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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
July 15, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.25
Expanded: 1.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
I don't think there's much that
needs to be said about Carbink here. Aside from the fact
he's pretty much ineffective for what he is.
Here's the thing: he's got this
Ability, Jewel Armor, which functions a lot like
Squirtle's (BCR) Shell Shield. Effectively it keeps
Carbink from taking any damage from your opponent's
attacks while he's on the Bench. That's pretty nice if
you want to keep stuff around for, say, M Rayquaza-EX,
or you're worried about your opponent sniping Carbink or
worse yet you dealing damage to anything on your Bench
(wait why), so you make sure Carbink's around just in
But why? His attack isn't that
great. Spin Tackle is a 3-for-60 meh kind of attack that
has a 50/50 chance of weakening Carbink by 20 HP - that
is to say, he'd hit himself for 20 damage. There are so
many better attacks that do more damage with far less
risk, so I know you're not using Carbink for that.
...wait a sec, is this a Japanese
promo turned into a main set card? Sonuvagun, no wonder
he's not that good!
Standard: 1.5/5 (the only reason
for the .5 is because, again, he's useful stable fodder
for M Rayquaza-EX, and that's avoiding Switch cards)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (about the same
Limited: 2/5 (I mean...not getting
hit on the Bench is nice, but I can only think of a few
that would hit Carbink in the first place. Not many of
those in the set, and never mind that his attack's only
marginally better)
Arora Notealus: I honestly like
Carbink as a Pokemon! He's got an interesting design and
interesting typing, but he's cursed with being a single
staged Pokemon. It's funny too, cause I reviewed the
only other Carbink card in existence - the one from
Flashfire - just over a year ago! Sad thing is, it's
better than this one.
Next Time: Speaking of Fairies
we've run into before!

Otaku |
Our third Fairy-Type for the week is Carbink (XY:
Roaring Skies 47/108). Nothing has changed since
our previous two reviews with regards to the Type: there
is some good Fairy-Type support and for better or worse
the best bits aren’t Fairy-Type Pokémon support but
Fairy-Type Energy support or general support that
happens to be on a Fairy-Type. This means that while a
Fairy-Type can enjoy some nice tricks, so can some
non-Fairy-Types. There also isn’t the level of support
of say the Fighting-Type. In terms of Weakness, the
Fairy-Type falls short, only scoring double damage on
XY-era Dragon-Types. Right now, that isn’t an overly
valuable Type to smack extra hard, nor is it numerous
(be that in the metagame or in terms of raw card count).
No Fairy-Type Resistance is nice though… but Resistance
is usually an annoyance so its just a small bonus, not a
game maker. Being a Basic is pretty sweet though; this
is the Stage that requires the least effort to work into
your deck and to get into play: just run the Pokémon and
drop it when there is room. This creates natural
synergy with a lot of other cards as they will be more
efficient when dealing with a Basic and there are even a
few pieces of Basic support, as if it needed the help!
70 HP isn’t the lowest we’ve seen on a non-Evolving
Basic, but most of the time if it is smaller, it will
Evolve. Regardless, anything below 90 is fragile and
real durability doesn’t seem to kick in until more like
120 or so; most decks can do 90 reliably and repeatedly
and those not focused on effects seem to handle 120 with
relative ease. Metal Type Weakness is not happy; as the
U.S. Nationals demonstrated, the Metal decks I had more
or less given up on make a good showing, as well as some
decks tapping Metal-Type support that was compatible
with off-Type attackers. Sometimes the low HP mitigates
Weakness, but I don’t think that is the case here:
something like Cobalion-EX just needs a Muscle
Band to score the OHKO for a single Energy while
other attackers can just use an unboosted version of
their lower cost attacks. Darkness Resistance is handy,
but pretty easily overwhelmed due to the lower HP;
Darkrai-EX used to be the Darkness-Type
attacker whereas now it is run even in most
Darkness-Type decks for its Ability… but its old and
familiar Night Spear attack still punches through
Resistance for a OHKO, even sans a Muscle Band or
other buff. The Retreat Cost of [CC] seems to be the
functional average; low enough you’ll often have the
Energy available to pay it but high enough you’d rather
not. For something this small, however it seems a
little bit “worse”... good thing you’ll probably have
Fairy Garden to zero it out.
