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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 15 Ancient Origin Cards
#9 - Ariados
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
September 1, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.55
Expanded: 3.67
Limited: 4.28
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Well now, Ariados breaking the top
10 is quiet an interesting surprise. And to be honest, I
think it's one that deserves its spot more than a couple
of past Top 10 picks (looking at you, Beartic from
Furious Fists and Deoxys from Roaring Skies XP). In any
case, it's certainly going to hold some major sway over
the competition, and that's for one particular reason
If you said it wasn't because of
Impound, you'd be right! While it's only a 2-for-30
strike that keeps the opponent from retreating from
Ariados' no doubt intimidating 70 HP (HAHAHAHA), it's
definitely NOT the star attraction on this Pokemon. No,
the big appeal is having Poisonous Nest on your Bench
waiting to go.
The interesting thing about
Poisonous Nest is that once per turn, you can choose to
use it and Poison BOTH Active Pokemon. Yeah, that's
yours and your opponent's all in one go. How crazy is
that? One might even say THAT'S INSANE!! But here's the
kicker: it doesn't work on Grass Pokemon. Apparently,
they've a natural immunity to Ariados' Poison, so they
won't be harmed.
But oh the plays you can make with
Your opponent has to deal with
being Poisoned while you run rampant upon them with your
growing Grass-types thanks to your Forest of Giant
Plants! Or you can combine this with Machamp-EX to deal
a powerful 160 damage and then lose the Poison before it
hurts you! It can combine well with M Tyranitar-EX, who
will appreciate waiting for a little bit while your
opponent's Active Pokemon racks up a couple of damage
counters to guarantee its decimation! Or better yet,
Sceptile-EX's Unseen Claw will love the Poison since it
can now deal 130 damage - for the cost of only 2
Ariados itself isn't a particularly
impressive Pokemon, but the combos it can unleash are
very powerful, and there's no telling where a Pokemon
like that can go!
Standard: 3.5/5 (mostly it's the
combos you can play off of Ariados' Poisoning that bring
it such a great rating; otherwise, he can be a bit slow
and unwieldy)
Expanded: 3/5 (the main trick with
running him here is the inclusion of Virbank City Gym
and HTL; while Virbank can benefit Ariados greatly, it
can also hurt your own Active Pokemon more, making HTL a
better Poisoning option - not to mention it's only a
single card)
Limited: 4/5 (hey, steady HP drop
will hurt a lot of Pokemon in this format)
Arora Notealus: Ariados is once
again employing its tricky tactics that most of its
cards have upheld, focusing on Status Conditions as
usual. There's a reason why in Gen II Koga is seen
wielding one in his Elite Four team, since Ariados is a
very sneaky ninja Pokemon - "Confusion, sleep,
poison...Prepare to be the victim of my sinister
(Fwahahas are optional)
Next Time: Shining brightly as a
beacon in the night!

Otaku |
Time for our ninth place finisher, Ariados (XY:
Ancient Origins 6/98). Fun fact: the most recent
Ariados prior to this one was Ariados (HeartGold
& SoulSilver 15/123), released about five and a half
years ago and rotated out of Standard (then referred to
primarily as “Modified) play three years ago. Seems
like our “Long Leg Pokémon” is making up for lost time!
So why did this make the list?
To begin with, it is a Grass-Type and as stated multiple
times over the last several weeks when it was even
remotely relevant, XY: Ancient Origins gave the
Grass-Type more support; besides some strong Pokémon
that may or may not matter, directly pertaining to the
Grass-Type is Forest of Giant Plants which is a
Stadium that allows Grass-Types to Evolve immediately
after they are put into play, even the first turn of the
game and regardless of the Type into which they Evolve.
