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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- XY
Date Reviewed:
Jan. 5, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.17
Expanded: 3.00
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
This week is going to be a bit of a
mixed bag: we’re looking at cards which
just missed out on our 2014 top 10,
along with an important reprint, and an
older card which really deserves another
We kick off with
Raichu, one of those top 10
near-misses. His Circle Circuit attack
has been a relatively common sight in
tournaments over the past year, and
Raichu owes
this fact almost entirely to his Typing.
When they put the same thing on
BLW, it only had a relatively minor
impact, despite this being before the
days of massive HP EXs, so why does it
work so well now on
Raichu? Simple: it means you can
OHKO the omnipresent
Yveltal EX,
even if they stick a Hard Charm or an
Eviolite on
Of course, the fact that
Raichu is
also a Stage 1 means that he can be used
against Pyroar
FLF in a pinch, and he also smacks
Lugia EX
around for Weakness, but there’s no
denying that his primary purpose is to
cut the Evil Bird down to size for the
relatively low price of a single DCE.
This makes Raichu
a pretty splashable
card, and as a result he has found his
way into a variety of decks:
Fighting/Big Basics, and
itself to name but three.
lacks the power and durability to be a
main attacker in his own right, but as a
counter to one of the most powerful and
feared Pokémon in the game, he’s almost
certainly the best option we have (Dedenne
FFI is your obvious alternative, but
without the useful capacity to hit
Pyroar). As
such, his impact has not been
inconsiderable, and he is likely to be a
viable card as long as
Yveltal or
some other Lightning-Weak Pokémon
Modified: 3.25 (An important counter)
Expanded: 3 (we have more options here,
but he’s still not bad)

aroramage |
Welcome back to another week of cards to review! This
week, it's Honorable Mentions, referencing cards who
didn't make the cut for the Top 2014 list whether it was
because they weren't quite the best of the best, were
reprints from older days, or are just a little too old
for the competition. And today, we're starting off with
that lovable electric rodent, Raichu!
At the start of the XY era, there was a powerful force
called Yveltal-EX that would terrorize the format in
much the same way that Mewtwo-EX did in his day. The
biggest difference between Yveltal-EX and Mewtwo-EX
though is that you didn't need another Yveltal-EX to
completely counter Yveltal-EX - you needed an Electric
type! And that's where Raichu comes in.
Raichu is your average Stage 1 Pokemon in most every
single way, including a top score of 90 HP and a heavy
Thunderbolt for 100 damage at the cost of discarding all
three or more of those Energy you'd attach to him. He
didn't really stand out except for his first attack,
Circle Circuit; with it, he could do the Empoleon Attack
Command trick of counting Benched Pokemon as part of
your attack, though Raichu only uses one side of the
And with good reason! Whereas Empoleon counts the whole
field and deals 10 damage for each Pokemon in play,
Raichu only counts your Benched Pokemon and deals 20
damage for each of them. Now at the cost of 2 Energy
comparing to 1 Energy, it seems that Empoleon's attack
is better than Raichu's, topping at 120 versus 100
damage. But there are some factors to consider with
Raichu's attack that not only make it better but more
relevant to the format!
First off, Raichu's Circle Circuit costs 2 Colorless
Energy. As odd a thing as that is to point out at times,
it's nevertheless an important part of any attack to
consider; Seismitoad-EX's Quaking Punch, after all, also
costs 2 Colorless Energy, and that made him "splashable,"
or able to fit into a multitude of decks without
impeding the strategy of the deck! Raichu's the same
way, just that he's a Stage 1, but this splashability
made him very useful! Why?
Because Yveltal-EX was running around terrorizing the
countryside! With a weakness to Electricity, Raichu
could deal 40 damage to Yveltal-EX for every Benched
Pokemon the player had! That meant with a full Bench, no
Yveltal-EX could stand up to the power of a meager
Raichu, and that's the sort of thing that made him so
special - he was the first big counter to Yveltal-EX!
The other thing to consider between Raichu's and
Empoleon's attacks is that while the maximum damage
output is less, Raichu's is completely under your
control, whereas Empoleon relies in part on the opponent
to deal higher amounts of damage. Granted, Empoleon's
still dealing at least 70 damage an attack for 1 Energy
and a full Bench compared to Raichu's dealing 100 for 2,
which is ridiculous when you realize that it can go
In any case, Raichu was - and maybe still is - one of
the biggest Yveltal-EX counters around in the format, so
it's no wonder he was close to making it on the list.
He's a fine addition to the game and can fit in most any
deck, making him a true force to be reckoned with!...at
least to anything named "Yveltal-EX."
Standard: 3/5 (nowadays, his biggest problem is much
more rampant: his Fighting weakness, and that's what's
reduced his playability overall - funny thing too, cause
the power-up to Fighting types also gave good cause for
Yveltal-EX to come back!)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (he's a fairly niche Pokemon in any
aspect of the word, but he could get potentially teched
into a Rayquaza-EX build as a means of an alternate
attacker to take advantage of all those Benched
Limited: 3.5/5 (there are a few more Pokemon weak to
Electricity here, and not to many Pokemon that can stand
up to something dealing 100 damage each turn)
Arora Notealus: In the grand scheme of things, Raichu's
gotten the short end of the stick in comparison to his
pre-evo Pikachu. I mean, Pikachu gets all the attention,
he gets special moves, a special Item in Light Ball, his
own ballon at the parades - she even got a set of
costumes to change around! Meanwhile, Raichu gets
remembered as that evolution of his that wanted to beat
Ash's face in way back in Vermillion.
