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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
June 17, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.50
Expanded: 2.50
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
So far we've seen a couple of okay
to not-so-okay Electric types - now we move onto
something that I imagine might see more play than you'd
think. Here we've got the mighty Zapdos! He sure has
come a long way since Base Set - that's right, he showed
up in the very first set, something neither of the other
birds can attest to!
But let's not get ahead of
ourselves. Zapdos still has an uphill battle ahead of
him, and the highlight of this guy ain't his Drill Peck.
Sure, it's only 1-for-20, but that's vanilla damage, and
that's not why we're here today. No, we're here to look
at Raging Thunder, a 3-for-120 bolt that does another 40
to a Bench sitter.
Now why would this be important?
Well my thought on the matter is that it hits Colorless
M Rayquaza-EX for a OHKO unboosted thanks to Weakness -
and that's from a BASIC NON-EX!! That already makes him
a clear tech, and he's pretty much part of the reason
that M Rayquaza-EX Decks need - I mean, ABSOLUTELY NEED
- to run Altaria (ROS). To which Zapdos can hit for a
good 40 damage - provided he doesn't get totally
thrashed by M Rayquaza-EX (which let's be honest...he
should, only requiring 4 Pokemon on the Bench for an
unboosted OHKO), he can KO the M Rayquaza-EX on his next
turn and set-up Altaria to be finished off on the next
So here's my thoughts on a
strategy: M Manectric-EX. Use him to power up some
Zapdos on your Bench, let the M Rayquaza-EX decimate the
M Manectric-EX, and then let your Zapdos take care of
it. I know, not much of a strategy, but if Altaria's not
onboard, this can be heavily in the M Manectric-EX
player's favor as they get a lot of Energy onto their
back-up attackers while dealing LOTS of damage until the
opponent puts down that Altaria. Which means M Rayquaza-EX
players should be running Wally to evolve their Swablu
ASAP - it costs the supporter, but at least it won't
cost them the game.
In any case, Zapdos is a solid
basic Pokemon, and I'm certain that he'll play a
substantial role in the upcoming meta.
Standard: 2.5/5 (a fairly powerful
attack that hits one of the biggest threats for massive
Expanded: 2.5/5 (about the same
here, just more Weaknesses to exploit like Tornadus-EX)
Limited: 3.5/5 (a pretty heavy
Electric-weak set, so really, he oughta be fine here)
Arora Notealus: Zapdos was more of
the middle bird for me in the trio. No that's not cause
he's "dos," he just falls in the middle for me. I like
his design, I like his style, but he just seemed kinda...meh.
Oh, but what do I know, he's OU, and my pretty blue bird
is in NU. Man I love rooting for the underdog, no wonder
I like playing Little Mac in Sm4sh!!
...have I mentioned yet how awesome
it is that Ryu's in Sm4sh?
Next Time: The wrath of the thunder
djinn descends upon you!!

Emma Starr |
Today’s Pokémon is Zapdos, who was actually the first
legendary I ever caught in the games, in Blue version.
Back when I didn’t know pretty much anything about
Pokémon. I think I just decided to defeat Articuno when
I ran into it, and I never ran into Moltres during my
playthrough. Even when I played Yellow not long ago, I
still never found Moltres… :/
Anyway, today’s Zapdos has 120 HP, a weakness to
Electric (interesting…), and a Resistance to Fighting
types. So, we have the standard basic non-EX HP, a
weakness that you normally hardly ever see on Electric
Pokémon, and a very useful type Resistance.
