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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards Lost To Rotation
#9 - Skyla - Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
July 28, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.20
Expanded: 4.25
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
...sorry, I just REALLY like Skyla.
She's honestly my favorite Flying-type Gym Leader, as
well as maybe my favorite Unova Gym Leader (well,
definitely female, I'd have to debate if she's better
than Drayden.....nahhh, that beard though). And on top
of that she got a fantastic card to work with too! And
just look at that Full Art - LOOK AT IT!! She's SO
That's it, I'm retiring to Expanded
forever, peace out guys.
...nah, jk. In all seriousness
though, Skyla here has been a fantastic addition as not
only a viable Jirachi-EX target but also as one of the
most diverse Supporters in the game. The fact of the
matter is, she grabs you any Trainer card you need - ANY
TRAINER CARD!! Not just a Supporter or an Item or a
Stadium, just any ONE of those! And that sort of power
plays a massive role in decks!
Early evolution decks centered
around Blastoise or Emboar or Empoleon would want Skyla
to be able to grab a Rare Candy out of their deck
whenever they needed it. Offensive decks could use her
to quickly grab HTL or Muscle Band to garner more damage
in their attack. Mega Decks would probably have used her
to grab a Spirit Link card just before Mega Evolving!
Skyla was pure utility when used correctly, and that
made her extremely effective at what she did.
Oh Skyla, at least you'll still be
around in Expanded, but for Standard players everywhere,
I salute you as you set off on your flight out of these
lands once and for all.
Standard: 4/5 (a fairly usable
Supporter for utility purposes, and a great addition to
any deck!)
Expanded: 4/5 (there are definitely
more Trainer cards to choose from, which only adds to
her utility!)
Limited: 5/5 (you could grab any of
a nice variety of Trainer cards, not to mention one of
those Ace Spec cards - useful if you managed to snag a
Computer Search!)
Arora Notealus: Personally, I
really liked the Boundaries Crossed set. It brought in
new aspects to the game similarly to Dragons Exalted and
the base XY set, but it kept it simple and focused on
restricting once super-powerful reprints and on
otherwise extremely powerful effects...at least, in
theory. Ace Spec cards were limited to one per deck, so
having something like Skyla around to snatch it out was
wildly useful!
Next Time: The legend that started
it all...in a sense.

Emma Starr |
When Skyla came out, it was a big deal (I’m
presuming. I didn’t get into the game too much until a
few sets later, I think. I started playing the PTCGO
around…Dragons Exalted was released, I think?), as you
no longer had to rely on Random Receiver to get your
Supporters ‘quickly’. However, with Skyla, you weren’t
limited to Supporters, as you could now search your deck
for ANY kind of Trainer card, along with…as I just
mentioned…being able to actually search your deck for a
specific card, instead of just revealing cards from the
top of your deck until you ran into one. Now, you
finally had a convenient way to get cards like Ultra
Ball or Computer Search into your hand, which was huge.
Thus, she quickly became the deck staple she is today,
but unfortunately won’t be for too much longer. Fly high
into the skies, and back to Unova, sweet girl, for you
have graced us with your TCG presence long enough. Now,
go grace Mistralton City with your sexy fashion,
piloting, and battling skills once more.
(Look, I’m already a little self conscious that this
review was so short compared to my other reviews
already, so…)
Standard: 4.8/5
Expanded: 4.8/5
Limited: 5/5

Otaku |
Ninth place for
our Top 10 Cards Lost To Rotation is… a tie! Sort of:
I’m not doing that thing where we review two cards for
the same place just pointing out that tomorrow’s card
was nearly today’s and today’s was nearly tomorrow’s.
No we didn’t flip a coin or roll a die: I was in charge
of compiling the final list from the individual ones and
even looking for “tie breaker” material it was close.