sports one Ability and one attack. The former (Jewel
Armor) is pretty simple: Carbink doesn’t take
damage from attacks while it is on the Bench. This
isn’t a phenomenal Ability but it can be nice,
especially if there is an attacker you can combo with it
that has recoil damage that hits your Bench instead of
itself. Remember that damage counters are placed when
damage is done or when an effect specifically
states they are placed - so an attack that places damage
counters directly (instead of doing damage) will still
work on Carbink and whether doing damage or
placing damage counters, Abilities and Ancient Traits
would also get through. The attack (Spin Tackle)
requires [YCC] to do 60 damage… but wait it gets worse!
There is a coin flip to see if Carbink does 20
damage to itself. This is pretty bad - not worse than
having nothing but not too far off. You’re paying for
more like 90-100 vanilla damage and with self-damage,
you should be looking at 100 to 120 easy. In fact I’d
rather it hit itself a bit harder (it has so little
chance of surviving anyway) that as long as it doesn’t
self-KO it won’t make much of a difference… but more
self-damage should then justify more damage on the
attack itself (...ignore that if the designers
There is one other Carbink to consider, XY:
Flashfire 68/106. It is very similar to XY:
Roaring Skies 47/108; in game relevant terms it just
two attacks and no Ability. The first attack is Crystal
Barrier for [Y]; you flip a coin and if “heads” all
effects of attacks done to it, including damage
are prevented during your opponent’s next turn. Not
brilliant, but a decent way to buy time. The second
attack is “Wonder Blast” which requires [CCC] and does
40 plus another 20 per [Y] Energy attached to itself.
Either the base damage or the damage per Energy could
be a bit higher, but overall it was a decent option for
a final attack by Fairy-Types… but its niche merely had
it as “decent” and M Gardevoir-EX eventually came
out and even as a Mega Evolution does it better. So
does it clash or compliment today’s version? Honestly
it feels like they took what would have been one “okay”
card that should have had Jewel Armor alongside Wonder
Blast and made two much less impressive cards. If you
insist on running a Carbink, go with XY:
Flashfire 68/106. The only place to run XY:
Roaring Skies 47/108 is Limited; if you want a
Fairy-Type in your deck there aren’t a lot of other
options and having something that can hit the
Dragon-Types in this set is pretty tempting; as we know
from our two Dragon-Type weeks there were some solid
choices that became downright scary in Limited. You’ll
need a few Fairy Energy but the bulk of the
attack cost is Colorless.
Carbink has an Ability which was enough for me to
consider it. After considering it, I know that being
protected on the Bench is not enough to justify running
something so small with such a poor attack… unless we
get some future combo piece that does a massive amount
of Bench recoil damage to a single target while also
proving competitive. Not without its use in Limited

Emma Starr |
An interesting tidbit of trivia before today’s
review starts – this was actually a Promo card in Japan.
Was it worth that status? Let’s find out.
The weakness to Steel is nice, since Steel types
don’t seem to get played very often, though I think
they’re very underrated. However, the atrocious 70 HP
seems to foretell doom already. It’s ability, Jewel
Armor, protects it from all damage as long as it’s on
the bench. I have good news and bad news about this –
the good news is that Carbink is safe from snipers such
as Mega Latios EX, and a few other Pokémon we’ve
discussed lately. The bad news is that this is Carbink’s
mist useful attribute, since it’s attack is as useless
as they come.
For one Fairy and two Colorless Energies, Spin
Tackle does 60, and you have to flip a coin. If it’s
tails, you do 20 damage to yourself, possibly lowering
yourself to 50 HP if you’re lucky, or knocking yourself
out if you’re not (but who would even have this Pokémon
active in the first place?). Obviously Trick Coin can
help Carbink, but really…it’s an expensive-ish attack
that will hardly do you any good. I personally think the
English name for this attack should have been the
original Japanese version’s name: Small and Round Thing
Rolling Tackle. It gets the point across that the attack
is as non-threatening as it gets.
Standard: 1/5
Expanded: 1/5
Limited: 1/5