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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 15 Ancient Origin Cards
#12 - Forest of Giant Plants
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
August 27, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.59
Expanded: 3.83
Limited: 4.52
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
You ever wanted all of your Pokemon
to have Delta Evolution all at once? Or maybe even be
able to evolve them all without having to use up a Wally
Supporter during your turn? Do you like playing Grass
Pokemon, but think that VirGen was the last good deck?
Well look no further than Forest of Giant Plants to ease
your fears and worries!
As you might have guessed, Forest
of Giant Plants has the power to grant all of your Grass
Pokemon in play the ability to evolve into the next
stage up whether it's the first turn or you just put
them into play! If M Rayquaza-EX is a prime example of
how effective this tactic can be, you can probably
imagine all the rampant growth that can take place
simply from this card!
Suddenly, your Basics will become
Stage 2 with just three cards (this Stadium,the Stage
1/Rare Candy and Stage 2 in hand), and that could be as
early as your first turn! Or better yet, how about those
Mega-Evolving Grass-types? Suddenly, BAM!! Something
like M Venasaur-EX can come down Turn 1!!
...not that anybody would be
playing M Venasaur-EX or anything...
But luckily that's where this set
comes in. It's got stuff like Ariados and Vileplume and
M Sceptile-EX that all wildly benefit from the growth
this card provides! And that's not even including stuff
like M Heracross-EX from Furious Fists, Beautifly from
Roaring Skies - or a devastating new archetype popping
up in Expanded revolving around the Dark Shiftry from
Next Destinies (something to keep in mind is this
affects your Grass Pokemon in play, so a Grass-type
Nuzleaf could evolve into a Shiftry regardless of
Shiftry's Typing).
Pokemon, beware! You're playing the
forest now, and they've got some new toys to play with!
Standard: 3.5/5 (a fabulous card
for Grass decks that will make them SURGE with new
Expanded: 4/5 (keep in mind though
that you still need all the right resources with it to
use properly)
Limited: 4/5 (if you end up with
more Grass Pokemon, you could run this pretty
Arora Notealus: Now how many times
has a giant forest sprouted out of nowhere in Pokemon? I
feel like that's happened a few times before...oh well,
maybe I can find that wild Celebi I've always wanted to
find since I was a young boy back in the day when
Pokeballs had to be screwed open and closed!
Next Time: Out of the forest and
into a...hey, where is everybody?!

Otaku |
As mentioned yesterday, 14th, 13th and 12th place were
actually a tie as each card received the same amount of
points from voting (that is, from how it was ranked on
the individual lists submitted to form the master list).
So what is today’s candidate that was almost two slots
lower? Forest of Giant Plants (XY: Ancient
Origins 74/98)! This is a Stadium card, meaning it
uses your “one Stadium per turn” use to play it and if
there is already a copy of it in play, it is dead in
hand. While it is in play both players may
Evolve their Grass-Type Pokémon that are in play
immediately without having to wait; it doesn’t
matter if it is the very first turn of the game and you
can also Evolve something twice in one turn (provided
both lower Stages were Grass-Types). The Type of the
Pokémon being Evolved into is irrelevant; the effect
only cares about the Type of the Pokémon being Evolved.
I’m afraid I’m going to go into a lengthy rant so I’ll
keep it relatively simple, though I will try to back-up
what I say with reason: Forest of Giant Plants is
what we often refer to as “broken”. Why? The Evolution
mechanic is supposed to take time and when you add
non-Pokémon specific Energy acceleration to the game,
you’re begging for it to make something else overly
powerful because it was balanced against taking a turn
or two to hit the field or you’re pre-emptively
nerfing cards (the latter wouldn’t be described as
broken, but it is annoying). It isn’t just paranoia on
my part either; besides making a lot of the new
Grass-Types, we already have at least one older
Evolution abusing it in Expanded: Shiftry (BW:
Next Destinies 72/99). Though it is a Darkness-Type
its lower Stages are both available as Grass-Types. Its
Ability “Giant Fan” is just a weird gimmick normally,
but the Expanded card pool allows a player to spam it
first turn and when you hit enough “heads” to
shuffle away all of your opponent’s Pokémon into their
deck, you win! The kicker is that now that you can
Evolve into Shiftry over and over again, it now
has the reliability to be competitive.
Experiment with this; it is already doing amazing things
with cards new and old; while nothing so nauseating as a
First Turn Win deck can be, others benefit as well in
Standard. In Limited it ends up being a near staple
because if you didn’t pull Paint Roller, you may
need a way to discard a different Stadium already in
play, even if you aren’t running anything Grass that can
Wait, how can a card I am calling “broken” score so low?
Many cards can be broken for what they enable other
cards to do as opposed to what they do directly and this
is a good example of that. Forest of Giant Plants
isn’t a big deal on its own; you need the right
Pokémon to capitalize upon the effect. The problem is
that doing so is a natural for decks using such cards
and as such, the benefit far exceeds the cost. I
actually had this as my 8th place pick due to what it
does for other cards, including at least one more
that made our list!

Emma Starr |
Today, we’re taking a look at a Stadium that I
have seen is already getting lots of play (on the PTCGO,
at least. I don’t actually get to see people playing the
game too often IRL, until our college’s Pokemon Club
gets together to play it, but the first meeting isn’t
until…tomorrow, ironically). But what I can tell you is
that I’ve seen it with a lot of the decks running
Sceptile EX and its Mega form. Obviously it’s useful for
getting out Mega Sceptile to quickly accelerate out
Energy and start healing everything, but it can also be
useful to a number of other different Grass Pokemon
released in this set, such as Vespiquen, Ariados, and
Vileplume. Vileplume and Ariados will be reviewed in due
time, I assure you, but I may as well talk a little bit
about Vespiquen, since it may be about four weeks until
we get to her at least.
Vespiquen (AO 10) has a neat attack that does 20
for two Colorless, but does 10 more for each Pokemon in
your discard pile. Some people have been able to abuse
this already, with the help of Unown (AO 30) Sycipers
and Battle Compressors. Its first attack even does the
first part of Syciper’s job for you! So, if you used a
Syciper next turn, you’d have a lot of poor Pokemon in
the discard pile, but Vespiquen can hit like a truck if
you let her! But again, the risk is real too. I’m sure
we’ll talk about her one day, but I just thought she was
worth a mention, due to the fact that she wasn’t in our
Top 15, and I’ve already seen her used in play quite a
lot already. I’ll review her in more detail when that
day comes.
Modified: 4/5 (As long as you’re running at least
a part-Grass deck, at least.)
Limited: 4.8/5 (Same applies here.)