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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Articuno #16
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
June 10, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.25
Expanded: 2.25
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
If you're old school like most of
us elderly gentlemen and ladies, you probably remember
picking up this archaic device called a GameBoy and
playing Pokemon Red or Blue on it wayyyyy back in the
day. You may also recall a location called the Seafoam
Islands, inside of which was a crystalline treasure
trove of icy Pokemon, and towards the very bottom floor
in the furthest depths of the islands was none other
than Articuno.
Of the three original legendary
birds, Articuno was my favorite. I just loved its
design, its blue color, its icy cool nature, that sound
it makes like it's singing - I love it! I even remember
one of my earliest rare cards being Articuno from the
Fossil set. Such a pretty card...not that great, but
still! Come to think of it, not too many Articuno cards
are "great," per se (what's up with that Water Immunity,
am I right?), but they have been interesting!
Take today's card for instance.
Articuno here has two attacks, one of which is just
Freezing Wind, a vanilla 4-for-100 attack. And it's
clear to see where they were going with this set-up when
they gave it Find Ice, a 1-Energy attack that nets you 3
Water Energy from your deck. So that's where we stand:
Articuno is a great set-up, but its ultimate attack is
nothing to worry about.
So what kind of things should we
worry about? Well, adding 3 Energy to the hand can be a
very good early set-up to anything using Water Energy.
Seismitoad-EX doesn't really rely on that as much, being
splashable in any deck, but Primal Kyogre-EX would LOVE
this! I can imagine players starting off with an
Articuno to add Energy to their hand, then Turn 2 evolve
their Kyogre-EX to a Primal before throwing down a bunch
of Energy - maybe even grabbing some more with Articuno
before swapping out with a Switch!
So this Articuno has its uses.
There may be other Water-types in the future that will
benefit from his quick retrieval of Energy, but for now
I'm thinking Primal Kyogre-EX decks will want 1-2 of
this guy. A great early game option to have!
Standard: 2.5/5 (a good set-up for
Primal Kyogre-EX, though I wouldn't rely on this guy as
a back-up)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (works well with
Blastoise too! And with rotation coming up, the two may
only end up together in the Expanded format)
Limited: 3/5 (the slower pace will
allow for Articuno to set-up more readily here, though 4
Energy is STILL a lot to wait on)
Arora Notealus: Just want to point
out and remind people of Articuno's Japanese name being
Freezer. You know who else has a Japanese name of
freezer? FRIEZA!! Frieza would totally have a Freezer
named Frieza because Freezer is AWESOME!!...I mean,
...and not competitively, like,
Ice/Flying's not that great typing.
BIRD!!...well, my favorite bird

Emma Starr |
Following the tail of Kyogre, we get non-EX Articuno.
With 120 HP, he’s on the lower end of normal when it
comes to non-EX basics, but Steel Weakness usually isn’t
too bad, at least, compared to the more popular types.
The Retreat Cost of 1 is okay, and a Resistance to
Fighting is always nice. So, does he get to do any other
‘cool’ things (no, I’m not making puns, I swear)?
For one Water Energy, Find Ice lets you search your deck
for 3 Water Energy. It’s a simple way to FIND the energy
you need for the second attack, but without Blastoise
(BC 31) (in Standard, at least), you’d still need to
wait 3 turns to get everything attached before you can
even use his second attack, which normally isn’t worth
powering up for four turns normally. Even with Blastoise,
it may be more bearable, but you’re still putting on
four energies to a normal, basic Pokémon. Since I’ve
been talking about the second attack so much, let’s take
a look at that one.
Freezing Wind does 100 for 2 Water and 2 Colorless.
That’s really all there is to it. Well, I actually do
think it’s kind of nice that they took away what would
probably be a really situational side effect from the
attack in exchange for giving it an attack that does a
little more than usual. It’s nice in that regard; I’ll
give it credit for that. But if you’re playing this in
Standard, or even in Expanded, if you don’t have a
Blastoise set up, you’re still going to be spending four
turns powering this guy up. That means you won’t be able
to give that energy to any of your other
higher-attacking EXs for those four turns either, under
normal circumstances. So although it’s a nice ‘little’
attack, it gets outclassed just due to how long it takes
to be useful.
