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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards Lost To Rotation
#8 - Mewtwo EX
- Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
July 29, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.17
Expanded: 4.33
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Ahhhh, Mewtwo, how the great and
powerful have been...well, great and powerful.
We all remember when Mewtwo-EX
first came out in Next Destinies. He wasn't just a
powerful Pokemon - he was THE powerful Pokemon. He was
one of the first Pokemon-EX to arise, and ever since he
has defined the power creep that has taken hold over
these past three-and-a-half years since his release. In
fact, Mewtwo-EX was so popular and such a big powerhouse
in decks, he got printed not once, not twice, but THREE
TIMES!! (Next Destinies, the EX Tin, and of course,
Legendary Treasures - four times if you count the
special BEAMS Promo in Japan)
And who could blame him? He did
come into the game wielding one of the most powerful
attacks ever to grace the game!...no, not Psydrive,
though Psydrive in itself as a 3-for-120 hit was
powerful enough in-and-of itself. No, the attack that
made Mewtwo-EX and defined a format of mirror matches
was the infamous X Ball, a 2-cost of Colorless Energy
that made him as widespread usable as Seismitoad-EX with
the sinister power of dealing 20 damage per Energy on
Now while he didn't always have a
hold as an archetype himself, Mewtwo-EX was often seen
in decks even as a one-off, given that the only good way
to counter Mewtwo-EX in those early days was, well, with
another Mewtwo-EX. Something fast that could deal tons
of damage and punish heavy Energy-users? Absolutely!
These days, Mewtwo-EX is marginally
balanced out by the presence of Megas and a broader
spectrum of Pokemon-EX, but he's never been quite as
powerful as he was in his day. Yveltal-EX tried
performing something similar with his Evil Ball, but his
changing one of the Energy costs to Darkness and the
loss of much of the Dark support in Dark Explorers led
to him being a less prominent figure in the game by
Don't worry though - Mewtwo-EX may
be gone, but his essence will live on not just in the
spirit of all the Pokemon-EX that have followed, but
with a new one coming up as well...
Standard: 4.5/5 (still a powerful
Pokemon, but with Megas around, he doesn't always do as
much damage as he used to, not to mention the anti-EX
cards have helped mitigate his usage)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (he's still going
to be a powerhouse though, and I don't doubt there will
be all kinds of decks focused around his power as
Limited: 5/5 (he was the best
Pokemon-EX in the beginning, and in his set, he is the
best Pokemon to grab)
Arora Notealus: I remember it was
right around when Next Destinies came out that I
journeyed with my friends to the giant warehouse where
they got their Pokemon cards. To be honest, it's a giant
collectibles warehouse with a wide variety of stands
lined up selling everything from comic books to video
games. And naturally, there are lots of card stands! Not
to many Pokemon ones compared to Magic and Yugioh, but
still a fair number. I only bring it up now cause that
was my reintroduction back into the game, and I recall
one of our friends buying a full art Mewtwo-EX card for
$60 at the time! Crazy!!
Next Time: For when you need that
quick retreat~

Emma Starr |
Mewtwo EX, a card that not only represented a
time of OPness of EXs, but also of nostalgia for me, as
well, since I pulled the FA version in my first pack of
Pokémon Cards I ever bought. I wish I could say I still
own it, as well. However, I traded it for a Nintendo 64
and some games for it, so I unfortunately no longer own
that monumental card. Regardless, onto the review.
Although being a 170 HP Psychic type Pokémon, as
most of you are aware, this card was as splashable as
you could get in terms of usefulness and power. The
infamous attack, X Ball, did 20 times the amount of
energy not only attached to Mewtwo EX, but the opposing
Pokémon as well! To top it off, it only costed only any
two Energies! In fact, because of Mewtwo EX and maybe a
few other Pokémon, the rules were even changed so that
the person who goes first can’t attack in that turn! So,
cards like First Ticket are now, for lack of better
words…dead and useless, like some of the
Japanese-exclusive vending machine ‘Rules’ trainer
cards. For a good time after its release, and even
after, still continuing to today even, Mewtwo EX was a
power house. In the For a good while after its release,
the only way to really counter a Mewtwo EX was to use
your own Mewtwo EX, due to its Psychic weakness. So,
even if you didn’t want to use one in your deck, it was
almost mandatory to run at least one to counter your
opponent’s. It also had great synergy with cards like
Blastoise (BC 31), Emboar (BW 20), and even Eelektrik
(NV 40). How does Mewtwo EX stand today, though?
