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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
June 16, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
Before we begin today’s CotD, I thought I’d mention that
yesterday the PTCGO did indeed implement the banning of
Lysandre’s Trump Card. This was to be expected,
however I was disappointed that they included the ban in
their “Unlimited” mode. On one hand it makes sense: how
is it anymore balanced there? On the other hand, this
means the card has zero play value for the PTCGO now and
there are some pretty sick, slick combos already
available thanks to access to older cards… and on the
PTCGO Unlimited only extends back to HeartGold/SoulSilver!
Our second review of the week is Electrode (XY:
Roaring Skies 22/108), another Stage 1
Lightning-Type. Lysandre’s Trump Card being
banned will change things, but it is far too soon to
know exactly how and even then I doubt it would make
being a Stage 1 Pokémon significantly better; it doesn’t
address how most Evolving Pokémon (as opposed to fully
Evolved Pokémon) don’t do anything but act as “stepping
stones” to get to said fully Evolved form, which turns
them into pure burdens instead of combo pieces. We’ll
address this in more detail when I talk about options
for Voltorb, but even if Voltorb is
amazing it won’t solve the other side of things: pacing
issues whereby you have little incentive to run
something other than Basic Pokémon (usually but not
always fully Evolved) because they don’t have niche
protection. So a non-Evolving Basic Pokémon meant to be
the main attacker will often have something about it
that allows it to start contributing in a meaningful way
the first turn or two it is in play (if not jump right
into being a main attacker) even though a Stage 2
naturally has to wait to Evolve (or run Evolution
acceleration, if available).
As for being a Lightning-type, that is much easier to
explain: some important cards like Yveltal-EX are
Lightning Weak which makes it a good Type to be, though
currently there is hardly any Lightning-Type support
(let alone worth using) and you do have to worry about
Resistance on older Fighting-Types like Landorus-EX.
90 HP is small - in Expanded it isn’t quite as bad as
it makes Electrode a legal Level Ball
target and in both formats it means you’re only
surviving a hit when your opponent has an incomplete
set-up or because the attack being used isn’t meant to
score said OHKO (as in certain lock strategies). The
Fighting Weakness is dangerous, and exacerbates the low
HP as most Fighting-Types will need just one or two of
the many buffs for the single Energy attacks only a few
lack can score the OHKO. Metal Resistance is
unlikely to save this card often, but it is still very
much appreciated; likewise the single Energy Retreat
Cost is easy to pay and recover from, the best best
No Ability or Ancient Trait but at least there are two
attacks. The first (Continuous Tumble) requires [C] and
has you flip a coin until you get “tails”, doing 20
damage for each “heads” you flip. For [LCC] the second
attack (Energy Bomb) gives you the option to move all
the Energy attached to Electrode to your Benched
Pokémon. Moving the Energy is optional but you have to
move all or none (as opposed to just “some”) though when
it comes to attaching it, you have the freedom to attach
all of it to a single Benched Pokémon or spread it out
among multiple targets. The attacks have synergy in
their Energy costs as you can pretty easily use
Continuous Tumble with a single Energy card attached and
with a Double Colorless Energy jump to Energy
Bomb, but the damage for both attacks is lower than the
going rate (and preferably Continuous Tumble would have
done “20+” instead of “20-” for its damage yield, even
if we had to bump the attack cost up to [L] or [CC] so
that it couldn’t whiff. Energy Bomb is just a bit low
to 2HKO Pokémon-EX without help and Mega Evolutions even
with help, unless they are Lightning Weak (in which case
the goal would be to OHKO under those circumstances).
For Voltorb we have four options, both Expanded
and Standard legal: BW: Boundaries Crossed
51/149; BW: Plasma Freeze 32/116; XY
44/146 and XY: Roaring Skies 21/108. All are
Basic Lightning-Type Pokémon with Fighting Weakness,
Retreat Cost [C] and no Ancient Traits. BW:
Boundaries Crossed 51/149 has 50 HP, no Resistance
and a single attack (Static Shock) that might sound cool
but only does 10 for [C]. BW: Plasma Freeze
32/116 has 60 HP but still no Resistance and a single
attack (Rollout) for [LC], doing a vanilla 20 damage. XY
44/146 reverts to 50 HP,still has no Resistance, but
adds in an Ability (Destiny Burst) that triggers when it
is KOed by damage from an attack by one of your
opponent’s Pokémon: place five damage counters on the
opponent’s Active. Its lone attack - Rollout - does
just 10 for [C]. XY: Roaring Skies 21/108 is
back to 60 HP, gets Metal Resistance and two attacks:
for [L] the first (Thunder Wave) lets you flip a coin
with “tails” doing nothing while “heads” inflicts
Paralysis while the second attack (Big Explosion)
requires [LC] and does 60 damage, but also does 60
damage to itself. XY 44/146 and XY: Roaring
Skies 21/108 potential, with the former discouraging
attacks (and potentially punishing something that does
attack) but the latter actually Paralyzes (improving
survival odds) and if you do have to attack (while it
won’t survive without help) it might actually hit hard
enough to matter.
