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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Unfezant #80
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
July 21, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.25
Expanded: 2.50
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
I'm just gonna say right now, I am
absolutely positively sorry if your holo rare ever ended
up being Swellow (72). Just...so sorry.
Unfezant here, like many of the
other Pokemon in these past two sets, comes in two
forms: one without an Ancient Trait, and one with,
tomorrow of which we will take a look at. For now
though, we get an...interesting Unfezant. Obviously not
interesting for Quick Attack, which is just your basic
1-for-30 strike with a coin flip for an extra 30.
No, what's more interesting is the
Strong Winds attack. Now Strong Winds is apparently so
powerful a gust, that for 3 Energy, Unfezant will
completely reset the board, blowing all the cards
attached to every Pokemon back into the player's deck.
Now you might think that that's a crippling a thing for
both players - how can anyone come back from such a
devastating attack? Well that really depends on how late
you play it.
Early on in the game, both players
have access to their Supporter cards, so drawing back
into all those cards isn't going to be a problem. Mid-
to late-game though - especially late-game - this could
be potentially devastating. If your opponent has played
out their 4 Sycaper, it's a good bet that Unfezant will
completely demolish them. It's a shame we lost Exeggutor
though - he and Unfezant could have been potential
partners in one of the most terrifying archetypes to
arise, with Unfezant blowing away your opponents cards
and Exeggutor keeping them from drawing into them!
...well, maybe not so much
terrifying, given that Unfezant is a Stage 2, and you
are having to attack first, giving your opponent the
potential chance to recover. But with no Tools and no
Energy attached, with nothing more than luck of the draw
to decide the fate of the battle, what're they going to
Though if you're not holding onto
any Supporters of your own, the same could be asked of
Standard: 2.5/5 (a tremendous
double-edged sword on a Stage 2, which leaves the game
up to chance - something competitively-speaking that
wouldn't be that great)
Expanded: 3/5 (again, combining him
with Exeggutor or Seismitoad-EX could be a devastating
lockdown, if you can get it to work consistently)
Limited: 3/5 (reset the board, and
you'll probably have the advantage if you've got an
Energy on-deck)
Arora Notealus: Unfezant is one of
the few Pokemon with gender differences so different
from each other, it's a surprise if anyone could mistake
a male for a female, like Hippowdon, Jellicent, Pyroar,
and Meowstic! Seriously, you should be able to tell
which one's male and female as easily as whether or not
a Wobbuffet has lipstick!...though come to think of it,
that's a pretty obvious one too. *shudders*
Next Time: DELTA TIME!!
Otaku |
Today’s review
will be unpleasant. No, wait misread that: today’s
review will be Unfezant (XY: Roaring Skies
80/108). Interestingly enough, this Pokémon specie
displaces distinct sexual dimorphism: the image on the
card is clearly of the male. This Colorless-Type will
enjoy a lack of Resistance and pretty good support:
Colorless-Types have their own personal Supporter (Winona)
and while it hasn’t been worth it for a while, their own
Stadium (Aspertia City Gym) with a couple
important Pokémon that don’t require Colorless decks but
can work in just about anything. They do not have their
own Type-specific Special Energy card though they can
somewhat fake it with Double Colorless Energy.
This is a really good foundation, but they are
currently denied one thing: the capacity to exploit
Weakness as nothing in the last two blocks has been
Colorless Weak. It isn’t a deal breaker - after all you
could go through an entire tournament and never hit
something for Weakness - but not even having the chance
does leave it without the advantage of something like
the Fighting-Type.
Being a Stage 2
should ultimately be neither an advantage or a
disadvantage, merely a “difference” that the rest of the
game balances out. As you know that is the ideal and
the reality is that Basics enjoy a major advantage over
Evolutions and Stage 1 Pokémon have an edge over Stage 2
Pokémon; faster into play and requiring less space,
while Evolutions rarely have anything worthwhile
contributed by their lower Stages. 130 HP is enough
that you’re more likely to survive a hit than not, but
as always remember that guesstimate includes decks that
aren’t trying to score a OHKO so your mileage may vary.
