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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards Lost To Rotation
#3 - Hypnotoxic Laser
- Plasma Storm
Date Reviewed:
August 5, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.5
Expanded: 4.5
Limited: 5.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Oh Hypnotoxic Laser, whom I
frequently abbreviate as HTL, you poison my opponent's
Pokemon and sometimes put them to sleep...
Certainly, for the longest time,
this was the card that defined a format. True, we had a
lot of powerful cards - Garbodor shutting down
Abilities, Mewtwo-EX outright destroying everything and
forcing mirror matches - but HTL here was what shifted
the game to a far more offensive arena. Combined with
the Virbank City Gym, it became a quick way to inflict
status onto an opponent and deal an extra 10-30 damage
onto them, effectively lowering the HP of Pokemon-EX (in
a sense) and making it easier than ever to KO these
Unfortunately, it wasn't just a
sword to use upon them but also a sword to be used by
them. HTLBank allowed Mewtwo-EX to KO things more
easily, as it would with Keldeo-EX and Landorus-EX.
Smaller non-EX Pokemon that were already having a rough
time competing with Pokemon-EX now had to deal with
crippling Poison on top of higher damage outputs than
they could obtain. EX decks could dominate even more
than they could before.
At least, until VirGen decks became
a thing.
Thanks to Virizion-EX's Verdant
Wind keeping a player's Grass Pokemon from being
afflicted by Statuses, not only was there a rivaling
archetype to other EX decks - it came with a built-in
defense against the dreaded HTLBank combo. On top of
that, it didn't even need to run HTLBank itself - not
when Megalo Cannon could effectively wipe out any
Pokemon by dealing 200 damage!! Still, though it became
more difficult to use, HTLBank was still a huge part of
offensive decks, and then a new card came out to
redefine how damage was dealt with: Muscle Band.
Once XY saw its release nearly six
months later, Muscle Band came into the game - and that
gave every deck the chance to inflict more damage. Now a
stable 20 damage could be tacked on to every attack made
by any Pokemon! But this did not invalidate HTLBank - if
anything, it encouraged its usage. The potential to have
any Pokemon deal an extra 50 damage with their attack
was unprecedented, and while VirGen decks remained
popular to counteract HTLBank, they would now be forced
to deal with the increased damage of their competitors
thanks to Muscle Band.
While it would appear that things
are getting progressively faster within the format, the
rotation of HTL ought to aid in redefining the tempo of
the format once again. Sure, we've still got our crazy
Turn 1 M Rayquaza-EX evolution to work with, but
remember how much trouble Seismitoad-EX caused for a
while? In a way, battles were slower with Seismitoad-EX
dealing paltry damage and yet being able to halt
everyone in its path - until Lysandre's Banned Card was
removed. Now with HTL gone, Seismitoad-EX's Item-Lock is
as good as dead, and the format will even out into a
fairly offensive format again, even without HTL.
But as we know well enough with
Garbodor, that which leaves must come back...
Standard: 4.5/5 (never
underestimate the power of instant Poison)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (especially when
there's a STADIUM involved)
Limited: 5/5 (...really? I
shouldn't have to say anything)
Arora Notealus: I'm still trying to
figure out how you'd translate things like Hypnotoxic
Laser from the TCG to the video game. Still haven't
really found a solid reasoning for it quite just yet XP
Next Time: He's the 14th child in
Mr. Bet's life!

Emma Starr |
Hypnotoxic Laser, while sounding cool, and could
even be a pretty interesting weapon in the real world,
also has been a very playable, splashable card in the
TCG. Simply play the card, and your opponent’s Pokémon
is Poisoned!
You could also flip a coin to see if you could make said
Pokémon fall asleep, as well, but the 25% chance of that
even happening (50% chance to even have it go to sleep,
and 50% again just to have it stay asleep after your
turn) leaves it as just a neat little side-effect of the
card. No, what everyone really loves is the Posion.
If you’ve played the game enough, you know how
good of a combo this card is with the Virbank City Gym
Stadium card. With said Stadium in play, you’ll be
putting two damage counters on the poor opposing Pokémon
between turns. And that steady 20 damage per turn was
actually very nice, as it has an effect similar to a
constant, upgraded Muscle Band, as it does an additional
20 damage to the Pokémon every turn, no matter which of
your Pokémon may be attacking. It also works even if
your active Pokémon doesn’t have enough energy on it to
attack yet, but you still want to get some damage on
that threatening EX. Not to mention that even without
Virbank (in case you want to run a different Stadium, or
Virbank gets replaced by your opponent), this card is
still very splashable, and can be run in many different
situations. The only downside is that, like any other
Special Condition, once the active Pokémon switches out
or retreats, they will no longer be inflicted with said
Status condition. That said, it’s still a very easy and
annoying card that anyone can be able to make good use
Modified: 4.5/5 (I’d normally run 2-3 in a deck,
Limited: 5/5 (Can’t go wrong with free damage!)