There are also four Electrode to consider: BW:
Boundaries Crossed 52/149; BW: Plasma Freeze
33/116; BW Black Star Promos BW79 and XY
45/146. All are Stage 1 Lightning-Types with Fighting
Weakness, no Resistance and no Ancient Traits, just like
today’s card (except for Resistance). BW: Boundaries
Crossed 52/149 has 80 HP, a perfect free Retreat
Cost and two vanilla attacks: “Static Shock” again for
[C] but this time hitting for 20 and “Electro Ball” for
[LCC] and 60. BW: Plasma Freeze 33/116 was
actually reviewed before
it has 90 HP, Retreat Cost [C], the Ability “Magnetic
Draw” that allows you to (once per turn) to draw until
you have four cards in hand, with multiple instances of
Magnetic Draw can be used on the same turn if your hand
is low enough to activate it each time. The attack is
oddly Electro Ball again and it is identical to the
previous instance, still doing 60 damage for [LCC]. BW
Black Star Promos BW79 has 100 HP, the highest of
the currently legal versions of Electrode but
breaks the usual pattern by having the same perfect zero
Energy Retreat Cost of the lowest HP version. It is
also unusual in that it is a Team Plasma affiliated
Pokémon, though still no Resistance or Ability. Electrode
[Plasma] has two attacks; the first (Electribeam)
requires [L] to do 20 with a coin flip to inflict
Paralysis while the second (Self Destruct) requires
[LCC] to hit for 100 to the opponent’s Active in
addition to 100 to itself. XY 45/146 is back
down to 90 HP, back up to Retreat Cost [C] and has no
Ability but two attacks: the first (Eerie Impulse) costs
[L] to flip a coin and if it is “heads” allow you to
select and discard a single Energy attached to the
opponent’s Pokémon (“tails” means it does nothing). For
[CC] we get another Rollout attack, this time hitting
for 40.
BW: Plasma Freeze
33/116 and BW Black Star Promos BW79 actually do
some interesting things, with the former actually seeing
some success in competitive play as additional draw
power in certain decks but a lot of people don’t know or
forget that Electrode [Plasma] even exists and
while it does a few things right, even with Team Plasma
support it isn’t a good enough attacker: you can ready
it quickly with Colress Machine and Plasma
Energy, buff its HP with Umbreon (BW:
Plasma Freeze 64/116) and the HP with Deoxys-EX
(still only one, though it has multiple releases) but
even with a four Deoxys-EX and a Silver Bangle
it is only just hitting 170 HP. You could toss in a few
more resources like Hypnotoxic Laser and
Virbank City Gym but you’ll still miss the OHKO
against Mega Evolutions and we’ve basically just built
an entire deck for that purpose. So… do either of these
help today’s Electrode? Maybe to the
former; if you wanted to run the Magnetic Draw version
you could probably add in one of today’s should you want
a somewhat decent Lightning-Type attacker.
That isn’t much but that is probably its best chance of
seeing competitive play. As a stand alone
Lightning-Type attacker, it faces too steep of
competition from Raichu (XY 43/146), with
its Circle Circuit attack and free Retreat Cost allowing
it to often hit harder while being a pivot Pokémon. No
Energy salvaging options but unlike Electrode (XY
45/146), Raichu of the same set still got Metal
Resistance. No clue why. So not much of a use for
Standard or Expanded, but Limited treats Electrode
(XY: Roaring Skies 22/108) pretty well. The
Energy costs would allow you to run it completely
off-Type, just unable to access Energy Bomb, but with
just a few basic Lightning Energy you’ll have
good odds of being able to use Energy Bomb as well, and
getting three Energy off of something that might be
about to be KOed and onto your next attacker is pretty
valuable. Continuous Tumble is a bit better here as
well, and as you might actually survive a turn in the
Active slot, is a decent enough fallback should you
survive using Energy Bomb. Furthermore this card is
present in the Storm Rider theme deck for XY: Roaring
Skies which not only matters to certain kinds of
Limited events but the PTCGO has a specific “Theme deck
only” mode, including for tournaments. There it
demonstrates what I just said and unlike some other
attackers, you don’t have to worry as much about sinking
needed extra Lightning Energy or Grass Energy
cards into the Colorless Energy costs. There are even
two of them!