Lightning Weakness can be pretty dangerous; M
Manectric-EX, Manectric-EX and Raichu
(XY 43/146) have proven strong once again and
other decks have an incentive to squeeze whatever they
can in provided they have room since hey, never hurts to
hit the popular Lightning Weak attackers like
Yveltal-EX for double damage! Your 130 HP just
isn’t going to hold up barring some serious good
fortune. The Fighting Resistance is appreciated and
might have a chance of making a real difference given
that it makes the 130 HP act more like 150 against OHKOs
and 170 against 2HKOs. The Retreat Cost of [C] is easy
to pay and recover from; it doesn’t get much better.
Still sometimes it will matter because you won’t have a
single Energy to spare.
Unfezant lacks any Ability or Ancient Trait,
just having two attacks. The first is “Quick Attack”
for [C]; this version hits for 30 damage plus another 30
if you get “heads” on the coin flip. For [CCC] its big
attack is “Strong Winds”, which allows you to shuffle
all cards attached to each player’s Pokémon into his or
her deck. Quick Attack isn’t brilliant (you won’t be
building a deck around it) but it looks like an adequate
budget attack. Strong Winds isn’t without precedence
but I don’t know if there has been a similar effect that
works on all Pokémon in play. Your opponent can
kiss all Energy and Pokémon Tools “goodbye”.
Evolutions (including Mega Evolutions) will remain as
they are part of the Pokémon (it would specify
otherwise). Against some decks this will be a minor
annoyance and preferable to the cards being discarded;
in a typical Landorus-EX deck, you usually don’t
have a lot of Energy in play and a Pokémon Tool is just
a solid draw or search card away. Unleashing Strong
Winds against something Energy or Pokémon Tool intensive
with a manual setup or acceleration that works
from the field (Energy transferring effects) or discard
pile and/or is not “as often as you like”?
Potentially (if not probably) devastating. Of course
you do the same to your side of the field so it won’t be
easy to capitalize upon.
To get
Unfezant into play you need to go through Pidove
and then use either Rare Candy or Tranquill.
There are six distinct versions of Pidove though
some versions have seen multiple releases. Black &
White 84/114 plus BW: Trainer Kit Zoroark Half
Deck 14/30 and 21/30 are all one version. The next
two that are actually one are BW: Black Star Promo
BW15 and BW: Emerging Powers 80/98. The rest are
all single releases of different cards: McDonald’s
Collection 2011 11/12, BW: Next Destinies
83/99, BW: Boundaries Crossed 123/149 and XY:
Roaring Skies 78/108. Only BW: Boundaries
Crossed 123/149 and XY: Roaring Skies 78/108
are Standard legal and post rotation, we’ll be down to
XY: Roaring Skies 78/108. All are Colorless-Type
Basic Pokémon with Lightning Weakness, Fighting
Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], no Ability and no Ancient
Trait. Black & White 84/114 (as well as BW:
Trainer Kit Zoroark Half Deck 14/30 and 21/30) have
just one attack (Quick Attack), still only requiring [C]
but doing just 10 damage plus another 10 on “heads”,
unlike the more robust version of Unfezant. BW:
Black Star Promo BW15 and BW: Emerging Powers
80/98 have 50 HP and also have just one attack (Gust)
that requires [CC] and hits for 20. McDonald’s
Collection 2011 11/12 has the lowest HP at 40 but
enjoys two attacks: “Growl” for [C] reduces damage done
by your opponent’s Defending Pokémon by 20 points
before Weakness or Resistance is applied and for [C]
it can also use “Gust” to do 10 damage (no other
BW: Next
Destinies 83/99 jumps up to 60 HP and also has
two attacks: “Scout” requires [C] and lets you see your
opponent’s hand, while it also sports “Gust” for [CC]
and hitting for 20. BW: Boundaries Crossed
123/149 also has 60 HP but its lone attack (Razor Wind)