First off, Lysandre is a very viable threat, and
deck stable today. Pair him up with Mewtwo EX, and any
Pokémon that is loaded with energy just sitting on your
opponent’s bench is liable to an easy KO. That’s the
best that’s changed for Mewtwo EX, though. Thankfully,
the metagame has definitely shifted since Mewtwo EX was
introduced. Although still a scary card, Mega Pokémon
are now a thing, and can take Mewtwo EX at least a
couple turns in most cases to KO. Cards like Thundurus
EX and most other modern EXs and Megas now do lots of
damage quicker than Mewtwo EX can, which is probably its
biggest fall from grace. The metagame has thankfully
evolved from where it was when it was first released,
and today, the metagame seems to revolve around having
as many cards as possible at your disposal, and getting
as many cards in your hand as quickly as you can to
accomplish this, and having attackers that are even
quicker to power up than Mewtwo EX. Although their sheer
damage may be lower, the ability to power them up
quickly usually overshadows this. And even though Mewtwo
EX will soon be rotated out, Yveltal EX (XY 79) still
has a very similar attack, but seems to be delegated
only to Dark type decks, due to Evil Ball having a
Darkness Energy requirement.
Oh, it also has an attack called Psydrive, which
costed two Psychic energies and a Colorless, and did 120
damage, and you had to discard an energy from Mewtwo EX.
Strangely, this attack seems more in line with what you
would see on most EXs today. But of course, it costed
two Psychics, so hardly anyone ever used it. Even
stranger, in Japanese, it’s called Psycho Drive, which
is the name of the machine that M. Bison uses to channel
psychic energy to himself in Street Fighter Alpha 3.
Standard: 3.9/5 (Still a scary card, but not the
quickest any more. Still insanely splashable, though.)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (Blastoise/Emboar availability is
always very nice for Mewtwo EX, especially with all of
the modern draw engines of today, as well.)
Limited: 5/5 (You can never go
wrong with Mewtwo EX here.)
Snagging 8th
place via tie breakers, Mewtwo-EX (BW: Next
Destinies 54/99, 98/99; BW: Black Star Promos
BW45; BW: Legendary Treasures 54/113) also earns
its fourth review. In a somewhat strange turn of
events, just like Skyla Mewtwo-EX is
reportedly getting another release. This time it is
reported to be worldwide, not just in Japan. It still
is ambiguous what this means because I can’t track down
official confirmation in the time available (if anything
is referenced, it is another website’s unsourced
announcement) and because the method of
re-release is supposed to be a “Battle Arena Deck” and
as such may simply contain the older cards,
corresponding with Expanded becoming more prominent with
Organized Play. The exact contents aren’t know but the
reports (again, unsubstantiated unless I had a research
fail) include some other notable cards that either are
or soon will be “Expanded only”.
So back on top,
Mewtwo-EX was our
place pick when we did our Top 10 list for BW:
Next Destinies and that was back in February of
2012. When we did our customary Top 10 list for that
year, it repeated its dominance by taking first place
again. It didn’t manage to three-peat its
first place performance but still came in as our
fourth place pick when we decided to look at the Top 5
cards reprinted in BW: Legendary Treasures (since
it seemed silly not to consider the reprints in a set of
mostly reprints). Of course had we known
ridiculously early that the BW: Legendary
Treasures print would be what kept Mewtwo-EX
Standard legal for this current format, it might have
scored higher (I didn’t worry about reprints of cards we
already had access to for Standard at the time, so
Mewtwo-EX didn’t make my personal Top 10 list,
lowering its performance on the overall list).
So… why did
Mewtwo-EX keep making lists? It helps to consider
what it is: it was the best Pokémon-EX in the first wave
of Pokémon to sport the mechanic and it could be
splashed into and used effectively in virtually any
deck. Its prominence was owed to a variety of factors
and perhaps by now more people are willing to listen and
consider such things, instead of writing it off as
“Pokémon-EX are broken!” or “Mewtwo-EX is
broken!”. If you think that last is true, just ask
yourself “What if there was no Double Colorless
Energy or similar, easy Energy acceleration?”. Even
though it means I can’t take it easy while writing this
CotD… we’re going to run through the card quick while
covering both its current and past usage. To start, of
course Mewtwo-EX is a Pokémon-EX: they were the
new mechanic used as a gimmick to drive sales and it
worked. It also likely gave the card some psychological
advantage as people tend to fear the unknown… and
practical advantage as this was before both
anti-Pokémon-EX cards and before anyone could become
experienced in exploiting the drawbacks of being a
Pokémon-EX. Being a Basic Pokémon is still the best,
but back then it was even better: you had actual
Basic support from cards like Skyarrow Bridge and
Prism Energy in addition to the inherent benefits
of a Pokémon being a single card instead of two or three
that had to be played in a specific order.
