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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2015
#8 - Hex Maniac
- Ancient Origins
Date Reviewed:
December 16, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.0
Expanded: 4.0
Limited: 4.0
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Is it weird that Hex Maniac only came out in August?
Probably not, but she's been a major contender for
Supporter space ever since her introduction! I mean,
come on, who wouldn't wanna be running this crazy-eyed
Well considering most of our Supporters these days are
things like Sycamore that draw us more cards than we
sometimes know what to do with or Skyla that grab us
some card that we need from some place or even...umm...I
guess no one really runs Giovanni's Scheme? I mean, I
would. Come on, Giovanni would totally want to be run!
Besides, it's the first Giovanni card in a while, and
you can either draw with him or give your attacks an
extra oomph! But I digress...
Hex Maniac has a particularly powerful effect, something
we've seen on cards like Wobbuffet, Silent Lab, and
perhaps most of all Garbodor. That's right, it's another
card that shuts off Abilities! Granted, while Wobbuffet
will keep things open for Psychic-types, Garbodor needs
to be holding onto a Tool, and Silent Lab really only
works against Basics, Hex Maniac doesn't discriminate.
Granted, she's only going to be active until the end of
your opponent's next turn, but as we've mentioned in the
last review when she ended up as #5 on our Top 15 List
for Ancient Origins, this can easily be more than enough
time to finish things up.
Back then, I'd mentioned stuff like Energy accelerators
like Blastoise and Emboar (now including Magnezone) and
Safeguard Pokemon like Suicune and Sigilyph, but now
we've got some other major stuff that makes playing
something like Hex Maniac at the right time even better!
Knocking off Mr. Mime's Bench Barrier can easily open up
a good KO if your opponent plays it in Night March, and
making sure your opponent can't retreat for free with
Zoroark is a nice way to Poison their Active Pokemon for
the KO!
There's a lot of different ways that Hex Maniac can mess
things up for either you or your opponent, so if you're
crafty and play around it, Hex Maniac can easily be a
major aid! And that's why she's landed the #8 spot on
our list!
Standard: 4/5 (when played correctly and at the right
time, Hex Maniac can be a devastating card to the
opponent, ensuring a solid KO and even crippling their
next turn to make things difficult for a counterattack)
Expanded: 4/5 (of course, once Hex Maniac's done and
over with...well, everything's gonna go back online)
Limited: 4/5 (she's still going to be useful in a
limited setting where the Abilities are really powerful)
Arora Notealus:...she's still really creepy.

Otaku |
to our eighth place pick, Hex Maniac (XY:
Ancient Origins 75/98)! She managed to finish
fifth place
for her set’s Top 15 list by being a Supporter that can
shut down all Abilities on Pokémon in play, in either
player’s hand and even in either player’s discard pile
until the end of your opponent’s next turn. Even a
card moving between zones (such as entering play from
the hand or discard) still has its Ability shut down.
Only the deck and Lost Zone are left out, and that is
probably because I can think of no examples of Abilities
that trigger in the deck or Lost Zone; the latter was
abandoned before Abilities became a mechanic. Hex
Maniac appears to be the successor to the much older
Item Goop Gas Attack (Team Rocket 78/82),
which is so old that not only does it work against
“Pokémon Powers” (the earliest equivalent of Abilities)
but it was released as simply a “Trainer”: not only did
it predate the “Item” designation but at the time of its
release we didn’t have Supporters or Stadiums or even
most subclassifications of Items (like Pokémon Tools)!
has proven pretty impressive; at a glance one might
underestimate how useful shutting down Abilities for a
single turn can prove, but in practice it can be quite
devastating. Besides someone running multiples
and/or spamming a single via VS Seeker to block
Abilities for multiple turns, the timing is pretty
crucial: you can use your own Abilities (unless timing
or costs prevent it) before you use Hex Maniac
and after her effect has ended on your next turn.
Hex Maniac released after Shaymin-EX
(XY: Roaring Skies 77/108, 106/108) had become
more or less a deck staple, with some decks trying to
use its “Setup” Ability multiple times for a massive
single (preferably first) turn push. Hex Maniac
can’t stop your opponent from using it the absolute
first turn of the game, but from the second turn on not
only can it prevent even a single use of Setup, but one
can their own Shaymin-EX before denying it to the
opposition. Beyond that protective Abilities that
are well entrenched (especially in Expanded play) can be
shut down for a turn to attack, and in a format of
mostly OHKOs and 2HKOs that is an ample opening.