needs [CC] to hit for 30, and then only with a
successful coin flip (tails fails). XY: Roaring
Skies 78/108 can look at the top card of your deck
for [C] with the option to shuffle afterwards via its
“Homing Pidove” attack or like multiple others can use
Gust at a cost of [CC] to hit for 20. Pick one of the
60 HP versions and remember the attacks are all bad.
Moving on we have four versions of Tranquill
spanning five releases: Black & White 85/114 and
BW: Trainer Kit Zoroark Half Deck 15/30 are the
same card for game purposes, plus we have BW:
Emerging Powers 81/98, BW: Boundaries Crossed
124/149 and XY: Roaring Skies 79/108. All are
Stage 1 Colorless-Type Pokémon with Lightning Weakness,
Fighting Resistance, Retreat Cost [C], no Abilities and
no Ancient Trait. Black & White 85/114 and
BW: Trainer Kit Zoroark Half Deck 15/30 and BW:
Emerging Powers 81/98 are Expanded legal only and
have 70 HP. Black & White 85/114 and BW:
Trainer Kit Zoroark Half Deck 15/30 can use “Gust”
for 20, this time only needing [C], and also have
another version of “Quick Attack” though this one costs
[CC] and does 20 damage plus another 30 on “heads”. BW:
Emerging Powers 81/98 has “Claw” for [C] to hit for
30, but requires a coin flip and does nothing on
“tails”. For [CCC] it can use Wing Attack for a flat
BW: Boundaries
Crossed 124/149 and XY: Roaring Skies
79/108 are both Standard legal and have 80 HP though
again, after the next rotation we’ll be down to XY:
Roaring Skies 79/108 (barring future releases): each
has just one attack. BW: Boundaries Crossed
124/149 requires [CCC] to use “Air Slash” for 60 damage
but it has to discard an Energy from itself afterwards.
That is worded as an effect of the attack so even cards
that copy the effects (and damage) of an attack but not
its cost will still have to discard. XY: Roaring
Skies 79/108 has “Fly” for [CC]; it hits for 40 and
prevents all effects of attacks done to itself
including damage during your opponent’s next turn
but is yet another attack that does nothing if you
get “tails” on the mandatory coin toss. That protective
effect can help it survive to Evolve costs just low
enough that a Double Colorless Energy can pay for
the entire thing so as it also has 80 HP I recommend
using it over the others.
Lastly there
are the other Unfezant to consider; no reprints
this time so we have Black & White 86/114, BW:
Emerging Powers 82/98, BW: Boundaries Crossed
125/149 and XY: Roaring Skies 81/108. All are
Stage 2 Colorless-Type Pokémon with Lightning Weakness,
Fighting Resistance, no Abilities and two attacks with
the second attack always needing [CCC]. Black &
White 86/114 has 120 HP with a Retreat Cost of [C];
for [CC] has “Fly” with the same effect it had on
Tranquill (XY: Roaring Skies 79/108) but
doing 50 damage (not 40) and its second attack (Cutting
Wind) does 70 damage. BW: Emerging Powers 82/98
also has 120 HP but this time with a perfect free
Retreat Cost; its first attack (Tailwind) allows you to
attach an Energy from your hand to one of your Pokémon
while the second (Feather Strike) does 40 damage with a
coin flip deciding between another 40 damage (so 80
total) on “heads” or discarding an Energy from the
opponent’s Active on “tails”. For the record, this is
the only version where the art depicts the female
BW: Boundaries
Crossed 125/149 matches today’s 130 HP as well
as its Retreat Cost of [C]; its first attack (Wing
Flick) needs [CC] to do 40 and forces your opponent to
change out their Active after doing the damage
while “big attack” an improved “Air Slash” that hits for
80 damage and gives you a coin flip to see if you need
to discard an Energy attached to itself (happens on
“tails”; “heads” means you just do the damage). XY:
Roaring Skies 81/108 has 140 HP and a free Retreat
Cost plus the “Δ Evolution”
Ancient Trait, allowing you to instantly evolve from
Tranquill into itself, even if you just Evolved into
Tranquill or even if it is the first turn of the
game (possible if you use a Wally to Evolve
Pidove into Tranquill right away). Its first
attack is “Feather Dance” for [CC] and it adds 80 damage
to attacks by “this Pokémon” on your next turn. This
means to actually enjoy the first attack you’ll need the
second, “Sky Attack” which does 120 damage but is
yet another “tails fails” attack. We looked at Black
& White 86/114 it
and BW: Emerging Powers 82/98
when each card was a recent release while XY: Roaring
Skies 81/108 will be reviewed
tomorrow. There isn’t really a good reason to run the
others on their own or with today’s, except perhaps
XY: Roaring Skies 81/108.
