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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards Lost To Rotation
#4 - Garbodor
Date Reviewed:
August 4, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.10
Expanded: 4
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Ahhh yes, Garbodor. Who could
forget a face like that? Seriously, who? I mean it, I
don't think you could ever forget Garbodor. He's a
Pokemon made of garbage! He's the living incarnation of
a dumpster! He's...he's...Garbodor! The should've been
Poison/Steel-type that never was!!
Well, he's definitely made an
impression on all of us - whether we like it or not!
Sure, his design has always been mocked for being, well,
trash (literally), and he may not be the greatest
Pokemon to ally with, but here in the TCG, he became
notorious. Surprisingly, this was not because of his
3-for-60 vanilla Sludge Toss attack. And here I thought
that was powerful.
(Note: it wasn't.)
Garbodor's well-known for his
Garbotoxin Ability, the kind of Ability that goes way
way back to Fossil days with Muk's Toxic Gas. Granted,
that was in an era of PokePowers rather than PokeBodies
or Abilities, but still! Goes to show the game has
evolved quite a bit since then. Similarly, Garbotoxin
isn't anywhere near as powerful as Muk's Toxic Gas was,
but in today's game, it's had a major impact.
If these last few years haven't
been a lesson in the power of neutralizing Abilities,
then I don't know WHAT is. Garbodor's able to completely
nullify ANY Ability so long as he's got a Tool attached
to himself - like, say, Float Stone for instance. Just
looking through what he was used to dealing with in
terms of popular Abilities from various Pokemon, there's
Pyroar's Intimidating Mane, Blastoise's Deluge, Keldeo-EX's
Rush-In, Virizion-EX's Verdant Wind, Mr. Mime's Bench
Barrier, and I'm sure there are a few others you guys
thought of amidst that list. That's the power of
Garbodor - to shut down not just Abilities, but by
extension entire strategies!
With no more Garbodor in the game,
our best bet for cancelling out Abilities falls to cards
like Silent Lab, which only affects Basic Pokemon, and
Wobbuffet, who only negates Abilities while out in the
Active slot. In that sense, perhaps it's best if
Garbodor makes his exit now - there are a few more
dangerous threats now that don't rely on Abilities but
rather Ancient Traits, and that makes for a workaround
against Garbodor in some sense. Course, there's still a
fair usage of cards like Shaymin-EX and Aegislash-EX to
warrant some form of negation, and those cards will do
it just as well as Garbodor did to perhaps a similar
Now if only there was a Pokemon to
negate Ancient Traits...
Standard: 4/5 (a powerful Pokemon
that can remove a core part of any deck's strategy)
Expanded: 4/5 (he's pretty much the
reason cards like Tool Scrapper get teched into decks!)
Limited: 5/5 (negating Abilities is
great! now you just need one of those Tools in the set!)
Arora Notealus: Fifth generation
was strange and unique in a lot of different ways. Of
course, there's all the story work and the layout of the
map, changing weather, changing seasons, etc., but
there's also the 156 new Pokemon that got introduced! A
lot of comparisons get made as a result between this
generation and the first generation - like how Garbodor
is Gen V's version of Muk. Which given that Unova's
meant to be in a separate region far from Kanto, Johto,
Hoenn, and Sinnoh entirely, it makes some sense.
Next Time: The great gadget of

Emma Starr |
Garbodor, the Trash Heap Pokémon, at first glance
wouldn’t seem as powerful and disruptive as he actually
is. That is, until you read that his infamous Garbotoxin
ability cancels out ALL Pokémon’s (even ones on
everyone’s bench, their hands, or even their discard
piles (sorry Ho-Oh EX)) abilities, as long as Garbodor
is equipped with a Tool Card! It’s also nice to know
this it can be any Tool card as well, so even Spirit
Links will work, if you need to use those.
One may first write off such an effect, as they
may not run many abilities themselves, but once you
realize that you can effectively shut down many of your
opponent’s deadly abilities just by having Garbodor
sitting on your bench, you’ll start to understand why
many decks rely on Garbodor/Trubbish as deck staples
today. Keldeo EX from yesterday can no longer switch in
with Rush In. Siglyph (DRX 52)/Suicune (PB 20) can no
longer block EX attacks. Blastoise (BC 31), Emboar (BW
20), and Eelektrik (NV 40) can no longer accelerate
energy. Jirachi EX can no longer search for Supporters.
Shaymin EX (ROS 77) is no longer a card-drawing machine.
