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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Phantom Forces
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 27, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.63
Expanded: 2.50
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Phantom Forces)
Love the art on this card.
kawayoo has taken a
very odd-looking Pokémon and made him look as awesome
and mysterious as a Legendary ought to be.
The card itself?
Well, it may have
just enough
going for it to exist on the fringes of playability. 130
HP is great for a non-EX Basic and his attacks
sufficient damage to give you something to work with.
Obviously, the main attraction in Daunt, which can take
two-hit KOs on most things with the aid of a Muscle
Band, while reducing the damage that
Gigas takes next turn.
Being a Colourless Pokémon helps too: Double Colourless
will provide the acceleration, and you are free to play
Gigas with practically any
support Pokémon or alternative attackers you like.
Virizion EX and Grass Energy
would protect him from Status effects, while Mew EX with
Dimension Valley could speed the deck up a bit while
shielding Gigas from his
less-than-ideal Fighting Weakness (mainly because of
Donphan). I don’t think we
are looking at a top tier contender with
Regigigas, but a card that
may be vaguely playable with the right support, and one
which is capable of surprising an unprepared opponent.
Modified: 2.75 (better than you would think)
Expanded: 2 (more things do more damage here)
Limited: 4.5 (tanky and
splashable – what more do
you want?)

aroramage |
Best art, crushing the sign, 5/5, 10/10.
Sta-I should stop doing this joke. Anywho, welcome to
Regigigas, the spot where we talk about Regigigas being
Regigigas. He's won a soft spot in my heart from one of
my friend's getting a small doll and saying how
Regigigas would "hulk out" in various adventures. Such a
buff guy.
And given he's not an EX, he's as bulky as he can be at
130 HP! His biggest problem though is his Fighting
Weakness - that hasn't gone away last I checked. And
sadly, while his attacks are Colorless enough to be in
any deck, they're really not worth it...well, Heavy
Impact isn't at a vanilla 4-for-100 damage.
Daunt's a little different. At 3-for-80, it's...actually
really good value. On top of that, throwing on a Muscle
Band gives it the same damage output as Heavy Impact, so
already it's better. On top of that though, Daunt gives
Regigigas the power to ignore damage - up to 40 BEFORE
applying Weakness and Resistance! In a format where
damage is everything, this is INCREDIBLE! Now Lucario-EX
NEEDS Muscle Band, Landorus-EX NEEDS Strong Energy,
Seismitoad-EX NEEDS HTLBank to do any sort of damage
cheaply to Regigigas! All the while, he's got the
a bit more damage than usual while 2HKO-ing most of
these guys, BUT STILL!
Sure, it's not going to save Regigigas from Grenade
Hammer, Land's Judgment, or Somersault Kick, but Daunt
is Regigigas' saving grace in such times. If his attacks
were cheaper, he'd be able to wreck shop as an
alternative attacker - but then again, you only need 3
Energy on him, and there's a lot of ways to get that
onto him...
Standard: 2.5/5 (a powerful first attack that can reduce
damage enough to save Regigigas for the turn he needs)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (still pretty good here)
Limited: 4.5/5 (I'd run him, honestly. He's probably the
best non-EX attacker in the set!)
Arora Notealus: His flavor text on the card alludes to
the fact that Regigigas is the master of the Regi Trio,
consisting of Regice, Regirock, and Registeel.
Competitively, he's not that viable because of his
Ability Slow Start - in fact, most of the Regis are in
NU, the only exception being Registeel currently in RU.
Darn you, power creep, DARN YOU!!
Next Time:...what am I holding exactly...

Otaku |
Our second subject this week has also seen some exposure through
its usage in a deck, but this time it happens to have
been a subject of Pooka’s “Bad Deck Monday” videos on
Youtube instead of top cutting (or winning!) City
Championships. Let us take a look (huh, for once pun
not intended… mostly) at Regigigas (XY:
Phantom Forces 86/119). To start with it is a
Colorless-Type; there is a little direct Support (Aspertia
City Gym) and a little indirect support (Tornadus-EX
was widely used when it was new) but nothing that has
recently proven major. It never gets to enjoy Weakness
but never has to worry about Resistance, which is a net
negative as exploiting Weakness is much more useful than
dealing with Resistance is a problem. It is a Basic,
the best Stage to be right now. Regigigas sports
130 HP, the maximum we’ve seen printed on a
legal-to-play Basic Pokémon that lacks some other
gimmick (like being a Pokémon-EX); this puts it into
“more likely to survive than not” territory, though only
just so OHKOs will still be happening. Especially
against Fighting-Types because of Fighting Weakness and
their already hard hitting nature. No Resistance to
help a little, but that’s pretty common so it doesn’t
really count against the card. The massive Retreat Cost
of [CCCC] does matter as its something you should only
pay when you absolutely must, though fortunately few
decks lack something to lower the cost of or bypass
manually retreating. In Expanded there is an upside as
it becomes Heavy Ball legal.
