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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
M Metagross EX
- XY Promo 35
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 7, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.50
Expanded: 2.60
Limited: Promo
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
M Metagross EX (XY Promo 35)
Yesterday, I did my best to try and hold out the
possibility that today’s card might be good. To be fair,
M Metagross EX seems to be
doing the same thing: there are some enticing numbers on
this card . . .
The 220 HP for one: that’s very substantial, and even
the dreaded Pyroar can’t
OHKO M Metagross (though it
will still devastate any Metal deck in the end). Then
there’s the attack: Gattling
Slug does 130 damage, plus 10
more for each Metal Energy attached. If you pay the
whole cost with Metal, then you are in EX OHKO
territory, and adding a Muscle Band will seal the deal
against anything short of another Mega.
Pretty impressive, right? You
can imagine using this as a tank/sweeper in a Metal
deck, with Bronzong PHF
supplying the ammunition.
Except that if you thought that, you were forgetting
that this is a
Mega Evolution, and the ‘ends your turn’ mechanic is
a nightmare. Only M Kangaskhan
has ever really got over that drawback and achieved a
certain limited playability. Of course, the more recent
Megas (Manectric,
Gengar, the Primal Clash
ones) have come with a handy Spirit Link Tool card which
provides a way around the problem. However, it seems
that Metagross was away on
holiday when they were handing those things out, so he
didn’t get one.
The absence of a Spirit Link is a fatal blow to M
Metagross’s aspirations to
be playable. That and the poor EX Basic means that you
are much better off sticking with
Dialga EX PHF as your big hitter in a Metal deck.
Modified: 2
Expanded: 1.75
Limited: 4.25 (assuming you pull the Basic EX, which is

aroramage |
Following up from yesterday's card,
we have here the first ORAS Mega, Mega Metagross in
glorious shiny silver and gold! He's not crushing
gemstones or anything like that, but he is rocketing at
high speeds off the card, so let's see what he can
redeem from his regular counterpart's missteps.
His one and only attack here is
Gatling Slug, a 4-Energy Colorless attack that indicates
it could be splashed into anything - but let's be
honest, you want Metal Energy on this guy. The damage
output STARTS at 130, which is already massively
superior to Metagross-EX's attacks, and it's not a silly
coin-flip attack like Squared Attack so he'll be doing
this EVERY turn! On top of that, for every Metal Energy
attached to him, he deals an extra 10 damage, which
seems a little small but considering what he's doing
already, that's just adding insult to bone-crushing
You can see how these two EXs work
together then; the idea is you use Metagross-EX to store
up a bunch of Metal Energies via Bronzong and Magnetic
Laser before Mega-Evolving into M Metagross-EX and
finishing them off with Gatling Slug! If all 4 Energies
used for the cost are Metal, then he's already dealing
170 damage, enough to KO most Pokemon and the smaller
Pokemon-EX - add on a Muscle Band, and M Metagross-EX
beats out anything that isn't another Mega Evo!
So what's going to stop him from
seeing play? Probably the lack of a Spirit Link card.
Especially in the upcoming Primal Clash set, Spirit Link
cards are starting to pop up for a number of EX, and
while several Megas don't have them, the ones that do
tend to be running 2-3 of them, depending on their Evo
output. Without the Spirit Link, Megas like M Metagross-EX
here are too slow and need to rely on some means of
safely Mega Evolving while ending one's turn - and
that's the kind of risk a deck like this can't run
Magnetic Laser on.
M Metagross-EX is a powerful
attacker and could very well see play, but it's going to
take some good strategy to get around the Mega Rule. I
wonder if Qwilfish (FLF) or Druddigon (LTR) are still
getting used...
Standard: 3/5 (a powerful striker
that's just too slow to bring out, but when he does come
Expanded: 3/5 (I don't imagine much
will change here)
Limited: N/A (oh you would
ABSOLUTELY run this guy if you get him and Metagross-EX
in the same set-up)
Arora Notealus: Compared to
Metagross' 5'3" height, Mega Metagross is enhanced to
8'2" in height! Tack on the 2078 lbs compared to his
regular counterpart's 1212 lbs, and you've got a
real...heavyweight on your hands! Huh? Huhhhh? :D
Weekend Thought: Excited for Primal
Clash stuff to come out? Ready for us to get around to
them? Oh but what about the promos from this week? Any
of them useful? Any strategies you can think of to work
with them?

