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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Togekiss #45
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
July 13, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.85
Expanded: 1.74
Limited: 2.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
After finishing off two weeks of
Dragon cards, it's nice to get a little bit of a change
of pace. And what better thing to move onto than what
every Dragon is Weak to these days: Fairies! Today we
get to take a look at another Pokemon treated to the
duality of with a Trait and without a Trait: Togekiss!
This Togekiss is...surprising.
Alright, so it lacks a Trait, and it's only got two
attacks - the more expensive of which deals 70 damage to
the Active Pokemon and 20 to a Bench-sitter at the cost
of 3, which combined with Muscle Band will OHKO any
Dragon aside from M Rayquaza-EX and M Latios-EX. Yeah,
Aura Sphere is just that powerful, but you know what's
scarier? That first attack, Powerful Slap.
Alright, so it's a 1-Energy hit
that flips coins based on your Energy amount - the more
Energy, the more coin flips, but the bigger of a target
you make yourself for stuff like Mewtwo-EX and
Yveltal-EX. But while most of these attacks will deal
20-30 damage per heads or tack on an extra amount with a
usually small number, this attack straight up does 50
damage for each head - 50 DAMAGE!!
On average, yeah, you should be
hitting 50 damage for every 2 Energy attached, but
that's still really strong even for a 1-cost attack! And
then you think of things like Muscle Band tacking on
more damage, and pretty soon the attack
becomes...*shudder.* Needless to say, it's a risky
gambit with a surprisingly remarkable chance to deal a
LOT of damage - especially to Dragons.
And given the recent Evolution
support, Togekiss might not be a terrible option in your
back pocket.
Standard: 2.5/5 (still, you would
be relying on coin flips, which aren't as stable as the
Aura Sphere but should be doing about the same amount of
damage on average for the same amount of Energy)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (about the same
Limited: 3.5/5 (the coin flip,
while just as risky, also has a higher chance of just
smoking out other Pokemon - take your gambits where you
Arora Notealus: Isn't this Togekiss
just utterly joyful? Look at that, he's even got a
little rainbow in the background! So adorable~
Next Time: The Ancient Trait on
Togekiss is...

Otaku |
You saw it coming a mile away… welcome to Fairy-Type
Type Week (XY: Roaring Skies flavored)! Up first
is Togekiss (XY: Roaring Skies 45/108).
The Fairy-Type does have some established support,
though most of it isn’t literal Type support since it
doesn’t give a rip about the Pokémon’s Type but rather
works with [Y] Energy (Fairy Garden,
Aromatisse) and so can function off-Type so long as
whatever is involved can work with Fairy Energy
and/or a Special Energy that provides Fairy Energy
(not Wonder Energy, but Prism Energy
and Rainbow Energy work just fine). So far the
Type has seen some success in the form of Fairy Transfer
decks and… that is pretty much it unless we include
things that happen to run a Fairy-Type for its Ability,
like Slurpuff (XY: Phantom Forces 69/113)
for draw. That is has the support and success it does
but hasn’t done better is why I consider it a
middle-of-the-road Type. Being a Stage 2 means
Togekiss will either require a lot of space and
effort to run, or it has to be something so useful and
yet not vital so that something unusual like a 1-0-1,
2-1-2 or similar minimalistic line actually makes sense.
It isn’t impossible: players have even gotten used to
not relying on Rare Candy or Evosoda
to help the lines (as Item lock stops them and is still
a fairly regular encounter). Still it can be an issue
when the best draw card throws away your hand and the
next best ones shuffle it away - getting the needed
cards and the proper time can be problematic. This also
helps to put the rest of the card into perspective -
you’re looking at a minimum of a three card investment.
