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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Mega Latios EX
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
July 10, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.40
Expanded: 3.30
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
This review has been postponed
because of yesterday's Digimon reference. We apologize
for this misconduct of the Pokenerd here and have taken
actions accordingly.
*cough* Alright, I'm back, let's
review M Latios-EX.
So M Latios-EX, as part of what I'm
calling the "Link Gen" of Megas, has another Spirit Link
to work with. Which is pretty good, can't complain. He
doesn't have an Ancient Trait or Ability though (come to
think of it, I don't think any of the Megas have an
Ability...), so all we've got is an attack in the form
of Sonic Ace. And being on a Mega, it's bound to be a
doozy! What do we get for investing 3 Energy into it?
120 damage to any one Pokemon.
That's...well, not as exciting as
I'd like it to be. Not to mention you have to discard
two Energy to use the attack. For most of your big
Pokemon-EX, it's more of a set-up, and for most other
Pokemon, it's a OHKO, so you could potentially be
claiming a Prize with this guy. But after that, M Latios-EX
loses a lot of steam. Sure, he's got Double Dragon
Energy and maybe a little bit of Reshiram or something
like that, but given his Water-Psychic-Colorless cost,
it's not gonna be as fast as you'd like.
I'd say he's good for clean-up or
sniping a troublesome Bench-sitter, but aside from that,
M Latios-EX isn't that big of a deal. Granted, what you
do end up sniping may end up winning you the game, and
there is stuff like DDE and Mega Turbo to consider as
well, so it just depends on your situation more than
Standard: 3/5 (I think that Spirit
Link card helps him out a fair bit too)
Expanded: 3/5 (you've also got
Latios-EX (PLF) to work with as well! granted, they
don't really synchronize as well)
Limited: 4/5 (if you get Latios-EX
and this guy, you can get away with a fair bit more
Arora Notealus: Mega-Latios and
Mega-Latias are...interesting. Like the main difference
in their design is the angle at which the wings bend
towards - Latias' bends forwards towards the head while
Latios' bends towards the back. Ain't that something?
Weekend Thought: Miss Lysandre's
Banned Card already? It's okay, we're here for you. I'm
sure there are going to be some more game-breaking cards
out there in the future. In the meantime, how about this
week's cards? Think the Latios-EX pair is underrated? Or
maybe that I was way too harsh on Zekrom?

Emma Starr |
Mega Latios EX, who sadly looks just like Mega Latias EX
(can’t they even have different color palettes or
something? This color at least makes sense for Latios,
but Latias was red, and didn’t have any…light purple on
her at all!) Well, what’s done is done, but it’s kind of
disappointing. But, I’m here to review a card, not
Gamefreak’s questionable design choices!
220 HP is up where most Megas have been, Fairy weakness
is here just like most Dragons in this set, but what’s
really nice is that free Retreat Cost! Looks like Latios
is finally fast enough to get a free retreat now! Also,
remember that Mega Latios EX has access to a Spirit
Link, so it doesn’t necessarily have to waste a turn of
attacking to Mega Evolve.
Sonic Ace (which is one of the few words you can put
after ‘Sonic’ to avoid using the title of a Sonic game)
costs one Water, one Psychic, and one Colorless to use,
and has the effect of doing 120 to any Pokémon on your
opponent’s side, though you have to discard two energy
to do this.. That’s actually…pretty evil. We’ve reviewed
a few snipers on here from time to time, but none have
been able to match Mega Latios’ power. If your
opponent’s Pokémon gets injured, and they switch out,
just use Mega Latios to quickly incinerate them to get a
prize! And if you don’t want to stay in afterwards, due
to having not having enough energy left? Just retreat
with your free Retreat Cost! Not to mention that Double
Dragon Energy works wonders with this card, as you can
easily pay that 2 Energy discard ‘fee’ in just one turn
with it, and you could play it with either a Psychic or
Water deck, without having to run both. Of course, since
you can only run 4 Special Energies in a deck, you’ll
want to use this attack kind of sparingly, which is why
that free Retreat Cost can come in handy so well. If you
don’t have the required energies though, Mega Latios
could become prime Lysandre bait, since Mega Latios will
have no way from protecting itself, but thankfully, you