Darkrai EX can no longer give any of its teammates free
Retreat; nor can Hydreigon EX lower the Retreat Cost of
any Dragons. Altaria no longer can give free Retreat for
Colorless types, either. The list goes on and on,
really. As stated before, even if you didn’t run any of
these abilities, it was still nice to keep a Garbodor or
two on hand, just for insurance against any of these
abilities that your opponent may have been running,
which made it a very versatile deck staple, and was very
worthy of the shiny variant of it printed in Plasma
Oh, and it also has a very expensive attack
called Sludge Toss as well, which does 60 for 2 Psychics
and one Colorless. But obviously you’d never want to use
it, unless Garbodor got Lysandre’d. And even then, I’d
sooner use those Energies to Retreat him instead, given
his insane Retreat Cost of three (if you’re lucky enough
to have Garbodor still alive at this point, with his sad
100 HP…).
Modified: 4.2/5 (It’s great even as insurance,
but just remember you’ll need to have some Trubbish as
well, if you run Garbodor(s). So you’d probably also
want to run some Evosodas/Wallys.
Limited: 4.8/5 (if you can pull this and at least
a couple Trubbish, at least.)
Just missing
the Top 3 for our list of cards rotating out of Standard
play is our fourth place pick Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted 54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze
119/116; BW: Legendary Treasures 68/113), the
Pokémon that makes our heads (and perhaps our hearts)
hurt when we think about its existence too deeply. I
mean the fact that it is a living, refuse bag where the
trash within is a vital part of its anatomy… though
perhaps that does apply to the card as well. It is a
familiar sight: besides being one of the cards I often
need to reference for a review but hate to as it isn’t
the only legal Garbodor and thus (by my own
standards) I have to reference the sets in which it is
available, we’ve reviewed it twice before. The
time was… not part of any Top 10 list. We
even did a Top 13 list for that one and Garbodor
still missed out. Searching my e-mails I found
my own. personal list (I submitted a Top 25 because
“tiebreakers”) and had Garbodor at 10th place…
I’m not completely sure what happened but glancing at
what did make it, you can tell it was a different time
(and some of the cards on the list counter other cards
on the list which counter other cards on the list @_@).
second time (when I
actually submitted a review) was… also not part of a Top
X list, though at least it was because of the card’s
role at the 2014 U.S. National Championship.
I already
violated the dictates of good writing by using one
emoticon (among other things); I am so sorely tempted to
use a second that I am calling attention to it in order
to underscore how baffled I am by this revelation (but
not actually resort to an emoticon)... at least until
I’d written more of this review and remembered when
Garbodor came out and what it was dealing
with. This was prior to Pokémon Catcher
receiving an erratum to require you flip a coin for the
effect (at the time it was Lysandre as an Item)
and as anyone that isn’t truly new (thanks for reading
Pojo!) knows (unless you’re combing the archive years
from now… thanks for reading old Pojo!) Garbodor
is arguable the Bench-sitter. Still, let us run
through the card because as you know by now, it is what
I do! This is a Psychic-Type: Garbodor is rarely
in a deck where it can attack (and even if it could, it
really shouldn’t) so we won’t worry about Weakness or
Resistance. What does matter is Psychic-Type support
but perhaps not how you would expect; sure you might
benefit from a Mystery Energy aided retreat in an
emergency should you have a Psychic-Type deck already
running Garbodor, but the reason this is so
crucial to the card is to protect its own Ability from
Wobbuffet (XY: Phantom Forces 36/119) and
Bide Barricade!
As a Stage 1
Pokémon Garbodor is a bit more demanding to play
than the dominant Basic Pokémon, but easier than the
other Stages… yes that includes Restored Pokémon and
Mega Evolutions. Its 100 HP is enough that it isn’t an
overly easy OHKO when forced Active or hiding on the
Bench, but it is a OHKO for several decks once they are
set-up so don’t assume it is safe either. The expected
Psychic Weakness helped attackers like Mewtwo-EX
OHKO it a little easier and Sigilyph (BW:
Dragons Exalted 52/124; BW: Plasma Freeze
118/116; BW: Legendary Treasures 66/113) a lot
easier. It lacks any Resistance but does have a chunky
Retreat cost of [CCC], though when it first released
(and now in Expanded) it is nice that it is a legal
target for Heavy Ball. It isn’t nice that such a
cost makes it much easier to leave stranded up front
with a card like Lysandre.