Standard: 2/5
Expanded: 2/5
Limited: 3/5 (if you didn’t happen to pull an EX, you
can still do some solid, consistent damage with this
bird instead.)

Otaku |
From one
Legendary to another, today we look at Articuno (XY:
Roaring Skies 16/108). This is our second
Water-Type for the week (and not the last); the
Water-Type hits some Fighting-Types and nearly all
Fire-Types for Weakness, but unless the banning of
Lysandre’s Trump Card changes things (and it might) it
doesn’t look like those two groups are all that numerous
in the competitive scene. Water-Type support can be a
bit odd as are the “anti-Water” cards: the unusual part
is that some will reference Water-Types alongside
another. An example of this is the Water support card
Rough Seas, a Stadium you can use once-per-turn
to heal 30 damage from all of your Water-Type and
Lightning-Type Pokémon. There is some support though
and while it isn’t on par with things like Strong
Energy, Korrina and Fighting Stadium (three examples of
direct Fighting-Type support) it is there, plus the
indirect support has some big names though they aren’t
as big as they used to be and to varying degrees can be
used by other Types like Keldeo-EX and
Blastoise (BW: Boundaries Crossed 31/149;
BW: Plasma Storm 137/135; BW: Plasma Blast
16/101). There is some Water Resistance left in
Standard, but it seems to be confined to older sets so
the only notable example I can think of is Virizion-EX.
120 HP is
solid; so far it is only 10 less than the maximum we’ve
seen printed, but I can’t gush about it because power
creep is pretty crazy and while even a few years ago I
was telling you how most decks hit for a perceived
average (re: I haven’t crunched the real numbers) of 90
per turn, now it has gone up and I’m not sure if 120 is
too far beyond it. Many times the lower values come
from decks that trade damage for potent effects (Seismitoad-EX)
or take some time to get their offense fully set-up; a
deck focused on hitting you for damage that is set-up is
probably taking a OHKO or an effective OHKO (where
something like Poison damage finishes off the Pokémon).
Metal Weakness isn’t good but right now I can’t say it
is bad; again it won’t represent the actual metagame in
past June 15th, but according to the Spring Regional
Results over at
the Charizard Lounge,
we aren’t seeing a lot of Metal-Type attackers. Bronzong
(XY: Phantom Forces 61/1149, XY Promos
XY21) did anchor a few decks but it is a support card
and not an attacker, with players able to use any
attacker that can make adequate use of [M] Energy. Far
safer than say Lightning Weakness that is shared by
cards like Yveltal-EX.
Any Resistance
is welcome but Fighting Resistance is quite handy. Not
only is it a popular, potent Type but even though the
Type has a penchant for ignoring Resistance and/or
stacking damage, the its poster-mon is Landorus-EX
and he is focused on splitting damage between the Active
and Bench with Hammerhead. With not damage boosting
effects, Hammerhead would only hit an Active Articuno
for 10 damage and even with buffs that is still 20 more
damage to cough up. Also impressive is the single
Energy Retreat Cost; it isn’t as good as it gets but it
is just one off, making it easy to recover from and to
afford in the first place. All in all, these are good
stats so we just need the card’s effects to not be bad.
Does Articuno deliver?
The first
attack is “Find Ice”, which requires [W] and allows you
to search your deck for up to three [W] Energy and add
them to your hand. As always, adding cards to your hand
at the end of your turn carries the risk of your
opponent shuffling them away again with an N and Basic
Energy is one of the easiest cards to add to your hand
but for the investment that isn’t bad. The second
attack is “Freezing Wind” for [WWCC] and hits for a flat
100 damage. “Flat” is a good descriptor as the attack
again isn’t bad but it isn’t good either. For the
Energy involved 100 is just a bit low. Together, this
may very well be adequate; you can use Double Colorless
Energy to speed up the second attack after all. Still,
what else should you be considering?
As a fully
Evolved Basic we lack lower or higher Stages, but we do
have other Articuno to consider and there are two
other options spread through three other releases:
BW: Next Destinies 27/99, BW: Legendary Treasures
32/133 (a reprint of the former, keeping it Standard
legal) and XY: Roaring Skies 17/108. Articuno
does not vary a lot in terms of stats; the other
Articuno have the same Stage, Type, HP, Weakness,
Resistance, lack of Abilities and number of attacks as
today’s version. They do have a Retreat Cost fo [CC]
instead of one (making today’s the exception). BW:
Next Destinies 27/99 (and BW: Legendary Treasures
32/133) can use “Ice Beam” for [WCC] to hit for 50
damage with a coin flip to Paralyze the Defending
Pokémon or [WCCC] to use “Ice Wing” to hit for 80.
