type (which hits at least
half of Colorless-Types, most Darkness-Types and most
Lightning-Types for Weakness). There are some more
pieces of Fire support like Scorched Earth… kind
of: the Stadium technically is support for basic Fire
Energy (usually not not always used with Fire-Types) and
it also works for the Fighting-Type: you can discard a
basic Energy of either Type from hand to draw two cards.
Like yesterday though, at least the Fire-Type doesn’t
have to worry about Resistance. The main thing to
consider about the new set/rotation is that we might be
seeing more Fire Weak Pokémon… or not as the Grass-Type
is expected to see more play but I have no idea if the
other major Fire Weak Type (Metal) will see more, less
or the same amount of play.
is a Basic Pokémon and for the last several years and
the foreseeable future, that’s the best! They have a
natural advantage over the slower and more resource
intensive other Stages, though I think that could be
mitigated with proper design: not making Evolutions
stronger but rather making Evolving Pokémon more useful
and non-Evolving Basics a bit slower. Enough about
that, onto the HP: 170, which is good though still
within OHKO range of many decks once their setup gets
going as well as when being hit by Weakness. In this
case, Weakness is to Water and it can be a real pain
when facing something like Seismitoad-EX,
normally a Pokémon feared because of the Item blocking
effect of its Quaking Punch and not its low damage
output that is usually augmented by combos. The lack of
Resistance is typical so we’ll move onto the Retreat
Cost of [CC]; low enough you’ll usually be able to pay
it but high enough you’d really rather not and
sometimes, recovering from it can be tricky.
has two attacks but no Ability or Ancient Trait. The
first attack (Fist of Focus) requires [RC] and hits 30
while attaching an Energy card from your discard pile to
Blaziken-EX. The damage is decent while the
attachment cares nothing about Type or being a basic
Energy, allowing you to target any Energy card at all,
Special or basic. For [RCCC] you can use the second
attack (Flare Storm) to hit for 100 damage “plus”, where
the “plus” is that each [R] Energy attached to
Blaziken-EX gives you a coin flip good for another
20 damage per “heads” and… no bonus on “tails”. As the
attack requires at least one source of [R] Energy and
again it doesn’t specify basic Energy, Flare Storm will
always be hitting for a 100 (tails) or 120 (heads).
Averaging 110 for four isn’t bad but it isn’t good. A
second source of [R] Energy jumps it to a 100 minimum,
120 mean and median and 140 maximum. Three means a 100
to 160 range with a little more variance in between and
if all four required are [R] Energy, the range is 100 to
180. More Energy can be added, but four is already a
lot and you’d get a better return most of the time from
using it on something like Mewtwo-EX instead.
Still if you want a basic, Fire-Type Pokémon-EX that has
two solid attacks, Blaziken-EX is adequate. If
you go second and can manage a Double Colorless
Energy plus a Blacksmith for the two full
Fire Energy, you’ll hit that 100/120/140 split. There
are a few options to back that up so that it turns into
a OHKO on the high end, but it is probably better off to
try and be patient and just get the four Fire Energy on
there. Victini (latest printing BW: Legendary
Treasures 23/113) can help you reflip, but since you
have to reflip all coins or none it is best saved for
when you do quite poorly (like when you get no “heads”
at all and thus there is no chance you can do worse). Trick
Coin would also be an option, but that precludes
using Muscle Band for a guaranteed +20. Also
making things a bit awkward are cards like Mega
Evolutions that exceed 180 damage, especially the cards
with 210+ HP: even with four attached [R] Energy and
four “heads” on your coin flips and a Muscle
Band, Pokémon with 210 or more HP can survive.