So its 140 HP is good but not great; enough to be more
likely than not to survive a hit… but that includes
match-ups where your opponent isn’t trying for a OHKO
and those times when they are but their set-up hit a
snag. Metal Weakness is typical of Fairy-Types and this
is a concern; Metal-Type decks had a far larger presence
as U.S. Nationals than I initially realized. I was
aware of things like Bronzong (XY: Phantom
Forces 61/113)/M Rayquaza-EX (XY: Roaring
Skies 76/108, 105/108) but wasn’t expecting
Seismitoad-EX to try a similar approach, nor for
someone to take Klinklang (BW: Plasma Storm
90/135) and Bronzong backed Metal-Type deck to
the Top 8. The silver lining is that most of these
decks already had OHKO capacity against Togekiss;
they are just saving a little bit of effort or have more
options.. Darkness Resistance is good, one of the
better forms of Resistance to have, though it is still
just a small bonus and not a major aspect of the card.
The Retreat Cost of [CC] is functionally average; high
enough you’ll want to avoid paying it if possible but
low enough that when you have to you’ll be able to and
recover. Fairy Garden (unless another Stadium
proves more important) will often make the Retreat Cost
has no Ability or Ancient Trait: instead it has two
attacks. The first (Powerful Slap) requires just [C]
and has you flip a coin for each Energy attached to
Togekiss itself: for each “heads” 50 damage is done.
Averaging 25 points of damage per Energy isn’t good but
it might barely be “functional”: the threat of a tiny
bit of luck pushing the damage into the “above average”
range may offset the fact that the average and below
average yields are problematic… plus it scales: 50 for
[CC] isn’t good but it isn’t bad, with 0 for [CC] being
terrible and 100 for [CC] being great. Your opponent
will have to be careful since that last one may be less
likely than the other two but still far too common (one
in four possible outcomes) to be “safe” from it
happening. The second attack (Aura Sphere) requires
[YYC] and hits for 70, plus 20 to one of your opponent’s
Benched Pokémon. This is a bit like the first attack;
instead of being flippy it’s just weak but with a
potentially strategic Bench hit, plus if you can get a
Muscle Band or Silver Bangle attached you
can get into 2HKO range of most pre-Mega Evolution
calibre Pokémon.
So what about the rest of the line (plus other versions
of Togekiss)? Togepi has three options
(all legal for both Expanded and Standard play): BW:
Boundaries Crossed 110/149, BW: Plasma Storm
102/135 and XY: Roaring Skies 43/108. The
Fairy-Type didn’t exist until the XY-era in either the
TCG or the video games (it used to be a Normal Type!),
so unsurprisingly BW: Boundaries Crossed 110/149
and BW: Plasma Storm 102/135 are both Colorless
Pokémon (and Fighting Weak with no Resistance), while
XY: Roaring Skies 43/108 is a Fairy-Type (and Metal
Weak with Darkness Resistance). All three are Basic
Pokémon with 40 HP, a Retreat Cost of [C], no Ability,
no Ancient Trait and just a single attack: each one even
has the same attack cost of [C]! BW: Boundaries
Crossed 110/149 has “Attract Smack”; it is a
creative name for your typical “10 damage, plus a coin
flip to Paralyze the opponent’s Active” attack. BW:
Plasma Storm 102/135 can Yawn to put the Defending
Pokémon to Sleep (that is all the attack does). XY:
Roaring Skies 43/108 has Sweet Kiss to do 10 damage
and your opponent draws a card. Your opponent
draws a card, not you. Unless the rest of your deck
requires you run a Fairy-Type Togepi, stick with
one of the older versions: as Sleep can go away between
turns with a “heads” on the Sleep check, its no more
likely to detain the opponent’s Active than Paralysis:
that makes BW: Boundaries Crossed 110/149 the
clear “winner”.
is the Stage 1 form, though you may attempt to skip it
completely with Rare Candy (usually a blend of
the two is best). Just two options here: BW: Plasma
Storm 103/135 and XY: Roaring Skies 44/108.