Otaku |
Time for our
third place pick, the “bronze medal” winner as it were
and that card is… Hypnotoxic Laser (BW: Plasma
Storm 123/135)! Only a surprise in that some may
have expected it to place even higher, this rather nasty
Item automatically Poisons the opponent’s Active, plus
gets a coin flip to see if it also puts said Active to
Sleep on a “heads” (“tails” has no additional effect).
We’ve looked at this card twice before; the
first time it was our
number one pick for BW: Plasma Storm while the
second time it was our number one pick for all of
2013! This card is so good, even on my personal lists
for those two, I still had it in first place. What
makes it so good? Read the older reviews. No, really:
this isn’t about being lazy. I normally re-read my
older reviews for cards we are revisiting but this time,
they aren’t perfect but almost everything I can say
about this card, I said there. Besides trying to be
concise (something in which I rarely succeed), I’m going
to try and cover it from a different, more reflective
Laser has been an incredibly potent card
because of both what it does, but also the rest of the
format. Poison doesn’t go away on its own; if you had a
game that maneuvered into a true stalemate, where
neither player could win or lose or draw (including
never running out of cards) and you used Hypnotoxic
Laser to Poison your opponent’s ever healing Active,
you would actually generate an infinite amount of damage
counters from the Poison (again, just healed before you
could cash in on it). The plausible bonus from a
Hypnotoxic Laser on its own, however, is just one to
three damage counters; the Poisoned Active surviving one
attack and two “between turns” phases without
shaking Poison, then one more turn of your own where you
fail to KO it allowing a third “between turns” phase.
This shaved a turn off of a lot of KOs when it
first released… and then came the combos. Assuming you
didn’t foolishly waste it when you knew it wouldn’t work
against a target that couldn’t be Poisoned you were
guaranteed one extra damage counter. A player could
also mess up by using it when a KO was already assured
without it.
We also
received more cards to widen the amount of “near misses”
Hypnotoxic Laser could convert. Virbank City
Gym turned one damage counter between turns into
three. First Silver Bangle and then Muscle
Band augmented the damage done by the initial
attack. For a time you had multiple decks running both
of those two Pokémon Tools, plus Hypnotoxic Laser
and Virbank City Gym because it would allow the
main attacker an effective five or six extra damage
counters onto a single attack, enabling a 120 damage
shot to jump to OHKO range for Pokémon-EX. It usually
wasn’t something you could reliably, repeatedly pull off
in a single turn, but it could delay a loss or seize a
win even as a well timed combo you only managed once a
game. Resistance only dulled it slightly while Weakness
nearly doubled the range, threatening those early Mega
Evolutions (most of which didn’t see play) or allowing
faster, less expensive attacks to still score the OHKO.
How have things
changed? Rules have changed and errata have been
issued. Now it costs you something more than an Item to
force the opposing Pokémon of your choice into the
Active slot and if you’re the player going first, you
don’t get to attack that turn. You lose the benefit of
going for a quick FTKO (except against poor 30 HP
Actives) but at the same time, this combo is one of the
few ways (perhaps currently the only way) to place
damage counters on T1. Of course, I did mention that
already in the second review. The big change since then
is power creep, especially Mega Evolutions; we’ve got
attackers that can’t make good use of Hypnotoxic
Laser and now old combos that used to all but
guarantee a OHKO will still whiff even if you can drop a
Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym that
turn. To stress the point, the numbers are less likely
to work for it making a difference to the 2HKO as well.
While still technically a card every deck would want,
most don’t have the room. Sleep seems to have become a
little more important as well as decks are stretched
thin so dealing with Special Conditions isn’t as easy
(or rather, cost effective) as it once was.
Yet all of this
is balanced out by the combos that do still need
Hypnotoxic Laser. Seismitoad-EX was
pretty much guaranteed to be a serious presence when
released but Hypnotoxic Laser was one of the many
nasty tricks that put it over the top- it isn’t the lost
of Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym I
expect to all but kill it off post-rotation, but the
expected rise in Grass-Types that include their own Item
locking trick. This would have been a huge hurdle for
Seismitoad-EX even had Hypnotoxic Laser
remained, but without it things are looking bleak for
our blue overlord. That might be then… this is now.
Right now the dip in general presence for Hypnotoxic
Laser is easily offset by how important it is to
Seismitoad-EX (as well as a few other strategies).
So enjoy it while you can in Standard and the current
Expanded: more Item lock and an alternate Poison
strategy will likely diminish it at least somewhat there
after the next set as well. In Limited its a must run,
simple as that.
Standard: 4.5/5
Expanded: 4.5/5
Limited: 5/5
Summary: So after all that I am once again
giving the card the same scores (well, no Unlimited
score this time and Expanded didn’t exist for the older
reviews): Standard experienced a shift but the net
result is still a card that is generally very good with
a few decks where it is phenomenal. I’m happy that this
card will be gone because we’ve pretty much demonstrated
why this was a bad idea… besides how it seems odd for a
beam weapon to Poison the subject as well as cause them
to Sleep, even in Pokémon. Now Burn and either
Confusion or Paralysis I could see. For my own list,
Hypnotoxic Laser only managed fifth place finish;
still impressive, but it just wasn’t as numerous as the
four that finished above it.