Otaku |
We at last come to the final review for our week of
catching up on XY Black Star Promos. We finish
with the natural follow-up to yesterday’s CotD: M
Metagross-EX (XY Black Star Promos XY35). I’ll be
referencing it quite a bit, so click
if you missed it or need a refresher (I confess, it was
another late one). Being a Metal-Type hasn’t changed
with yesterday; its still pretty good but hardly the
best. Our first difference (besides name) is that M
Metagross-EX is of course a Mega Evolution; not only
does it have all the inherent downsides of being a
Pokémon-EX, but the Mega Evolution mechanic is like
Evolving into a Stage 1 except it doesn’t count as a
Stage 1 (so a card like Training Center won’t
boost your HP) and most importantly Mega Evolving
ends your turn! This huge drawback is why most Mega
Evolutions are there to look good in your binder and as
far as I can tell, there is no Spirit Link card
to help you bypass this painful drawback, unlike for
some other recent Mega Evolutions. This means M
Metagross-EX has to be pretty fantastic, either
directly or via combos, to have a hope of seeing
successful competitive play.
M Metagross-EX
has 220 HP; this is near the maximum printed HP score in
general but for Mega Evolutions its low-middle as they
range from 210 to 240. Its enough that it will take
some massive hits to score a OHKO, but there are decks
that can do it… especially Fire-TYpes as 110 before
Weakness is quite reasonable for them to hit. The
Resistance will make things quite annoying for
Psychic-Type attackers, at least the ones that rely on
actual damage; the 220 HP will last even longer making
it a bit more relevant than on Metagross-EX and a
lot more relevant than on something fairly small like
say the 90 HP Jirachi-EX. The massive four
Energy Retreat Cost still warrants packing something to
bypass it, something lower it, something to allow M
Metagross-EX to safely soak/heal damage, or some
combination of these. Heavy Ball may be nice for
Expanded as it can grab both Metagross-EX and
M Metagross-EX.
M Metagross-EX
has just one attack - Gatling Slug - that requires
[CCCC] and does 130+ damage, where the “+” is an
additional 10 points of damage for each [M] Energy
attached to M Metagross-EX. So besides being yet
another promo with an awesome attack name, what does
this attack have going for it? The base damage is
really good; ignoring the hassle of getting M
Metagross-EX into play you’re hitting that threshold
I really like for four Energy attacks. If you didn’t
have the effect to boost damage, a Muscle Band,
Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym
would put almost everything in the card pool within OHKO
range (well, at least for printed HP scores). The
effect is solid; fueled purely by [M] Energy, Gatling
Slug does 170 damage, so a Muscle Band takes out
most competitively played Pokémon (well, lacking
protection like Safeguard). Or you can risk adding more
Energy, though that will make you more vulnerable to
being countered by already great attackers like
Yveltal-EX (thanks to its Evil Ball).
So with good attributes and a good attack, what are this
cards prospects? Not too bright; the Mega Evolution
rule means even if you take advantage of Bronzong
(XY: Phantom Forces
61/119; XY Black Star Promos XY21) for Energy
acceleration, anytime you need to set-up an M
Metagross-EX, you’ll lose an attack and badly
telegraph what you intend for the next turn. If this
was the only great attacker Metal-Type Pokémon had, it
might still be worth it but Bronzong decks
already have several great attackers that won’t require
Mega Evolving and make up for not hitting as hard so
long as they exploit that extra attack that Mega
Evolving costs.
N/A - If legal and you pulled a Metagross-EX it
would be definitely worth a slot; after all you should
have room in decks in this format and you can just not
play it if you can’t afford to give up an attack. Of
course, the contents of this hypothetical set containing
a hypothetical reprint could skew things quite a bit.
A bittersweet ending; while hardly brilliant this
overall seems like a pretty solid attacker, however like
almost all Mega Evolutions that lack a Spirit Link
card the loss of an attack each time you Mega Evolve
into an M Metagross-EX knocks it down below its
relevant competition. Still, should we ever get some
Spirit Link cards for these older Mega Evolutions or
another solution to the turn loss, this could well be
worth looking at again… and if you insist on running it,
this actually could give you a pretty solid deck.