170 HP now is
still a potential OHKO, but back then it was more likely
a 2HKO. It was also a step up; before Mewtwo-EX
released the most HP anything had printed on it was 150
(larger non-Pokémon-EX exist, but they came out later).
Psychic Weakness has been a concern for so long because
of Mewtwo-EX being so popular; before that I
don’t remember it being a big deal. The fact that its
own Psychic-Type Weakness was the only Achilles’ Heel
for Mewtwo-EX until it was eventually overpowered
by later releases. The lack of Resistance was as much a
non-issue then as now. The Retreat Cost of [CC] was
still pretty typical, but we were a ways away from
needing to easily change out Actives; this was
before we had cards like Hypnotoxic Laser that
meant decks favored multiple methods of getting
something out of the Active slot. Then we come to the
attacks: X-Ball helped prepare us for the new standard
where scaleable and splashable weren’t mutually
exclusive, nor did they hit for less damage “up front”
than other attacks lacking either or both of those
traits. Psydrive has seen little use, but it is
actually a great attack, especially now when it
has more combo options (Dimension Valley being
the big one) and there are many high HP, low
Energy attackers.
Mewtwo-EX already has a successor, and that
appears to be… Yveltal-EX. You might have been
expecting me to talk about something out in Japan but
not yet available elsewhere and… I will, but I am
stunned by people that seem to forget how similarly the
collective player base thought of Yveltal-EX.
Having the same Stage, status as a Pokémon-EX, HP and
Retreat Cost as Mewtwo-EX, Yveltal-EX has
Evil Ball, an improved version of X-Ball except
that it costs [DC] to hit for 20 plus 20 per Energy
attached to all Active Pokémon instead of [CC] to hit
for 20 times the amount of Energy attached to all Active
Pokémon. While Y Cyclone can’t hit for a reliable 120,
its [DCC] cost is far easier to meet in an off-Type deck
(you just need any one Energy beyond what you paid for
Evil Ball), but it still does the 90 needed to set
nearly anything up for a 2HKO and the mandatory
moving of an Energy off of Yveltal-EX to
something on your Bench (if you have a Bench) that
looked like a drawback actually became the cards
strength as if your opponent failed to score a OHKO, you
had the option of getting the most important Energy card
attached to Yveltal-EX off of it and onto your
next attacker; typically this was a Double Colorless
Energy and could result in your opponent’s final
Yveltal-EX having a massive amount of Energy built
up upon it.
Yveltal-EX also isn’t self-weak and enjoys
Fighting Resistance. Its Lightning-Type Weakness has
proven dangerous, but Mewtwo-EX was its own worst
enemy when it was the undisputed top attacker in the
format. I mean that literally; if you’ve played for
more than a few months you’ve likely heard or read of “Mewtwo-EX
Wars” that happened, where the trick was either having
more Mewtwo-EX available to slug things out than
your opponent or timing it properly so that you took the
OHKO when they couldn’t and sometimes… it was both. The
big deal was that thanks to self Weakness, Mewtwo-EX
was the best way to OHKO another Mewtwo-EX and
this was at a time when OHKOs against Pokémon-EX were
rare. There are still times when Mewtwo-EX is
the better choice now, the main one being when you just
can’t include enough sources of [D] Energy to reliably
pull off Evil Ball and/or when you really, really need
to be hitting Psychic Weakness or tapping Psychic-Type
The next
“successor” to Mewtwo-EX appears to be the
as-of-yet unreleased Lugia-EX (well, it is out in
Japan), at least assuming there hasn’t be some surprise
mistranslation. It is a Colorless-Type Basic Pokémon-EX
that yet again has 170 HP, Lightning Weakness, Fighting
Resistance and a Retreat Cost of two. Its Aero Ball
works just like X-Ball; 20 damage per Energy attached to
each player’s Active Pokémon. What might help it prove
better than contemporary Mewtwo-EX is that its
second attack (Deep Hurricane) requires [CCCC] and does
70 damage but plus 80 if there is a Stadium in play.
The attack then discards said Stadium. Normally a four
Energy attack cost is blatantly worse than a three
Energy cost, but [CCCC] can be met with two Double
Colorless Energy (and many less general forms of
Energy acceleration) easier than the [PPC] of Psydrive.
