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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Primal Clash Cards
#5 - Silent Lab
- Primal Clash
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 16, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#5 Silent Lab
One of the positive features about the current game is
the way that Stadiums have become a big thing again:
Fighting Stadium, Virbank City Gym, Fairy Garden, Shadow
Circle . . . all seen in top tier decks. Primal Clash
brings us another three playable Stadiums, two of which
make our top 10 list.
Silent Lab has a simple, but wide-ranging effect: it
shuts off the Abilities of all Basic Pokémon. Not as
comprehensive as Garbodor LTR, but much easier and
quicker to get into play. With Silent Lab on the Field,
Safeguard Pokémon no longer block attacks from EX’s; Mr
Mime no longer protects the Bench; Lugia EX can’t take
an extra Prize; Darkrai EX doesn’t give free retreat;
Jirachi EX can’t fetch a Supporter; and Victory Star
Victini can’t help with Coin Flip attacks. There are of
course many more examples (Spiritomb LTR, Keldeo EX,
Jynx FFI), but hopefully I’ve made the point that Silent
Lab can be extremely useful in blocking a lot of
commonly-used Abilities, and therefore disrupting many
opponents’ strategies.
The deck that hates Silent Lab the most is undoubtedly
Virizion/Genesect. Every Pokémon in a standard list is
screwed over by this Stadium and the deck loses its
Status Condition immunity (Virizion EX), Catcher effect
(Genesect EX), consistency booster (Jirachi EX) and
damage enhancer (Deoxys EX). If that deck is a problem
for you, the Silent Lab is something you may well be
running, especially as a single copy will almost
certainly be locked in for the entire game as Virizion/Genesect
doesn’t typically use Stadiums.
If you have a deck that relies on using the Abilities of
Basic Pokémon, I suggest you make sure you run enough
counter-Stadiums. If you have a deck without such
reliance, then seriously consider the disruption that
Silent Lab has to offer.
Modified: 3.5 (a real problem-solver card)
Expanded: 3.5 (stops a few more things here, like Ho-oh
Limited: 3 (only relevant for counter-Stadium purposes)

aroramage |
Deep beneath the earth in a secret base, a horrifying
arena where experiments are performed to suppress the
innate Abilities of Pokemon is born. Poking, prodding,
the beeping of machines - it's all here, and yet nothing
is heard. Nothing can be heard...in the SILENT
...alright, this card didn't make it onto my list
either, but I absolutely KNOW why it's on our Top 10
List. It's obvious, isn't it? That effect right there!
Silent Lab suppresses the Abilities of Basic Pokemon
amidst all players' hands, fields, and discard piles,
NEGATING THEM OUTRIGHT!! It's Garbodor on steroids, and
without the need for a Tool! It's crazy! It's
ridiculous! It's way too powerful!
Okay, maybe not that last one. This is a Stadium card,
so any other Stadium coming into play will wreck it.
There are also a few Pokemon with the Ability to destroy
Stadiums, so that's a thing. Aside from that though,
there's not much that can stop Silent Lab. Garbodor
could have his Ability shut down by removing the Tool
card, but there's no easy way of shutting down Silent
Lab aside from playing another Stadium.
Now the clause of targeting Basic Pokemon only may seem
a bit useless. After all, it means Silent Lab won't hit
stuff like Garbodor, Pyroar, or the new Swampert, just
as examples. So what cards can it hit? Well, Aegislash-EX
seems to have a nice Ability for a Basic EX - GONE.
Exeggcute (PLF) can't be abused anymore from the discard
pile while Silent Lab is in play, Keldeo-EX can't Rush
In, Virizion-EX no longer protects Pokemon with Grass
Energy, Squirtle (BCR) isn't protected, Mr. Mime (PLF)
isn't protect-ING...say, there's a LOT of Pokemon this
can affect!
I don't recall of too many Abilities in the hand, but
for those on the field and the discard pile, this will
be more than enough for most of them! Hopefully it won't
get terribly ousted by all the other Stadiums.
Standard: 4/5 (sure, it can get removed by any other
Stadium, but so can...well, every other Stadium! And
this one can negate a lot of useful Abilities - not
every Ability, but a lot of good ones!)
Expanded: 4/5 (more Abilities to negate, but about the
same here)
Limited: 3/5 (aside from taking out other Stadiums, this
will be useful against only two Pokemon. Granted, one of
those is Wailord-EX, so this might not be a bad thing to
throw in)
Arora Notealus: Silent Lab is one of those Stadiums that
isn't based off an in-game location, though I wouldn't
be surprised if this had been used by Team Aqua. It
strikes me more of a Team Aqua thing for some
reason...can't imagine why.
Next Time: Who needs Team Aqua? We, Team Magma, will
spread the lands out and swallow up the oceans!