These attacks are just not as useful as today’s being
either overpriced or underpowered, which is probably why
this Articuno never saw much play. If you’re curious,
you can read the out-of-date review
XY: Roaring Skies 17/108 on the other hand is
which is tomorrow’s CotD (yeah, late review on my part
again). Since I won’t really be spoiling anything, the
short version is that it has the Ancient Trait “Δ Plus”
that allows it to take an additional Prize when it KOs
an opponent’s Pokémon. Its first attack is “Chilling
Sigh” which requires [W] and puts the opponent’s Active
to Sleep, which won’t be cashing in on Δ Plus. Tri Edge
can though; it requires [WWC] and gives you three coin
flips, hitting for 20 damage plus 40 per “heads”. This
version is tempting because of Δ Plus but remember
you’re only ahead if you don’t take an extra attacks in
scoring the KOs (since more attacks = more KOs with
something else = more Prizes anyway). So while the
older options should be ignored, XY: Roaring Skies
17/108 can be a rival or a partner.
The real reason
not to run Articuno is that you’re probably
better off with Suicune (BW: Plasma Blast
20/101)... unless you really do need an attacker to
fetch some Energy while (hopefully) soaking a hit. That
might actually be an option; something like Primal
Kyogre-EX mostly needs the Energy in hand as it can
use its “α Growth” Ancient Trait to attach Energy from
hand, and you can also use an easy combo (like Ultra
Ball and two basic Water Energy) to set up
for Mega Turbo to also attach Primal Kyogre-EX
from the discard. Unlike Suicune, Articuno
can also receive Energy from the attack on Primal
Kyogre-EX - Tidal Storm - and it doesn’t have the
same Grass Weakness. It also is nice to help
demonstrate improvements in card design; not only is
this more competitive than its predecessor, but it seems
like it understands “pacing” a bit better. While it can
attack right away (as long as it isn’t the very first
turn of the game), it is just an adequate set-up attack,
not something inexpensive but still capable of
inflicting damage (or even KOs). Even if the second
attack could hit hard enough to warrant it being the
main attacker, you could have your deck come out
swinging without some other form of Energy acceleration
(that in a well balanced format wouldn’t be available
your first turn or two). Yes it is a strange point for
me to make, but I’m not ignoring such an opportunity.
Speaking of
opportunity, while it is slightly diminished in Expanded
(more competition, though none that particularly stick
out) in Limited this card should have some chops. The
Weakness is a non-issue; the set’s one Metal-Type
doesn’t hit for damage and being a big, Basic is even
better here. The Energy costs are open enough to work
into a multi-Type deck and thanks to Find Ice you can
get by with fewer Water Energy even though Freezing Wind
requires two of four Energy be [W]. Probably not quite
fast enough to run in a +39 build, where it is the only
Basic Pokémon in the deck, run that way so you have to
open with it. Your opponent would get three attacks
before you got to start swinging away for probable
OHKOs, and even if they are just dinging you for 10 or
20 damage a pop they will likely win the race to KO your
lone Pokémon before you take all four Prizes. Should
work into almost any non +39 deck though and if you want
to be reckless there is some chance you could make the
+39 build work. It also shows up in the Aurora Blast
Theme deck, where it is unsurprisingly a great card,
whether to wall while getting Energy to set itself or
something else up, or just as a good, straightforward
Standard: 2.25/5
Expanded: 2.2/5
Limited: 4.75/5
Theme Deck: 4/5
Summary: While the scores aren’t much higher,
that is because there is competition and it appears to
be competition for decks that aren’t dominating right
now anyway. This is not a bad card, just not quite good
enough, especially when there isn’t a lot of opportunity
for Articuno. It isn’t a great attacker or set-up
Pokémon, not even simply a “good” one, but neither is it
“bad”; a little beyond “adequate”. Don’t forget about
it, especially with its fancier set-mate.