Both are Stage 1 Pokémon with 80 HP, a Retreat Cost of
[C]. no Ability and no Ancient Trait. BW: Plasma
Storm 103/135 is a Colorless-Type (couldn’t have
been anything else when it was printed), and since in
the video games this is the point where the line where
it gains a Flying as a secondary Type the Weakness is
actually to Lightning and it gains Resistance to
Fighting. For [C] it can use its lone attack (Sweet
Kiss) to hit for 30 while again, your opponent
draws a card, not you. XY: Roaring Skies 44/108
can use “Go Fetch” for [Y] to shuffle three basic Energy
cards from your discard pile back into your deck while
for [YCC] its second attack (Fairy Wind) does a vanilla
40 damage. This will be a metagame dependent call; you
might actually have reason to run both (and Rare
Candy) if you want to also run today’s Togekiss,
though if you absolutely need a tiebreaker, then Go
There are two other Togekiss to pick from: BW:
Plasma Storm 104/135 (reviewed
a little over a year ago)
and XY: Roaring Skies 46/108 (slated for review
Both are Stage 2 Pokémon with Retreat Cost [C], an
Ability and one attack. BW: Plasma Storm 104/135
is a Colorless-Type with 140 HP, the Ability “Bright
Veil” that blocks the effects of an opponent’s Items
done to your Pokémon but only while this
Togekiss is Active and the attack “Return” that
requires [C] and does 30 damage plus you draw until you
have six cards in hand. Bright Veil is amazing, but it
seems like Return just does too little damage to make it
work; before the Lysandre’s Trump Card ban I kept
meaning to trade for these and see if they could follow
the spamalot formula popularized by the many other decks
(like Seismitoad-EX), offsetting the low damage
by neutralizing or diminishing an opponent’s Items as
well as disruption to mess up what they already have in
play. I still could, but I really doubt it will be
worth the effort. This seems like something to build a
deck around, so unless I absolutely needed an alternate
attacker that was a flippy-but-heavy-hitter or that
could deliver a decent hit while smacking the Bench, it
probably isn’t going to play that nice with this
XY: Roaring Skies
46/108 is a Fairy-Type with 130 HP, 10 less than either
other version but it does have the same Metal Weakness
and Darkness Resistance. It has the Ancient Trait “Δ
Evolution“ allows you to Evolve one of your Pokémon in
play into Togekiss (from hand) even if it
is your first turn or its first turn in play (or both!).
Please remember that it needs to be a Pokémon that
already can Evolve into Togekiss and it has
already been ruled you can’t stack effects, so that
means Togetic (no, you can’t even use it with
Rare Candy) and it states “from hand” so you can’t
access the Ancient Trait when playing Togekiss
via Evosoda or Wally, though you should be
able to play down this Togekiss after
using Evosoda or Wally to Evolve Togepi
into Togetic, thus a T1 Togekiss is
possible, just unreliable and resource intensive. This
version also has an Ability - Serene Grace - that
triggers when you play it from hand to Evolve one of
your Pokémon (another reason not to bother with Evo
Soda and Wally, at least for Togekiss
itself). This Ability allows you to look at the top
seven cards of your deck, take any basic Energy cards
you find there and attach them to your in play Pokémon
as you wish. Your mileage will vary according to how
much Basic Energy you run in the first place and how
much is left at the point you use Serene Grace, but a
seven card spread can range from zero to seven and
unless the situation is extreme, the two or three
probable Energy you get is a decent return. Its attack
is filler though: a vanilla 60 damage via “Fairy Wind”,
disappointing since it costs [YCC].
If you want to use Togekiss (XY: Roaring Skies
45/108) then you’re running at least one of XY:
Roaring Skies 46/108). The two have natural synergy
as you can try to load up the former with Energy via the
Ability of the latter, improving your odds with Powerful
Slap (or making Aura Sphere fast enough to maybe
matter). That being said it is more likely the question
will be whether or not to run a single copy of
today’s version when you’re trying to use
tomorrow’s version to fuel something else… and the
answer is “maybe, but probably not”. The coin flips are
just a deal breaker for a back-up attacker at least for
the damage output (60+ per “heads” and I’d reconsider).
Aura Sphere is in a similar boat: an effective
90-for-three just doesn’t seem worth one less Energy
accelerator or running a more fleshed out Stage 2 line.