The Ability is
why this card is so important: “Garbotoxin” requires you
have a Pokémon Tool attached to Garbodor in order
for it to work, but when thus triggered it shuts down
all other Abilities on the field, in the discard piles
and in each player’s hand. I don’t think there are any
Abilities that work from the deck and the Lost Zone
mechanic appears to have been totally abandoned so
Garbotoxin nixes all Abilities. Requiring a Pokémon
Tool to trigger basically made this card a bit of a
preview of Mega Evolutions. Garbodor may not
have 190+ HP but it also isn’t worth two Prizes, can
make use of any Pokémon Tool that isn’t prohibited from
attaching to it, the Tool can be attached before or
after Evolving and if done after your turn won’t end, so
the differences are pretty significant, still the
general burden of getting it into play is similar. If
this was a Stage 2 (for example) it would be no where
near as easy to use, and the Pokémon Tool clause is as
useful for exploiting on your end as it is on your
opponent’s, such as turning your Abilities back on for a
time or not locking them down until after you’ve used a
few to aid in your set-up. The attack (Sludge Toss)
requires [PPC] to hit for 60 and that stinks: it’s low
quality filler but better than nothing and Garbotoxin is
so potent it is probably better that it isn’t a better
We’ve had a few
Trubbish worth considering that helped boost
Garbodor, otherwise I was going to fight my usual
compulsion and skip this section. All Trubbish
are Psychic-Type, Psychic Weak Basic Pokémon with no
Abilities or Ancient Traits, with at least 60 HP
and a Retreat Cost of [C] though some have more (good
for the HP, bad for the Retreat Cost). BW: Noble
Victories 48/101 is only legal for Expanded play
(the rest are Standard legal until the pending
rotation). Its first attack (Garbage Collection) allows
you to topdeck something from your discard pile at a
cost of [C], while its second attack (Sludge Bomb) just
doe 20 for [PC]. BW: Dragons Exalted 53/124
(re-released as BW: Legendary Treasures 67/113)
has 70 HP with a Retreat Cost of [CC], while its “Pound”
attack does 20 for [CC] and its Poison Gas for [PCC]
does 30 plus Poisons the opponent’s Active Pokémon. BW:
Plasma Storm 63/135 has Pile-Up for [P] that allows
it to search your deck for a Pokémon Tool to add to your
hand, but it is “tails fails”. It backs this up with
Sludge Toss for [CC], doing 20. BW: Plasma Storm
64/135 just has “Pound” and “Sludge Bomb” again, though
this time the former does 10 for [C] while the latter
does 40 for [PPC].
Trubbish (BW: Plasma Storm 65/135)
actually had its own deck for a while and I
thought had gotten a CotD but apparently not. Another
version with 70 HP and a Retreat Cost of [CC], it has
just one attack:.“Tool Drop”. This attack requires [PC]
to hit for 20 times the number of Pokémon Tools that are
in play (both players, not just your own), giving it
quite a range. While it can always hit for no damage (eep)
just having a Tool on each of your own Pokémon pumps it
up to 120 damage. Skyfield means that it can hit
for up to 180. Sigilyph (BW: Plasma Blast
41/101) has an Ability (Toolbox) that allows it to have
four Pokémon Tools attached to it instead of one, so
that is an extra three Tools per copy to a total
increase bumping us up to 420! XY: Ancient Origins
will have some Pokémon with a new Ancient Trait (Θ
Double) that allows you to have two Pokémon Tools
attached to them, which could boost this up to 500
damage even before Weakness or cards like Muscle Band
were factored in! You also have Pokémon Tool F (Head
Ringer and Jamming Net) to force your
opponent into have Tools in play (though those only work
on Pokémon-EX) so why did its deck go away? Oh yeah,
Startling Megaphone just wipes your opponent’s side
of the field clear of Pokémon Tools. “Tool Drop” (the
deck) had a decent run before Startling Mega Phone
released and killed it, with a revival (possibly just
“attempted revival”) when Lysandre’s Trump Card
came out and provided a means to recycle lost Tools
while Dimension Valley dropped the attack cost
down to just [P] but… yeah, as you can tell this just
isn’t worth it now.
Still (BW:
Plasma Storm 65/135) remains a decent desperation
move if you have to attack with Trubbish and a
good means of misdirection. BW: Noble Victories
48/101 is also sometimes used due to reclaiming cards
from the discard pile proving valuable again as we go
through Lysandre’s Trump Card withdrawal. The
version I see used most is BW: Dragons Exalted
53/124/BW: Legendary Treasures 67/113, as
sometimes that 10 HP comes in handy and if you’ve
absolutely got to attack, it just needs a Double
Colorless Energy. If you’re not running a lot of
extra Pokémon Tools and definitely if you’re not running
a source of [P] Energy, that last one is probably the
version to use in Standard, probably Expanded as well.