Both XY:
Roaring Skies 80/108 and XY: Roaring Skies
81/108 have some useful tricks but I’m not sure if they
do them well enough to justify attacking with them. So
what would you do? Well you could try to run XY:
Roaring Skies 80/108, backed by hand control
elements to set-up for a lock deck but I wonder if
instead today’s would be worth using with Mew-EX;
Dimension Valley would drop the attack cost to
[CC] so that a single Double Colorless Energy
could wipe out basically everything in play but Pokémon
and the current Stadium. If your opponent goes after
Unfezant they aren’t hitting Mew-EX and odds
are you don’t need to attack with Strong Winds again.
There might be some combos available from XY:
Roaring Skies 81/108 that would also be worth
considering, but if there is we’ll go over those
tomorrow. Otherwise I don’t see much use for this card.
I am uncertain if this card gains anything in Expanded
and for Limited play, just being a Colorless Stage 2
Pokémon meant it was a solid pull; if you can run it it
should be pretty good. The lower Stages aren’t without
merit here and the other Unfezant can help you
run a more robust line if you are fortunate enough to
get both.
Standard: 2/5 (deck specific)
Expanded: 2/5 (deck specific)
Limited: 3.5/5
Summary: A very niche card but Unfezant
just might have a decent combo that will allow it a deck
or two that can use it. Such decks aren’t all that
great though so I may still be overly generous scoring
it as I did. The thing is I am uncertain what could be
done to make the card better; Strong Winds can easily be
an amazing attack and anything to make things “better”
could easily tilt this into “broken” territory.

Emma Starr |
Today we take a look at Unfezant, who actually
may at first glance be one of the least interesting
Stage 2s in this set, actually becomes one of the most
interesting ones instead. Why? Well, let’s take a look.
*logo fills the screen, with a whoosh sound effect, then
goes away* Yes, I envision this whenever I write these
reviews as well, so don’t worry, you’re not crazy if you
see this whenever I type something like that.
Quick Attack does 30 damage for one Colorless,
and lets you flip a coin to do 30 more damage. So, best
case scenario, you’re going to do 60 damage with this
Stage 2 (Trick Coin helps, but you knew that, and there
are much better Pokémon out there to equip with that),
and in the worst case, you do 30 damage. You must be
glad you got this Stage 2 on the field now! …Alright,
don’t worry, he does get better.
For three Colorless, he can use Strong Winds,
which shuffles all cards attached to everyone’s Pokémon,
benched or not, into each player’s respective deck. So,
this means all Tools and Energy you may have attached to
all of your Pokémon are gone now.
A sneaky little tip is to make sure you have some
Sycipers or even Shaymin EX in your hand before you use
this, to make sure this doesn’t absolutely wreck you. If
you’re opponent has already used their fair share of
Sycipers so far in the game, that’s all the better! If
you time it right, you can easily turn the tables in
your favor just by having access to more cards than your
opponent, which could be very crucial if you decide to
use this. However, if the opposite is true, and your
opponent hasn’t played many Sycipers or you don’t have
access to any at this time, you’ve basically set
yourself up for a slow (…or not) defeat. You know how
crazy Seismitoad EX can get just by stopping you from
using Item cards for a turn? Imagine not being able to
use anything, due to all of your precious cards being
scattered in your deck. Thus, I feel Unfezant is the
ultimate double-edged sword, as if the conditions are
right, it can be a very crucial point to your victory.
If things don’t go so well, you got a Stage 2 onto the
field for nothing. It’s evilly surprise cards like this
one that I personally find immensely fun to play. :3
Standard: 3/5 (It’s a Stage 2, so if it didn’t
require as much work to get out for an effect you may or
may not want to use, I would have rated it higher.)
Expanded 3/5
Limited: 2/5 (This can card is actually even more
reliant on luck here, since draw/searching power is
decided by the amount of these cards you pull. If you
don’t get enough cards like these, I suggest not running
Unfezant here.