So what is our actual Card of the Day? Number nine is
Skyla (BW: Boundaries Crossed 134/149,
146/149)! There was an announcement in Japan about a
special promo version of Skyla (same effect, new
art) if you purchase two boxes of XY8: the short version
is that this could indicate an eventual re-release
elsewhere as well or it could be a Japan-only thing that
Skyla is a Supporter that allows you to snag
any Trainer you want from your deck and then add it to
your hand; Item, Stadium or Supporter. We’ve reviewed
Skyla twice before:
here as part of our Top 10 Cards Of
Boundaries Crossed list and again
here as part of our Top 10 Cards Of 2012.
Surprisingly those reviews aren’t as out of date as
they may seem; players still can access some amazing
Trainers (more than when those reviews were written):
Computer Search means Skyla can ultimately
grab anyone card from hand (mind the discard cost),
Ultra Ball any Pokémon (again, mind the discard
cost) and Professor’s Letter means you can snag
any two Basic Energy from your deck. With VS Seeker
you may find you can enjoy serious benefit from fewer
copies of Skyla than before; after all you may
not need to search out a specific Trainer (instead of
drawing or another potent Supporter effect) so badly
every game that you need to max out your count of
Skyla. In the past we’ve had Skyla snag a
card like Bicycle so that she can fake being a
draw Supporter: if you can afford the discard cost now
she can snag an Ultra Ball to bring forth
Shaymin-EX (XY: Roaring Skies 77/108,
106/108) to draw up to six cards.
So in the
present, Skyla remains a strong play only losing
steam because of competition. Fighting-Type decks have
Korrina which restricts the search from “any
Trainer” to just “Items” but throws in a Fighting-Type
Pokémon as well (from the same set that gave them lots
of other goodies). The other rival is Trainers’ Mail;
while it only lets you add a Trainer from the top four
cards of your deck, it is an Item itself and thus combos
nicely with most other Trainers. We also got a few more
Supporters now than back then that are near must-plays
as well: Colress for potentially huge draws and
Lysandre force Active what you want from your
opponent’s Bench. Since you can only play one Supporter
per turn this added competition both from rival
Supporters and other non-supporters has blunted its
usefulness, but not destroyed it.
Skyla will lose a little something if it
does get reprinted so that it remains Standard legal:
Ace Specs are done. Well, at least there haven’t been
any in the XY-era sets and using Skyla to access
an overpowered Item that you’d normally have to “luck”
into at the correct time, even at the cost of your
Supporter, was (and in many decks still is) a power
play. There are other potent Items we’ll lose due to
rotation, but we’ll get more Items in general so even if
the next crop isn’t as good, there will be replacements.
The Ace Spec mechanic (thankfully) appears to be done,
and like a video game character nerfed in the follow-up
for game balance, Skyla wouldn’t have this trick…
again if she does get reprinted: in Expanded this
will still be a thing and Skyla can still work
all her other magic. If you’re actually using product
from BW: Boundaries Crossed for Limited play and
you get Skyla, you’ll be happy to know that she’s
a must run: even if you whiff on any other Trainers, she
still would allow you to look at and shuffle your deck
(since the game doesn’t “know” that the search can
fail). If you do get any other Trainers worth running,
she gives you another shot at getting to them in a
timely manner.
Standard: 3.75/5
Expanded: 3.9/5
Limited: 5/5
Summary: Skyla might still be a must run
if Item lock wasn’t so potent and popular a strategy:
Items are the card class that makes her so versatile as
a Supporter you fetch via her effect has to wait a turn
to be used - barring something like Magnezone (BW:
Plasma Storm 46/135) - while Stadiums aren’t as
numerous in decks, are also once per turn - no
exceptions I know of - and you can’t play another
copy of the same one that is already in play (sometimes
that matters). Items are what make Skyla a Swiss
Army Knife; not always the best tool for the job but
often providing a tool for the job. She was actually my
11th place pick but the only reason I am nervous about
her taking 9th place is if it turns out she is indeed
getting a re-release. Well that and it being a tie.