can still always Retreat easily, if it survives. Of
course, also look out for Enhanced Hammers as well,
since you can bet they might be used more, now that some
of these Dragons have some great attacks…
Standard: 3.6/5 (Arguably the best sniper in the game,
though he does have his costs…Mr. Mime (PF 47) will be
his downfall though, and Sky Field won’t do him any
favors when it comes to mimes either…)
Expanded: 3.6/5
Limited: 4/5 (Bring some Double Dragon Energies,
obviously, but you won’t have to worry about Mimes or
orange-haired men. Just hope that if you pull this, you
pull Latios EX, as well…)

Otaku |
We close out part two of our XY: Roaring
Skies Dragon Week… yes I’m labeling it after the set
even though I included an unrelated promo card. As you
were already informed, today we are looking at M
Latios-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 59/108,
102/108). As such this will hopefully be the last time
(well, for a bit) that I inform you the Dragon-Type is
solid: they have some good support and don’t have to
worry about Resistance, though they only get to exploit
Weakness when up against BW-era Dragon-Types. They
haven’t been doing a lot in the top cut lately at
tournaments, but that can be as simple as individual
cards or individual cards plus their particular Type
support being the best: get something similar that
happens to be a Dragon-Type, and it can still rise to
the top. Being a Mega Evolution is a real drag; true it
so far has always meant better attributes and/or effects
for the cards involved, but the end results haven’t
always been worth the hassle and said goodies aren’t
guaranteed, not unlike the benefits of being a
Speaking of which, all the drawbacks of
being a Pokémon-EX apply - they are worth an extra Prize
when KOed, some beneficial effects won’t work and some
detrimental effects specifically only work against them
- with the added drawback that Mega Evolution ends your
turn unless you use a work around like a Spirit Link
card: in this case Latios Spirit Link is your
only real option. Mega Evolutions are like a nerfed
Stage 1, in a sense… though with the Spirit Link
cards (and some better effects) they have gone from a
joke to a serious part of the game. There actually is
one piece of generic Mega Evolution support in the form
of Mega Turbo, but while at first it seemed like
an obvious must-run (attaches a basic Energy card to one
of your Mega Evolutions), now that we can’t recycle it
over and over again, it only seems to favor certain
220 HP is only 10 above the minimum we’ve
seen on Pokémon-EX, but it is still a good amount that
is hard for most decks to OHKO, at least outside of
Weakness. Fairy-Type Weakness isn’t a good thing, but
it isn’t as bad as many (perhaps even most) others.
There are Fairy-Type attackers that can be nasty, but
they tend to be restricted to Fairy-Type decks.
Something like Xerneas (XY 96/146; XY:
Black Star Promos XY05) is actually going to whiff
without a buff… which is is again “less bad” as the rest
of the Dragon-Types we’ve been looking at went from 2HKO
to OHKO, this one goes from 3HKO to 2HKO (just missing
OHKO by 20 points of damage). Something like M
Gardevoir-EX is simply going to need less Energy,
making a OHKO go from “possible” to “probable”. The
lack of Resistance is the worst but as these last two
weeks have helped to emphasize that is typical of most
cards as Resistance is uncommon; it provides a benefit
when present but it is a small bonus, not something one
expects. It has a perfect free Retreat Cost; it doesn’t
get any better.
Being a Mega Evolution without an Ancient
Trait (so far I don’t recall any with an Ability), M
Latios-EX has a single attack - Sonic Ace - which
has an upfront cost of [WPC] and the first part of its
effect is to discard two Energy from M Latios-EX
(or whatever Pokémon is using the attack); then you
select one of your opponent’s Pokémon and do 120 damage
to it. If how I worded that seems odd, just a reminder
there are some Pokémon that can copy attacks; some copy
everything (even the Energy costs for using the attack)
while others copy only the effects: that self-discard
will get copied since it is listed as an effect and not
a cost. If you somehow can use the attack with less than
two Energy attached, you would only have to discard as
much as is available and the attack would still go
through. 120-for-three with a two Energy discard is
good and when you add in the capacity to hit the Bench
it is pretty great… though likely appropriate given
everything else that goes with being a Mega Evolution,
as well as the attack requiring both [W] and [P].