Theme Deck:
Electrode is a near “near miss”; so close to
being useful in so many ways but clearly being outdone
by Raichu and its Circle Circuit. It isn’t as
good as I would like it to have been, and it would have
taken both the absence of something clearly better
and being a bit better itself to really rise to the
occasion but at least you can enjoy it in Limited play
as well as Theme Deck matches and tournaments on the
PTCGO and I’ll appreciate that as being better than many
other cards in the set.

Emma Starr |
Lately, it seems we’ve been managing only to find some
mostly so-so evolved Pokémon lately. Have the tides
changed with Electrode? Well, with 90 HP, a weakness to
Fighting, a resistance to Steel, and a retreat cost of
one, this guy is basically the Heliolisk from yesterday.
And you DON’T want to be the Heliolisk from yesterday.
With Fighting types everywhere currently, one 50+ damage
attack from them will spell the end for Electrode. What
can he do for the most-likely short time he’s around?
His first attack, with a cost of one Colorless is
Continuous Tumble, does 20 damage times how many times
you can flip heads in a row. This means at most a 50%
chance of even doing 20 damage, a 25% chance of doing
40, etc. Needless to say, you shouldn’t rely too much on
this for damage, though of course, Trick Coin can always
help with attacks like these.
Things get a bit more interesting with Energy Bomb,
where for one Lightning and two Colorless, you do 70
damage, but you also get the chance to move ALL of the
energy attached to this Pokémon to your benched Pokémon
in any way you like. Notice that I emphasized the word
ALL. So, no shifting one energy per turn to a benched
but with continuous 70 damage, or anything creative like
that. It’s all or nothing with Electrode, much like many
Electrodes from the past. The ideal way to use this
would be to use this attack to power up someone (such as
say…a certain EX coming up later this week), then have a
way to switch Electrode out as quickly as possible with
something such as Switch or Escape Rope, since he’ll
have no means of attacking or escaping after using this
attack. It’s a bit of a hassle, but it’s still a way to
quickly power up someone who just got to your bench,
while still getting 70 free damage in the process.
Although Electrode is certainly not the most
conventional card, he’s still very capable of turning
things around quickly, if played right.
Standard: 2.5/5
Expanded: 2.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5 (can be a nice asset to any
Electric-running deck, but also has some really awesome
potential with a certain aforementioned EX too. ;) )

aroramage |
Ah Electrode, you sit around power
plants and villainous bases, disguising yourself as an
item in order to blow up in my face. You know that'd be
interesting to see - Electrode being used in some way
with Items! But then again, we've seen enough of
Item-dealing Pokemon with Seismitoad-EX, and he's only
got a weak little Item-locking attack.
So what all can Electrode do? Well
in the realm of theory, he could DESTROY ENTIRE PLANETS,
reality, we've got this little thing called
"Probability" that makes it seem unlikely that he'll see
play. You've probably guessed I'm talking about
Continuous Tumble, and you'd be right. At least it only
costs 1 Energy, so while your average would be something
like 20 damage, you do have a theory of pulling off a
good old fashioned Fossil set Geodude "Stone Barrage"
maneuver. Side note: can you believe there's a Stone
Barrage-like attack that's cheaper, stronger, and yet
still no good?
Aside from that, there is the small
attack of Energy Bomb, which costs a whole three Energy.
I don't know why you'd be throwing 3 Energy onto
Electrode here, but if you, you get a decent 70 damage
rolling in before having the option to move ALL the
Energy off of Electrode to your Benched Pokemon. At
least it's any way you like rather than forcing you into
just one, but still I'd think there are better options
to energy attachment than relying on a 90 HP Stage 1 to
survive long enough to make that work. You're honestly
better off just attaching the Energy to whatever you
need rather than Electrode.
Still, it's possible he'll have a
little bit of a niche. Electric-types are going to be
pretty big with the rise of Colorless decks - notably M
Rayquaza-EX, who is weak to Electric. Continuous Tumble
becomes a 40 damage hit for every heads you land, and
that could be spell trouble. Even Energy Bomb takes off
140 damage...unless there's an Altaria (ROS) in play.
All things considered though, try
and find a better Electric type. Electrode probably
won't be your go-to.
Standard: 1.5/5 (a flippy attack
with a 50/50 chance to fail right off the bat and an
Energy dispersal attack that doesn't need to be used
Exapnded: 1.5/5 (not much better
Limited: 3.5/5 (Energy Bomb is much
more likely to go off successfully here, and Continuous
Tumble will do a generally larger amount of damage here,
based on the lower HP scores)
Arora Notealus: Rolling around at
the speed of BOOM, that's Electrode in a nutshell. Now
for the real question: which came first, the Pokeball or
the Voltorb? Hmmm...