Which ties in nicely to the fact that Ariados is
a Stage 1; while you’ll have to dedicate space in your
deck (and at least for a turn your Stadium slot on the
field) you can avoid a turn delay and unlike most
other Evolution cheats you can use it on multiple copies
at once. Ariados does only have 70 HP, which is
tiny by modern standards: expect it to be OHKO while
Active and at most 3HKO KOed while on the Bench (that
last bit is more significant than it sounds). It does
have the bonus of being Level Ball compliant
though and oddly minimizing the risk from its Fire
Weakness: most “serious” Fire-Type attackers should
score the OHKO before Weakness. The lack of
Resistance isn’t a surprise and with 70 HP, hypothetical
Resistance may or may not have made a difference, so let
us move onto the Retreat Cost: [C]. This is nice and
low so it shouldn’t be too hard to help Ariados
scurry back to the Bench.
Why would you want it on your Bench? Well the Ability
“Poisonous Nest” is pretty great so long as your
opponent’s Active is not a Grass-Type or
protected from Special Conditions and yours either is a
Grass-Type or protected from Special Conditions or
something you can quickly and easily Bench because the
Ability Poisons both Active Pokémon excluding
Grass-Types. Even before more complex combos, that’s an
extra damage counter that turns a OHKO into a near OHKO,
and allows you some degree of offense even if you can’t
attack or need your attack to do something else. Its
attack is “Impound” and for [GC] it does 30 damage while
preventing the opponent from attacking. A bit pricey
for what it does, but it combos adequately with
Poisonous Nest and isn’t too pricey for something of an
“emergency” attack.
You’ve only got one Spinarak so this isn’t about
which one is best but knowing what you’ll have to deal:
Type, Weakness, (lack of) Retreat, (lack of) Ancient
Trait and Retreat Cost are the same. Obviously it is a
Basic and not a Stage 1, which makes the 50 HP just
“kind of small”. Not quite what I had in mind but I’m
glad they “front-loaded” the HP instead of holding onto
most of it for the Stage 1 alone; now if only they start
doing that with the lines that have more HP so that a
150 HP Stage 2 Evolves from like a 100-130 HP Stage 1
and a 70-100 HP Basic. Given that 70 HP was a OHKO, the
relevance of the 50 HP here is in surviving hits to the
Bench; Golbat (XY: Phantom Forces 32/119) and
Crobat (XY: Phantom Forces 33/119) didn’t get
cut by rotation (though they lost their preferred
Zubat). One of each of them takes out a Spinarak
no problem, while either of them or Absol (XY:
Roaring Skies 40/108) just need a typical Bench hit
to still do the job. While Spinarak lacks an
Ability and has only one attack, it isn’t totally
worthless: for [C] it can use the often seen “String
Shot” for a coin flip to try and Paralyze. It isn’t
much and it certainly isn’t fancy, but it gives it a
chance to survive long enough to Evolve if it is stuck
So… what decks should use Ariados? Possibly
most of them; two slots for a 1-1 line is only
demanding because decks are so full right now. Forest
of Giant Plants is not required (and will
usually signal not to bother with Ariados if your
opponent is using it), with a 2-2 line pushing things
but being a bit more stable. Using it well just
requires good math skills; knowing then you can afford
to Poison your own Active because the extra damage
will be relevant (or Poisoning your own will be
irrelevant so you might as well take the chance). Odds
are this will not be how it turns out, but I
didn’t expect Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies
77/108, 106/108) to work well alongside Garbodor
(BW: Dragons Exalted 54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116;
BW: Legendary Treasures 68/113) and yet people are
managing so I’m not going to rule it out.
Fortunately that was just the “general” usage segment;
there are some specific uses. Most Grass-Type decks
should at least consider it because of all the benefits
mentioned above and the fact that you don’t have to
worry about hitting your own Active. Then we come to
specific combos: we already discussed Machamp-EX
its own CotD.