M Latios-EX has to come through Latios-EX and we have two
options: BW: Plasma Freeze 86/116 (and 113/116)
or XY: Roaring Skies 58/108 (and 101/108). Both
are Basic Dragon-Type Pokémon-EX with 170 HP, no
Resistance, Retreat Cost [CC], no Ability, no Ancient
Trait and two attacks. BW: Plasma Freeze 86/116
has Dragon-Type Weakness and I’m not sure if that is
better or worse than the Fairy-Type Weakness found on
XY: Roaring Skies 58/108. The first attack on
BW: Plasma Freeze 86/116 is “Mach Flight” for [PC]
which hits for 40 damage while preventing your
opponent’s Active Pokémon from retreating while XY:
Roaring Skies 58/108 has “First Raid” for [P] which
also does 40 damage and states it can be used even on
the very first turn of the game. The big attack on
BW: Plasma Freeze 86/116 is “Luster Purge” which
requires [WPC], just like Sonic Ace. Instead of
discarding two Energy it requires you discard all Energy
attached to Latios-EX (meaning itself) but you
hit your opponent’s Active for 150 damage instead of 120
to the target of your choice. XY: Roaring Skies
58/108 needs [WPPC] for its big attack (Light Pulse),
and it hits for 110 damage while protecting itself from
attack effects until the end of your opponent’s next
turn; the damage is a bit low but the effect can be
handy; just remember effects that don’t target Latios-EX
aren’t prevented.
So which of these two should you use?
Probably both and I’ll explain why… though you heard
much of it
yesterday. The changes in the card pool since its release make
BW: Plasma Freeze 86/116 far better than it when
it was
reviewed, where baby_mario gave it a mere 2/5 and Ness gave it
the minimum 1/5 we use on this site. Double Dragon
Energy makes both attacks much faster without adding
in complicated combos and of the two Latios-EX
and M Latios-EX, BW: Plasma Freeze 86/116
has the highest base damage for an attack (Luster
Purge). XY: Roaring Skies 58/108 needs less
Energy for its first attack and while pricey, its second
attack requires no discards and can protect it from some
more technical attackers. M Latios-EX brings in
a strong enough Bench hit to OHKO Shaymin-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 77/108, 106/108), allowing a quick two
Prizes to win the game or at least force the opponent to
KO it right away to avoid you winning the Prize trade.
As stated, you might be able to make use of
Mega Turbo with M Latios-EX… or rather
make “good” use. I am less comfortable relying on it
now; having enough basic Energy in your deck as well as
enough ways to reliably get it into the discard pile can
be challenging. Fortunately you don’t have to choose
between running zero or running four; even just one or
two can allow for surprise acceleration. Constantly
reloading M Latios-EX for Bench bashing doesn’t
seem worth it, unless your opponent has enough low HP
Pokémon there so that M Latios-EX could basically
sweep the game. I like it as a backup sniper or
alternate up-front attacker (Sonic Ace hits harder than
Light Pulse). As mentioned yesterday, you can boost
damage with Altaria (BW: Dragons Exalted
84/124; BW: Black Star Promos BW48; BW:
Boundaries Crossed 152/149) or go for additional
Bench damage with Golbat (XY: Phantom Forces
32/119) and Crobat (XY: Phantom Forces
33/119). The former won’t help with Bench hits but can
get Sonic Ace into OHKO range for most things you’ll
find in an opponent’s Active position that aren’t Mega
Evolutions; the latter will help with either Bench hits
or taking out the Active, and can even be split among
multiple targets. In either case (or as a third option)
you can just focus on hitting quickly with Latios-EX,
then if it is “safe” Mega Evolve into M Latios-EX
to finish something off and survive the next hit, then
try to bounce M Latios-EX and do it again.
In Expanded, there is a slight bit of help
in that some older Bench-sitters are small enough for
Sonic Ace to take a OHKO (even if only for a single
Prize), while in Limited it will boil down to pulling
Latias-EX and perhaps Latios Spirit Link as
well. If you do manage to get all three for
Limited play, go for it! The main hope of overcoming a
fully powered Pokémon-EX is to overwhelm it with smaller
attackers or to throw up sacrificial spare Pokémon while
trying to build something of your own up on the Bench.
This gives you the option (you can always choose
not to actually play M Latios-EX when it is in
your hand) of doing something about that.
Standard: 3.5/5
Expanded: 3.6/5
M Latios-EX is one of the Mega Evolutions I think
of more like a Technical Machine - some may try to focus
a deck around it and Sonic Ace but I find it better to
compliment what either Latios-EX can do with the
option to Mega Evolve into something with more HP and a
lower Retreat that can hit the Bench. Especially with
how popular Shaymin-EX has proven. Still, it
hasn’t been enough to help it win anything noteworthy,
so I won’t score it too high. I actually had this
alongside Latios-EX and Latios Spirit Link
as my seventh place pick for our Top 10 XY: Roaring
Skies list. It hasn’t lived up to my expectations,
so it is probably good that it didn’t make the final