Discarding a Stadium may sometimes be a drawback and
yeah, if there is none in play the attack is flat out
worse than Aero Ball (which will hit for at least 80
points of damage with that much Energy attached), but
you’d just use Aero Ball in that case. If you want to
keep the Stadium in play, again just use Aero Ball. A
150 damage means that if there is a Stadium you can at
least afford to discard, you just need a Muscle Band
to OHKO 170 HP Pokémon-EX.
In many ways
these two are simply the most obvious examples of what
has been the life of Mewtwo-EX; the Pokémon-EX of
that first wave just weren’t that good. Players
tried to make use of them, but even in decks where
you’d think using the same Energy Type would give them
an edge, it was easier and sometimes flat out more
effective to X-Ball with Mewtwo-EX than to Brave
Fire with Reshiram-EX or Strong Volt with
Zekrom-EX. It wasn’t until BW: Dark Explorers
that we got a solid line-up of Pokémon-EX: Darkrai-EX
rivaled Mewtwo-EX by quickly 2HKOing the
opposition plus having a Bench hit to offset
minor healing or protective effects or take out
something extra on the Bench or set-up something on the
Bench that wasn’t a Pokémon-EX for a pseudo-OHKO. When
Darkrai-EX released, Dark Patch and
Dark Claw came with it, and as the previous
iteration of first turn rules allowed both players to
attack on their first turn, Dark Patch meant
Darkrai-EX could unleash either a 90/30 split or
110/30 split (the latter damage amount with Dark Claw,
a Dark-Type only version of Muscle Band before
Muscle Band was a “thing”). The rest of the second
wave of Pokémon-EX also all saw at least a brief window
of success, including playing major roles at high level
events even if their success didn’t survive the next
release or two.
The next few
sets were a bit more mixed; not as lopsided as BW:
Next Destinies for what Pokémon-EX worked and what
ones didn’t, but with less widespread success than the
BW: Dark Explorers allotment. The main thing to
take away was that Mewtwo-EX, while actually
getting more tricks (save for the current first
turn rules plus the Pokémon Catcher errata going
into effect) quickly fell from being “the best” to “one
of the best” to “great” to what is is now: “very good”
but with a lot of competition as well as
anti-Pokémon-EX cards and anti-Pokémon-EX tactics to
take it down. Until it officially leaves Standard play,
Mewtwo-EX shouldn’t be forgotten or ignored;
X-Ball is still a strong attack on a reasonably durable
Pokémon that a Double Colorless Energy or any
other unrestricted form of Energy acceleration can
easily pay, and if you can attach “extra” Energy you can
just keep upping the damage done. It neither loses nor
gains anything significant in Expanded play and it’s the
exact kind of Pokémon a player would use in a +39
deck*... to the point you actually could take another
similarly worthwhile Basic Pokémon and make a “+38” deck
instead. If you are averse to the risk of giving your
opponent so many probable mulligan draws and/or of
having a lone Pokémon to KO, it also works in less
gimmicky Limited decks as well.
Standard: 4.15/5
Expanded: 4.15/5
Limited: 5/5
Summary: Mewtwo-EX is still the current
champ of “splashable” Basic beatsticks, be they
Pokémon-EX or otherwise. As is often the case, this
means that the score at a glance can be misleading; it
receives a significant bonus for being something nearly
any deck can run... but many decks will have
something deck-specific that ends up being even better
because in that particular deck. Mewtwo-EX is
still a great choice for a “back-up” attacker,
especially when you’re just not sure what else the
metagame would reward or penalize. On my own list,
Mewtwo-EX came in 14th place, but the other lists
thought better of it, elevating it all the way to 8th
place and yet again I’m not complaining: it is a
great card with a long history and still potent after
three and a half year years of power creep!
*For those not
familiar with the term “+39” (or Limited play in
general), the most commonly encountered form of Limited
Play is usually the Pre-Release, though people can also
use a similar procedure with older sets. You get six
sealed booster packs and use their contents to build a
40 card deck (not the usual 60); you do not have
to use everything you pull and you are also given as
many basic Energy cards as you need for your deck. Each
player also only starts with four Prize cards, not six.
A “+39” deck contains just one Basic Pokémon (the
minimum required) and in doing so guarantees that you
will always start with said Pokémon as your Active.
Usually you also make sure to include enough Energy
that you cannot possibly miss an Energy attachment so as
to ensure you access your attacks as soon as possible,
though other card effects can give you more or less