Otaku |
Welcome to the second week of our Top 10 list for XY:
Primal Clash. If you’re jumping around in the list,
note that besides the usual rule against picking
reprints I once again basically looked for 10 cards that
caught my eye and seemed either good enough we should
see them a lot or popular enough that we’ll see them a
lot until the metagame sorts itself out. Speaking of
the metagame, this is being written when I’ve seen next
to nothing from the St. Louis regionals (yeah, forgot
they were streaming those). Thankfully my list is
averaged out with those of the other reviewers and this
set, for better or worse our choices were a bit more
So the Top 5 begins (or ends) with our fifth place pick,
Silent Lab (XY: Primal Clash 140/160).
This is a Stadium card with an effect that states “Each
Basic Pokémon in play, in each player’s hand, and in
each player’s discard pile has no Abilities.” I hadn’t
realized that this wording could do some strange things
if we ever got an effect that caused a card interaction
based on whether or not something has an Ability or not
that wasn’t rendered moot by Abilities being negated.
For example Bright Down blocks all effects of
attacks, including damage, done by Pokémon with
Abilities to Latias-EX; since Latias-EX is
a Basic Pokémon Silent Lab would shut down Bright
Down at the same time its making all other Basic Pokémon
“...have no Abilities.” I wonder what would happen if
we got an Evolution with a Bright Down Ability, or if
like the many attacks that reference Pokémon-EX for
extra damage or effects, we got some that did the same
to Pokémon with Abilities, would Silent Lab cause
such effects not to trigger?
Getting away from the hypothetical, what do I think of
this card? First I hate running a deck without a
Stadium; some decks can get away with it but those are
exceptions, not the rule. Stadiums are the most
efficient way to get rid of other Stadiums and some
decks rely heavily on their own Stadiums. Most at least
receive a small boost when their Stadium is the one in
play, so its a position in the deck that demands to be
filled. That being said I don’t know if we are going to
see the return of “Stadium Wars”; I can’t think of any
deck that completely fails without its Stadium in play,
though there are a few that are in real bad shape, such
as many Night March decks if Dimension Valley
isn’t present.
Ways to leverage this basic tactic (not just Silent
March) are when you can benefit from your Stadium
before your opponent has a chance to counter it. This
is accomplished with effects that matter on your own
turn or between turns. Frozen City won’t bother
your opponent anyway if she can play their own Stadium
down before attaching an Energy from hand to one of her
non-Team Plasma Pokémon, but if you’ve got Virbank
City Gym in play and can Poison the opponent’s
Active Pokémon, that will trigger between turns before
your opponent has a chance to discard it. Silent Lab
is an “always on” condition, so while sometimes its
going to only help you on your opponent’s turn, there
are times when it can help you on your own (usually by
bypassing protective Abilities). Discarding a Frozen
City before you’ve ever taken damage from it and
then immediately (for example) using your Pokémon-EX to
score a hit against a normally protected Safeguard
Pokémon means that even if your opponent drops a second
Frozen City immediately on her next turn, you’ve
scored damage that normally would have been blocked and
you traded one Stadium for another.
At certain points in the game’s history, “Stadium Wars”
have been a thing; potent Stadiums or those key to a
deck’s victory (even if simple) weren’t just run maxed
out, but players found they needed to blend Stadiums
together. The total count didn’t get too high; very few
decks I recall went above five, but decks with 3/2
Stadium line splits or even several singles became not
the norm, but something that was reasonable… and I am
wondering if this set could herald the return of such a
thing. it is getting hard to select a Stadium; not only
because so many are good but also because in many
match-ups, it is easy to help your opponent; splitting
Stadiums reduces reliability but allows you to adapt to
more situations. There were four Stadiums in this set
and I’ve got to tell you, three look very promising with
only one looking fun but probably not competitive. Silent
Lab might seem merely “okay” at first, but let’s
name a few Pokémon that lose access to useful Abilities
(if not their main reason for seeing play): all
Safeguard Pokémon, Darkrai-EX, Genesect-EX,
Jirachi-EX, Keldeo-EX and Virizion-EX.
Since the Stadium leaves Evolutions untouched, I know
some have suggested that this counts as Evolution
support, but it benefits a lot of big, Basic Pokémon as
well. Besides allowing Pokémon-EX to simply ignore
Safeguard, there are times when an unwanted Ability can
be shut down, such as allowing Hawlucha to apply
Weakness and Resistance (applying Weakness being the
benefit); drop a Silent Lab a Silver Bangle
and a Fighting Energy onto Hawlucha and it
can OHKO a Manectric-EX or Darkrai-EX. If
you use a Strong Energy instead of a Fighting
Energy, it can OHKO M Manectric-EX!
I was reasonably impressed with this card when I started
thinking out it could be used. If the score seems
boring remember that this is in general; in decks
tailored to it it is a bit more valuable and in decks
where it clashes it will still often be handy; only a
few decks come out behind for including it. Just
remember that most of the time there will be a better,
less generic option to run. I actually had this as my
third place pick because even with other options,
shutting down Abilities (especially in a manner that
allows you to retain some) can be pretty handy.