Next Time: A Trainer for all your needs!

Otaku |
Greetings readers; though it is a new year we are not going to be
reviewing new cards, but instead shall feature a week of
“Honorable Mentions”. Besides the obvious, cards that
made at least one reviewer’s personal Top 10 list but
not the collective effort, are a few other cards that
weren’t eligible per the usual rules but had a clear
impact on 2014… though we did take into account the most
recent review as well. In other words no, I’m not
making us review VS Seeker again barely a month
after its last review. The cards were placed in order
of being most efficient to review, as determined by me,
not how they actually or would have placed on the
overall Top X of 2014 list. We begin the week with
Raichu (XY 43/146),
originally reviewed March 5th, 2014. This was before
I came back, so let us run through the basics and then
I’ll explain why it qualifies as an honorable mention,
though the basics should be pretty obvious.
Raichu is a Lightning-Type which means if it can deliver the damage,
there were some important targets it could OHKO via
Weakness, like Yveltal-EX. As a Stage 1, it is a
bit slow and eats up more space than most would like in
our Basic Pokémon-focused (but not exclusive) metagame,
but can still function. 90 HP means its a glass cannon
if it does work as an attacker but makes it a legal
Level Ball target (still relevant in Expanded and
relevant for Standard pre-rotation). 90 is just barely
enough that if your opponent isn’t running its Weakness
and doesn’t have a full fledged attacker ready to go, it
might even survive a turn on occasion. The Fighting
Weakness is deadly and has been most of the year; even
before XY: Furious Fists a Landorus-EX
with a single [F] Energy and a Muscle Band could
score the OHKO while smacking something on the Bench for
30 thanks to its Hammer Head attack. Raichu does
enjoy Metal Resistance; more useful towards the end of
2014, after XY: Phantom Forces shored up
Metal-Types, but even now its just a small bonus though
clearly superior to having no Resistance at all. That
perfect free Retreat Cost was and is still amazing.
Circle Circuit requires [CC] and does 20 points of
damage per Pokémon on your Bench; this is what qualifies
Raichu for glass cannon status, while the Type
and Retreat Cost are why it is a glass cannon worth
using. Thunderbolt might matter if you were to run this
in a deck that can power it up, but unless its something
using Eelektrik (BW: Noble Victories
40/101) its probably pretty useless; too pricey and
slow, unlike Circle Circuit.
Breadth: Raichu has proven most effective in a few specific decks at
specific times of 2014, however it could fit into
anything that could easily pay for Circle Circuit and
fill its own Bench. This actually makes it fairly
universal if you can make room in the first place;
besides Double Colorless Energy a lot of other
Energy acceleration like Energy Switch or an
Emerald Slash from Virizion-EX fit the bill. In
fact many a VirGen deck reminded us that an Energy
Switch and manual attachment after an Emerald
Slash onto something else would also work well. It
wasn’t really worth the effort though unless the deck
really needed to stomp on Yveltal-EX, though as
an Evolution Raichu was also handy for getting
through Intimidating Mane on Pyroar (XY:
Flashfire 20/106), but if you didn’t also have a
Muscle Band, Hypnotoxic Laser or some other
way of taking out the last 10 HP of Pyroar that a
full strength Circle Circuit wouldn’t touch, that wasn’t
a huge feature.
Depth: Here is where Raichu isn’t as impressive, at least
directly. Its a pretty straightforward attacker, just
needing a full Bench to get into 2HKO range of most
everything run competitively and OHKO range of the
Lightning Weak (smaller side of the metagame). Some of
its targets, like Yveltal-EX may have fought back
a little using Shadow Circle to block Weakness,
but that wasn’t overly reliable and is only just worth
mentioning. What is a bit more intriguing, and also
boosts Breadth and Time if applied, is
using this as a bit of a catch-all or proxy for the
other Stage 1 attackers that during 2014 saw similar
play; being run because they were decent in general but
mostly for specific match-ups where Weakness resulted in
an important OHKO. Examples of that include (but are
not limited to) Beartic (XY: Furious Fists
22/111) and Dugtrio (XY 59/146).
Time: Raichu debuted in XY and began making a splash as
soon as people could look past the more obvious
powerhouses of the set. It has had a couple different
partners and still appears to be seeing competitive play
in its well accepted supporting attacker role.
Standard: 3.25/5 - Not
quite strong enough to be called more than “good”, its a
card that does what it does reasonably well but comes
out on top due to one of those things being favorable
Type matching and only being worth a single Prize when
KOed, in a format where this allows for a favorable
Prize exchange against one of the top Pokémon-EX
attackers in the game.
Expanded: 3.5/5 - As above
but Raichu regains Level Ball, which is
pretty important as it can snag either a Pikachu
to Evolve from or Raichu itself.
Limited: 4.9/5 - Did you pull a Pokémon-EX worth running with 39 non-Basic
Pokémon cards? No? Then if you pull even just a 1-1
line of Raichu, you’re running it.
Summary: The little ‘mon that could, Raichu gave us a reason to pay
attention to the vast amounts of Pikachu released
during the current and previous generation. If OHKOing
something like Yveltal-EX wasn’t so useful,
neither would be this Raichu. Even with
Dedenne (XY: Furious Fists 34/111) to try and
rival it, Raichu still gets to bring the pain…
some of the time. I had it as my seventh place pick for
2014, somewhat to my own surprise as I tallied up the
scores, but being a longtime, steady presence helped it
out against other cards that had shorter runs. That or
maybe I overrated it a little in some categories. ;)