So what about the other Garbodor? All other
versions have had CotDs and while they are also all
outdated, none have proven worthwhile (even in
conjunction with today’s) so just check out their
CotDs (only two because one is a double
So where were
we? Right, explaining why Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted 54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze
119/116; BW: Legendary Treasures 68/113) is
the Garbodor people use, how it has shaped
this format and why it rotating out is such a huge deal.
Abilities remain a huge deal in this game, especially
as most can be used quickly alongside an attack,
speeding the pace up even more. We’ve had several that
would be utterly broken if there was no way to shut them
down, and in all honesty even with such counters I’m not
sure they are balanced, just not unopposed: it is kind
of like Superman and his handful of vulnerabilities: if
you don’t have kryptonite (the right kind even) handy,
can hit him with solar radiation from a red star or are
attacking properly via magic, you’ve just got to be as
overpowered as a yellow or blue sun fueled Kal-El to
compete with him, and our metagame has a similar vibe to
it. Garbotoxin is in many ways the green kryptonite (or
red sun radiation) of the format. It isn’t alone; there
is also Silent Lab and the aforementioned
Wobbuffet. Wobbuffet only works against
non-Psychic-Types and while Active so unless you’re
using a hit-and-run tactic you can’t use it while on the
offensive unless Wobbuffet is your
attacker. Stadiums are once again quite important and
so Silent Lab can be an issue even though it
technically is the easiest of all three to both run and
get into play and of course it only affects Basic
Pokémon; neither offer the coverage of Garbodor.
Garbodor is also important because as something
that works from the Bench, it has been successful
combined with Seismitoad-EX so that a player can
shut down both Items and Abilities. While the damage
yield is poor, such decks can not only run a few tricks
to help fake hitting harder, but also can add in Energy
denial tactics. When you have no Abilities, no Energy
for more than a turn and no Items, there isn’t a lot you
can do. Toss in how often your best attackers are
Pokémon-EX and Seismitoad-EX/Garbodor will
also add in Head Ringer so that you’ll need at
least two Energy to attack and you’ll easily find
yourself doing nothing as you slowly lose the game, with
only the hope of some amazing luck and near-perfect
plays on your part or horrible luck/misplays on your
opponent’s to keep from a literal automatic loss. This
is actually one of the worst parts of the game (though
somehow still an improvement over the lopsidedness of
when players could abuse Ability-based-draw-plus-Lysandre’s
Trump Card for an infinite deck).
Seriously… this
should really creep you out: instead of enjoying a game
where we both play, this just turns it into a sadistic
form of solitaire. I’m not sure if the slightly greater
chance for your opponent to suffer bad luck or a misplay
but taking so long is better or worse than losing
quickly to a donk or FTW combo. I enjoy control decks
and locks, but just like I also enjoy raw offensive
power, once it gets to this point the only way to enjoy
the game is for the raw pleasure of winning… or
torturing your opponent. It takes the TCG to a rather
disturbing place. Okay, enough of my soap box. So
Garbodor is still a powerhouse for Standard, but it
also needs other cards, probably why it isn’t one
of the top three. Expect it to remain important in
Expanded, though the card pool differences will slightly
alter its use in a few specific circumstances. If you
get it in Limited, make sure it is in a set that also
contains a Trubbish and then consider carefully
whether or not you are that worried about Abilities.
Even by Limited standards Garbodor isn’t good as
an attacker, and unless you can get a Pokémon Tool
attached you won’t even be able to shut off Abilities!
Standard: 4/5
Expanded: 4/5
Limited: 2/5
Summary: Garbodor normally would score
lower but though it is a Stage 1 and naturally clashes
with decks that run heavy on Abilities, the format
adjusted to it so that Garbodor is practically a
“generic” card to run. It was an important play for
Nationals both last year and this year, even with
everything going against it. A great example of how
when you make something insanely strong and then release
a strong counter for it, you don’t usually get balance
and diversity, but instead “run this or run counters to
this”... even when we what we are talking about it the
Still it really
is almost useless on its own: you need a Pokémon Tool
and preferably useful ones, plus something else
attacking. Throw in that we do have some Abilities so
great players would rather use those than shut them all
down, and you can understand why it wasn’t in every
deck. Since there is little point in stacking them save
as insurance against one Garbodor being KOed,
even decks running Garbodor wouldn’t max it out.
As such, the way I crunched the numbers it only showed
up as my 8th place pick, and I didn’t think it worth
bumping up via fiat because the seven that beat it were
even more impressive.