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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Phantom Forces
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 12, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.67
Expanded: 2.75
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
we look at Joltik (XY: Phantom Forces
26/119). Joltik is a 30 HP Basic Lightning-Type
Pokémon with Fighting Weakness, Metal Resistance and a
Retreat Cost of [C] and two attacks. Obviously 30 HP is
terrible; the lowest printed on a Pokémon, and makes it
so that the Weakness and Resistance are almost
meaningless as Joltik. The Retreat Cost is
adequate (this small anything over one is bad) and
obviously being a Basic is as good as it usually is.
The card’s first attack is just Gnaw for [L] and
hitting for 10 damage; clearly bad… but of course you
knew the moment you recognized the scan that this is all
about the card’s second attack, Night March. At a price
of [CC], for each Pokémon in your discard pile that has
the Night March attack themselves, Night March hits for
20 points of damage. Currently there are only two other
Pokémon with this attack: Lampent (XY: Phantom
Forces 42/119) and Pumpkaboo (XY: Phantom
Forces 44/119), so the attack can do from zero to
220 points of damage (before boosting effects).
So 220
for [CC] is obviously great but unlikely; fortunately it
is also overkill most of the time (good to know if
you’re facing Mega Evolutions, though). hitting for
less than 90 means that the Night March deck is
performing horribly; a single Battle Compressor
gets enough into the discard pile for that. My own
experience from facing them is that 120 is pretty common
and for a glass cannon that gets OHKOed, that is still
solid if you can trade well (either for Prizes or
resources and preferably for both). Getting into OHKO
range of most regularly played, unprotected Basic
Pokémon-EX seems to require merely a “good” set-up and
not a great one; if you aren’t able to disrupt a Night
March player assume they will hit it after a few turns.
Getting back to Joltik itself, the Type also
makes it quite dangerous for Yveltal-EX players
but Resistance is out there as well as well, which can
be problematic with attacks like Night March that are
something of a mathematical exercise. So is this the
best attacker for Night March decks?
There are five other options. The two most obvious are
the other Night March Pokémon. Both Lampent and
Pumpkaboo are Psychic-Type Pokémon with Darkness
Weakness, Fighting Resistance, Retreat Costs of [CC] and
two attacks. Lampent is a Stage 1 with 70 HP
while Pumpkaboo is a Basic with 60 HP, and being
a Basic makes the 30 HP of Joltik better, let
alone the 60 of Pumpkaboo as 70 still too often
OHKOed and Evolving is such a chore. Lampent
does get the better “filler” attack, though; for [P] it
lets you place three damage counters how you like on the
opponent’s Pokémon. While not brilliant, it is better
than Pumpkaboo, which does just 10 for [P].
Their Night March attacks are identical to that of
Joltik except for cost; Pumpkaboo requires
[CCC] while Lampent requires [PCC]. Simply put,
this means Lampent on its own is out. Pumpkaboo
isn’t much better, merely tolerable if you can get
Dimension Valley into play so that it can Night
March for [CC], the same price as Joltik.
other three options allow other Pokémon to use Night
March. Any Chandelure or Gourgeist can
use Celebi-EX and its Time Recall so that it can
use Night March off of the corresponding lower Stage;
the new Shrine of Memories (XY: Primal Clash
139/160) also works but then you can’t use Dimension
Valley (plus Shrine of Memories is hardly
available and won’t be legal for Organized Play for
quite some time). The final trick is to use Mew-EX,
as its Ability allows it to copy Night March off of a
Pokémon in play, and it can even use Dimension Valley
to lower its own cost; [C], [CC] and [PC] when copying
from Joltik, Pumpkaboo and Lampent,
respectively. Based on my experiences facing (but so
far never running) the deck, those that focus mostly on
Joltik and Pumpkaboo as attackers are the
most reliable; Mew-EX makes it easier to hit high
numbers but as it only has 120 HP itself it too often
ends up trading even. Any Ability based version has to
worry about Garbodor (BW:
Dragons Exalted
54/124; BW: Plasma Freeze 119/116; BW:
Legendary Treasures 68/113) and all versions dislike
Item lock as the deck tends to be very Item heavy.
For a glass cannon, Joltik is alright. I bumped
its Expanded score for access to Level Ball. In
Limited it can be painful getting copies into the
discard, though with Battle Compressor and
Professor Sycamore in this set, it still scores
fairly well for when you pull several and something to
combo with them. Night March decks aren’t a top tier
but I believe they are competitive.

aroramage |
Wait, we're looking at a Basic Pokemon that isn't an
EX? With only 30 HP? Shouldn't we be looking at its
evolution instead? Big questions for our first big card
of the week - or should I say, our smallest card of the
week! Get it? Cause he's...well, it's Joltik!
At only 4 inches in height, it's no wonder Joltik isn't
particular strong. In fact, he's really not particularly
notable for anything! You give him an Electric Energy
for Gnaw, which only deals a measly 10 damage. He's only
got 30 HP, so even a little breeze would KO him! So why
would you run him? Simple: Night March.
Lampent and Pumkaboo are the other two big Night March
users, though the costs between the trio are very
different. Lampent needs at least one Psychic Energy
within his cost of 3, while Pumpkaboo and Joltik are
flexible with Colorless costs. Between those two,
Joltik's is only 2 while Pumpkaboo's is 3, making Joltik
the cheapest Night March attacker. So what does it do?
For every Pokemon in your discard pile with Night March,
it deals 20 damage.
Now that may not sound like a lot, but then again,
neither does Mewtwo-EX's X Ball and Yveltal-EX's Evil
Ball. With Battle Compressor and Sycaper, it's rather
easy to get Night Marchers into the discard pile, so the
attack can rack up damage VERY quickly. Assuming you run
4 of each of these guys as you should, you're looking at
a potential damage going as high as 220 - for just 2 or
3 energy! And that's not even including Weakness and
Which leads me to the biggest problem in the deck: none
of its users are particularly...bulky. Joltik will get
swallowed up by anything, and Pumkaboo and Lampent
aren't exactly the bulkiest of Pokemon at 60 and 70 HP
respectively. While this does mean the potential for
Night Marchers in the discard pile gets increasingly
higher as the game goes on, it usually means if you're
not quick in the beginning to throw down a bunch, you're
not gonna be sticking around for long.
Night March is a cool gimmick deck at best, and while it
can take down the likes of Mewtwo-EX and Yveltal-EX
rather readily with some set-up, it can't take hits for
very long. Granted, each hit only gives your opponent 1
Prize, so if you're fast enough, you might be able to
snag your Prizes before they can get half of theirs!
Standard: 2.5/5 (that Night March attack really saves
Joltik, but you need a good bit of set-up to make it
work, and I'd think unless you're running against
Yveltal-EX or something weak to Electric, you won't be
using him primarily)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (oh yeah, better bring Mr. Mime into the
deck as well to keep your opponents from sniping off
Joltik on your Bench - you don't wanna lose him anytime
Limited: 3.5/5 (Night March is probably scariest here,
especially since some of the bigger cards in the set
have weaknesses to Electric and Psychic typing!)
Arora Notealus: The artwork for this is pretty cool!
He's venturing through some kind of aquarium from the
look of it...hmm...now where in Kalos was there an
aquarium...hey, that Lass looks like she wants him!
Next Time: Speaking of cute small adorable