I am not thinking of anything that helps it in Expanded
that isn’t also in Standard but in general it will face
more competition so that is going to chip away at its
score. If you insist on running Togekiss (XY:
Roaring Skies 45/108) you’ll probably want Trick
Coin or Victini (latest printing BW:
Legendary Treasures 23/113) to skew the odds for the
coin flips in your favor.
In Limited, this is a fine pull if it accompanies both
lower Stages - it can work with any Energy-Type (well,
at least Powerful Slap can). If you can make room for
some Fairy Energy cards, then Aura Sphere is more
useful here as well, as your opponent is more likely to
try and “hide” something injured on his or her Bench in
relative safety (in constructed formats you expect
Lysandre or snipe/spread). The additional
Togekiss, besides being amazing here, improves your
odds of a more fleshed out line. As an added bonus, two
of the Basic Pokémon-EX in this set are Fairy Weak
Dragon-Types! Tempering this is the difficulty in
pulling a full line even at a 1-1-1 level, and the fact
that even in a 40 card deck, as you’ll have little-to-no
draw or search cards, getting out a fleshed out line in
time to matter can be uncertain (a 1-1-1 line can be
frustratingly random).
Togekiss honestly is a lot closer than the scores
indicate - even without its set-mate it has Energy
acceleration available in the form of Xerneas (XY
96/146, XY: Black Star Promos XY05) plus Powerful
Slap can use anything that itself isn’t overly specific.
If the attacks were just a bit better (either more
damage and/or more reliability) or if had gotten the
Ancient Trait instead of (or in addition to) the other
Togekiss, it still wouldn’t have been great but
it might have been adequate even with the Weakness.

Emma Starr |
After looking at Pokémon that are weak to Fairies
for awhile now, it’s about time that the Fairies
themselves get the spotlight! So, welcome to Fairy Week!
*everything turns pink and grows wings* What have I just
Togekiss, the Stage 2 Jubilee Pokémon, has 140
HP, a weakness to the uncommon but effective Steel type,
and a resistance to Dark types, and with the
disappointing Retreat Cost of two. So far, so average.
So, let’s go to her attacks.
Powerslap does 50 damage times each heads you get
for each time you flip a coin for every energy on
Togekiss. …There was probably a better way to phrase
that. Anyway, for only one Colorless, that’s pretty
generous, though of course, the 50% chance of failure
keeps that in check. But since Togekiss is a Stage 2,
you may have had time to put a bunch of energies on her
already. This is where Trick Coin can be used to
decrease that 50% failure rate to a nicer 25% failure
rate! The Colorless energy requirement could almost be
useful enough to warrant her as a Pokémon most decks
could use…if she wasn’t Stage 2, at least.
Unfortunately, I can’t see her being played in any
non-Fairy decks though. Oh wait, this is the stuff I’m
usually supposed to say at the end of the review, isn’t
it? Whoops. Anyway, next attack!
Aura Sphere, the throwable version of the
Rasengan (Well, that’s what I always thought it looked
like when I first saw it. Now it just seems to be the
Pokémon version of a Hadoken) costs 2 Fairy and 1
Colorless Energy, does 70 damage, and 20 damage to a
benched Pokémon. Although the 20 damage sniper aspect
could be helpful at times, I’m almost tempted to just
recommend you use the first attack instead, especially
if Togekiss is equipped with Trick Coin. Sure, it’s a
very luck-based attack, but even if you only get two
heads, you’re still doing 30 more damage than this
attack. And let’s face it, Fairy decks need big
attackers, since they don’t really have too many
high-damage attackers currently, aside from Xerneas EX.
Fairy decks are just supposed to be fun, strategy-based
kind of decks to use typically, from what I’ve seen.
Thus, I feel this attack (and maybe even this Pokémon,
since it’s a Stage 2), just doesn’t cut it.
Standard: 1.3/5 (Could be fun to
use (The keyword was fun. Not effective.), but don’t
expect to accomplish much with Togekiss. I mean, it’s
second attack does 70 damage…and this is a Stage 2
Pokémon, mind you.)
Expanded: 1.2/5
1.5/5 (If you’re lucky, the first attack could do
something for you…but then again, you won’t have Trick
Coin access here…)