If you can’t afford to check that out, know that
Machamp-EX has a nice, big attack that only works
properly when it is afflicted by a Special Condition and
that then removes the Special Condition from itself: a
natural partner for Ariados. Seismitoad-EX
decks that don’t lockdown Abilities may also consider
this… perhaps even in Expanded. Mostly though it comes
down to Sceptile-EX (XY: Ancient Origins
7/98, 84/98) and M Sceptile-EX (XY: Ancient
Origins 8/98, 85/98). Sooner or later we’ll discuss
these in more detail, but for now know that this version
of Sceptile-EX has a strong attack called “Unseen
Claw” that does 60 for [GC], but +70 if the opponent’s
Active is affected by a Special Condition (so 130 plus a
damage counter from Poison with this combo). M
Sceptile-EX mostly matters in this case because of
its attack, Jagged Saber: same Energy cost but it does
100 damage while allowing you to attach up to two [G]
Energy from hand to your choice of Benched Pokémon (can
be split between two targets) and that heals all
damage from the Pokémon receiving the Energy. Strong
foundation, strong Mega Evolution and oh yeah, Forest
of Giant Plants.
Expanded gets more dance partners though here you still
have Hypnotoxic Laser for your own Poison (and
Garbodor and its “Garbotoxin” shutting down
Abilities). Neither may matter if Shiftry (BW:
Next Destinies 3/99) First Turn Win decks come even
close to the hype. For Limited play, only skip
Ariados if you’re going for a +39 deck (one Basic
Pokémon only in your 40 card Limited deck); otherwise
apply what I said earlier for “general” usage with the
caveat that the attack (if you’re running Grass
Energy) may be more useful and Poison will be
deadlier to both players more often, at least for
the Actives that aren’t Grass-Types.
Composite scores: they have decent-ish general usage in
Standard and Expanded (good in Limited) but the deck
specific options drive it up because in some of those it
is a must run (yeah, even in Limited as this set has a
good chunk of Grass-Types worth trying).
On my own list, Ariados snagged Xth place. It
actually tied with
yesterday’s CotD,
Ace Trainer in voting points (10). Needing a
tiebreaker, I went with the one I saw being used to
better effect on the PTCGO.

Emma Starr |
Starting to worry that Grass Pokemon are getting
OP? Well, don’t look at Ariados then, snuggling up in
his poisonous nest, which can somehow shoot poison out
at other Pokemon! Just picture that in your mind,
because I have a feeling it may be around for quite a
while, especially with Hypnotoxic Laser being rotated
So, Ariados looks like your basic Stage 1 Grass
Pokemon at first, with the standard 70 HP and 30 damage
attack, but his Poisonous Nest ability lets him do some
sneaky things! Once during your turn, you may Poison
both active Pokemon! Even if he’s on the bench, he can
spread Poison around even more efficiently than
Hypnotoxic Laser does now! Although your active will get
Poisoned too, there’s a sweet deal in it for you – since
the TCG assumes all Grass Pokemon to be bugs already and
immune to Poison, if you’re active is a Grass type
Pokemon, it won’t get Poisoned! Of course, you could
also circumvent this the manual way and get rid of the
status by either switching/retreating, or with Pokemon
Center Lady.
But the fun doesn’t stop there with Ariados! His
Impound attack does 30 for a Grass and a Colorless,
which sounds bad, but the effect makes it so that the
Defending Pokemon can’t Retreat during your opponent’s
next turn! So, you’re literally giving them 20
additional damage, which will equate to at least 50
damage overall, since they can’t Retreat, and can
obviously add up the longer Ariados can survive.
However, in Expanded with Virbank City Gym, the above
total can be bumped up to 70! I can see it as a nice way
of forcing your opponent to power up Pokemon like
Seismitoad EX, which actually may be impossible in some
cases, if Seismitoad EX is the only Water Pokemon your
opponent uses. Combining this attack with Lysandre can
also be a very evil and fun idea. Never has Poison ever
been so much fun, all thanks to the crazy venom-spitting
nest of Ariados!
Modified: 3.5/5 (Ariados is still a Stage 1, and
it’s attack needs Grass Energy, so it’s pretty deck
specific in the attack, but he’s still splashable in any
deck, though you can’t do some of the funner things with
him. You can still do the crazy Machamp EX trick I
talked about a few days ago here,
Expanded: 4/5 (Virbank City Gym is a beast here,
so use it if you can.)
Limited: 4/5 (Splashable, and if you get some
other good Grass Pokemon to, may as well use them,
because they really shine in this set!)