If/when Blaziken-EX gets a Mega Evolution, this
should be a solid basis (though I wouldn’t be surprised
if we also got a new Blaziken-EX to rival it at
the same time). For now though, if you insist on using
this for Standard (either Standard) or either Expanded,
it is just slightly inadequate. The same pieces needed
to go from zero to Flare Storm in a single turn work
with other, better attackers, sometimes not even
Fire-Types (again, Mewtwo-EX). If you just want
a big, Basic Fire-Type Pokémon-EX that can get by with
just one single source of [R] Energy, Charizard-EX
(XY: Flashfire 11/106, 100/106) has a similarly
priced “big” attack that requires a single Energy (any
Type) discard but does a reliable 120 damage.
For an actual Fire-Type attacker with a deck built
around him, there is Reshiram (last printed as
BW: Legendary Treasures 28/113, 114/113 and
RC22/RC25 because “mascot”) or Charizard-EX (XY:
Flashfire 12/106) can hit for reliable amounts of
damage, have a great (Reshiram) or decent (Charizard-EX)
all Colorless attack and out of those three, only
Reshiram is scheduled to rotate out. So really,
only the potential increase of Fire Weak targets is
going to really change in the foreseeable future.
Standard (Pre-rotation):
Standard (Post-rotation):
Expanded (Pre-rotation):
Expanded (Post-rotation):
If you love fire and coin flips, Blaziken-EX
might be for you. If you want reliable damage on a big
Fire-Type, there are better options though at least this
isn’t unworkable.
Before I start today’s review, I’d like to
apologize for falling behind in my reviewing. My family
wanted to get in a number of things with me before I go
back to college on Friday, so I didn’t have much time to
review anything during that week. That being said, since
college is starting back up, there may be a few more
times yet where I may fall behind, and I apologize in
Today, we have the long awaited Blaziken EX
making an appearance. 170 HP and an expected Water
weakness are predictable, however, you wouldn’t expect a
Pokémon with the infamous ‘Speed Boost’ ability in the
games to have a Retreat Cost of two. Well, you can’t
have everything! Maybe it only has the Blaze ability
instead, or something.
Fists of Focus (I’m surprised they didn’t name it
after Focus Punch or anything, since it can learn it now
in the games) does 30 for a Fire and Colorless, and lets
you attach an energy card from your discard pile onto
this Pokémon. If you may have noticed, the phrasing of
this effect means you could potentially attach Special
Energy to Blaziken as well, which could definitely
surprise your opponent in a number of ways. Have a
Plasma Energy that was discarded in a Plasma deck? Just
attach it to Blaziken with this attack, and play an
Energy Switch to get it on the Pokémon that will use it!
…Okay, that circumstance won’t come into play very
often, but it definitely has some synergy with Energy
Switch, if the time ever calls on it. It can also
directly help Blaziken, too, with its huge attack cost
of his next attack.
Flare Storm (again, Flare Blitz is a move in the
games it can learn, so IDK what’s with these slightly
different names) costs one Fire Energy and three
Colorless, and does 100 damage, plus 20 more for each
heads that you can flip per coin flip for each Fire
Energy attached to Blaziken EX (…I probably could have
said that better somehow). As stated before, the
previous attack could help out with this, but so can
Emboar (BW 20) (in Expanded, at least). So, let’s say
you managed to fill the whole Energy requirement with
just Fire Energies. With an average of 50% each flip,
the average amount of damage you could do would usually
be around 140, which is actually very decent. However, I
can imagine that the only way you would be paying this
cost in only Fire would be if you ran a monotype Fire
deck. And although you can have a chance to boost the
damage further with Trick Coin, it still relies on luck,
which some people may not prefer, especially if you’re
in a tight spot. However, it is at least a very fun card
to play, and once you get Blaziken powered up fully, he
can become as much of a beast as he is in the video
Standard: 3.9/5 (Luck based to an extent, and can
be difficult to power up fully, he can still manage to
do even more damage than most EXs if you play him right,
Expanded: 4.4/5 (…because Emboar)
Limited: 4.3/5 (Crazy power is crazy, so if you
pull him, unless your opponent plays a Water deck, you
could have enough time to power up and wreck stuff.)