Last but not least are the Abilities your opponent may
use turn after turn; while your opponent can resume
using such Abilities after the effect Hex Maniac
subsides, with proper timing that will be too late, if
not to avoid the loss then to avoid you (the player of
Hex Maniac) gaining serious advantage.
are decks that run so many Abilities, it almost seems
cruel to use Hex Maniac against them! The
typical “Deluge” deck provides a great example as it is
one of the heaviest of Ability based decks. You
block the draw power of Shaymin-EX and its Setup
Ability, the Energy acceleration from Blastoise (BW:
Boundaries Crossed 31/149; BW: Plasma Storm
137/135; BW: Plasma Blast 16/101), the nigh
unlimited discard fodder of Exeggcute (BW:
Plasma Freeze 004/116; BW: Plasma Blast
102/101), the “Rush In” tactics of Keldeo-EX, the
“Safeguard” protection of Suicune (BW: Plasma
Blast 20/101) and the capacity for Wailord-EX
ditch Special Conditions with an Energy attachment (kind
of important as it is hard to OHKO but its own attack
puts it to Sleep and since you’re also neutralizing Rush
In). A Deluge player can prepare for this by
keeping multiple attackers ready to go and not assuming
he or she will have access to Abilities turn after turn,
but an early Hex Maniac leaves the deck little
defense. If the deck using Hex Maniac is a
strong, fast deck in its own right, even a turn delay
for the Deluge deck to “get going” can clinch the game.
This also brings us to one kind of deck that will likely
not include Hex Maniac; not only does
Deluge have so many Abilities it uses throughout a
single turn, Hex Maniac becomes not only another
card to squeeze in but a Supporter that is harder to
“burn” if you need to ditch it so you can pull off
Archie’s Ace in the Hole.
there are decks incredibly laden with Abilities, but the
other extreme exists as well: decks that run few to no
Abilities and/or use them all in a rush (like multiple
Shaymin-EX) in the first few turns, minimizing
the amount of time you have to sabotage them with Hex
Maniac. This makes it easier for such decks to
run Hex Maniac but also provides a match-up where
she isn’t much use. There are also a few decks
that might skip her because they simply have no room,
even if otherwise she’d be welcome. I believe
these are why Hex Maniac is clocking in here and
not higher on the list. For Standard and Expanded,
she’s attained “loose staple” status; a card you both
plan on including and usually do, but when you
absolutely must (due to space requirements or clashing
with other elements of your deck) you can cut Hex
Maniac from your list and still possibly have the
best build you can manage. She’s also nice for
Limited play; most Pokémon lack Abilities so in this
format, which might lead one to skip her but you
will almost always have the space in your deck to easily
include a Hex Maniac and Abilities are often more
effective here when they do show up, making the
insurance greatly appreciated.
Hex Maniac is a great card; I don’t think she has
caused any new decks to spring up or old decks to die
off (at least not ones that weren’t likely to already),
she’s shifted how the decks we do have interact. I
give her a higher score for Expanded for the same reason
I did last time; dealing with Safeguard Pokémon and a
few other common Expanded sights no longer legal for
Much like last time, there is a bit more than my
personal placement of the card to discuss here at the
end. Hex Maniac actually took third place on my
own list, which is kind of funny given my original
XY: Ancient Origins list had her in 10th place; you
might say she’s made a believer out of me. I think
eighth place is a bit on the low side for her, and it
was a close finish both directions Hex Maniac
earned just one “voting” point less than tomorrow’s pick
and two more than the 9th and 10th place cards, Mega
Turbo and Jirachi. For the record those
two were actually tied with an “honorable mention”
(included for this reason) actually putting Mega
Turbo ahead of Jirachi. They beat the
11th place finisher by three voting points.

Jason Klaczynski
(Three time
World Champ) |
Hex Maniac (Jason had this at
#10 on his list)
Abilities are rampant in
competitive play, but before Hex Maniac, you had to
devote deck spots to either Wobbuffet or Garbodor to
disable them, while also shutting off your own
abilities. Hex Maniac is a card that splashes into just
about any deck, and if you time it perfectly, you can
put your opponent in some tough spots.