Regigigas has two attacks;
for [CCC] it can use Daunt, good for 80 damage an effect
that is could be great could be useless; until the end
of the next turn, damage from attacks by the Defending
Pokémon is reduced by 40 (before applying
Weakness and Resistance). This effect resides on the
Defending Pokémon, which if like me you’re still trying
to make sure you don’t goof that up now that Defending
Pokémon has an adjusted definition, it means that the
effect resides on what you attacked. The bad news is
that this means your opponent can use the usual tricks
to remove the effect like Benching the Pokémon that was
attacked or Evolving it… in the case of the former if
you can promote it back to the Active place it can
attack normally. It also means that if you KO what you
attacked, the effect of Daunt is wasted. The good news
is that this means if the opponent doesn’t do something
to ditch the effect, then even if Regigigas is
KOed or Benched the damage reduction effect remains on
the Pokémon hit with Daunt and it applies for damage
done to multiple targets! The second attack much
simpler; for [CCCC] Regigigas can use Heavy
Impact for 100 points of damage.
The Energy Costs to these attacks are pricy but also all Colorless,
making them easier to meet. While Daunt isn’t much less
expensive, at least it is staggered instead of both
attacks requiring [CCCC]. Daunt actually does decent
damage; I’d prefer a little more, but with a Muscle
Band or similar damage buff you’re scoring 2HKOs
against Pokémon-EX… and if the damage reduction effect
of Daunt sticks then Regigigas has an effective
170 HP with respect to attacks that do damage (110 for
attacks exploiting Weakness and 190 if you can somehow
grant it Resistance to the attacker’s Type). In fact
Daunt is the preferred attack; Heavy Impact is something
to use when you can spare an extra Energy and the
effects of Daunt aren’t likely to matter, such as
pushing for a KO.
So how should one use this card? Pooka tried using it with
Mew-EX and Dimension Valley; this way
Mew-EX could use the attack with just one Double
Colorless Energy. In Expanded you could risk trying
to work in Gardevoir (BW: Next Destinies
57/99, BW: Dark Explorers 109/108 on top of that
so that Mew-EX hits for 80 while soaking 40
damage for the price of a single Psychic Energy
(which Psychic Mirage would double to provide [PP]).
This would also allow Heavy Impact to be used with two
Psychic Energy attached even when Dimension
Valley wasn’t in play (as they would provide
[PPPP]). Do I think that is a good idea? No, Pooka was
right to show the simpler, Standard deck that doesn’t
involve a Stage 2 on Bad Deck Monday; it sounds very fun
but not very competitive. You’ll always be unprotected
when you score a KO and you can’t block all the
potential workarounds at once even if you decide to just
focus on Regigigas.
Focusing on Regigigas isn’t likely to work for competitive
play, but it isn’t too unreasonable. With Double
Colorless Energy, its just two attachments for it to
attack. The soon to be officially released (though
still a ways off from being tournament legal) Silent
Lab Stadium could allow you to shut down Abilities
that aid in retreating (most are on Basic Pokémon) while
still including Abilities to either speed up Energy
attachments and/or make it more difficult for the
Defending Pokémon to manually retreat… though a
Switch still ruins the whole thing. The good news
is Daunt still hits reasonably hard so it isn’t
unfeasible to make such a deck function, it is just that
after you invest all that effort, there is a good chance
something else can use that set-up better. The real
pity is that this card probably is reasonably well
balanced, it just isn’t “broken” enough to be
competitive… though I’d be thrilled to find I am wrong.
Oh, decent odds of being obscene in Limited play; it is
a risky choice, but feasible as you take three turns to
build so Regigigas wouldn’t get attack twice
before you could start using Daunt. That means you
could run it in its own +39 build. If you don’t feel
daring, it can fit into anything that is not a +39 deck.
Standard: 2.65/5
Expanded: 2.8/5
Limited: 5/5
Summary: Regigigas doesn’t seem to quite have what it takes but its
close enough to be worth keeping an eye on; at the very
least you need to know how Daunt works for when someone
wanting to be creative or working on a budget runs it in
a deck that you bump into early at a tournament.
Hitting for 80 while reducing the damage the Defending
Pokémon can do on the next turn by 40 is amazing,
especially as it is before Weakness and Resistance but
the backing you’d need to make it easy to do is likely
to work better with other attackers and even your
opponent doesn’t shake the effect before attacking,
every time you Daunt for a KO you lose your protection