Unfortunately, it also has an unimpressive retreat cost
of two. So, what else does Zapdos have? Well, he has a
very uninteresting Drill Peck attack, which does 20 for
one Lightning energy, and nothing else. Moving on…
Zapdos’s much more interesting attack is Raging Thunder,
which for two Lightning and one Colorless, you do 120,
but you have to choose one of your benched Pokémon to do
40 damage to. First off, there is an interesting, but
situational and kind of risky trick you could do to
avoid the recoil of this attack. If you have Zapdos in
your starting hand, you could choose to play it,
and not put any other Pokémon on your bench. Or, if
you’re slightly later into the game, and you don’t have
any Energies on your benched Pokémon you have in play,
or you don’t mind using turns to re-attach them later,
you could use a Super Scoop-Up to return those benched
Pokémon to your hand. But remember, I said this was very
situational for a reason. Although 120 HP is usually the
best you can hope for on a non-EX basic, you could
always get damaged by said attack, get some unlucky
Sleep flips from Hypnotoxic Laser, etc (I would include
possible Strong Energy bonuses as well, but since Zapdos
has a Resistance to Fighting types, I think you would
most likely be okay with those in most cases). So, is it
worth it to go to all the trouble to make sure that you
have no benched Pokémon on the field? In most cases, no,
it wouldn’t be. Unless it’s very early in the game,
there normally could always be a way for your opponent
to counter this, by switching out to a heavy hitter, and
taking out your only Pokémon on the field, Zapdos, and
winning the game. And if you happen to be holding
another basic in your hand, what if your opponent
decides to N, and you get an unlucky draw afterwards? As
I said, it’s risky, but normally Zapdos won’t be having
more than two turns anyway, in most circumstances, so
you could use some other basic just for the role of
soaking up the damage from this attack, and since your
opponent didn’t do anything to it, they wouldn’t get a
prize card for it either. So, although the recoil can be
bad if the attack is used consistently, you really can’t
beat that energy-for-damage ratio, and there are ways to
get around that recoil, if you really feel the need.
Standard: 2.5/5
Expanded: 2.5/5
Limited: 4/5 (want to one shot almost anyone who’s not
EX with one attack that’s not overly expensive? Well,
here you go.)
Otaku |
Time to see if
we can power through the middle of the week with
Zapdos (XY: Roaring Skies 23/108), which is
another card found in the Storm Rider Theme Deck and is
our third Lightning-Type this week. As I’ve been
saying, the Lightning-Type has one major strength right
now (exploiting Weakness). Lightning Resistance is out
there (sometimes on important cards like Landorus-EX)
but so is that Weakness (found on prominent targets like
Yveltal-EX) and doubling damage is a lot more
beneficial than having it reduced by 20 is problematic,
even if both traits were evenly represented by the
metagame. Sadly not much in the way of Type support yet
(especially worth using) but the next set may fix that
(not that the score will reflect this). Being a Basic
on is simply the best (and has been for many years now)
and in this case it isn’t even a Pokémon-EX so the only
real drawback to its Stage is Pyroar (XY:
Flashfire 20/106). Yeah… if you forgot that
Pyroar exists you might not be alone; it hasn’t done
well in competitive play since shortly after it
released. I do encounter it a lot on the PTCGO, so I
guess the threat of it in the first round or two of an
event might be real (and obviously in casual play).
120 HP is just
10 shy of the max we have seen for Basic Pokémon that
aren’t also Pokémon-EX. It is enough that surviving an
attack is more likely than not though my usual caveats
applies; besides being a guesstimate (and not a proper
estimate) I’m including the times when your opponent
can’t hit hard due to lack of set-up or because their
deck simply can’t hit that hard, such as with
Seismitoad-EX. Most decks in full swing will score
the OHKO. This is a Lightning Weak Lightning-Type owing
to it being both an Electric-Type and a Flying-Type in
the video games: this gives Zapdos a nice niche
in general Lightning-Type decks: the majority of
available Lightning-Types are Fighting Weak. Being
Lightning Weak is far safer than being Fighting Weak
unless the next set really shakes things up (and
admittedly, it is trying to). It isn’t “safe”, but I’d
rather worry about Raichu (XY 43/146) than
Landorus-EX, Lucario-EX, etc. that
threaten to OHKO Fighting Weak Pokémon the first turn
they can attack and with a single Energy. Zapdos
is not only not Fighting Weak but is Fighting
Resistant; this dramatic shift can catch an opponent off
guard or at least burden their thinking (either helps)
but in the end Resistance dropping damage by 20 is still
a small bonus (just not quite as small this time). Zapdos
has a Retreat Cost of [CC]; again my general impression
is that this is average - not the mathematical mean but
typical - and while not especially easy to pay or
recover from the loss, still plausible most of the time.
Zapdos isn’t fancy, lacking either an Ability
or an Ancient Trait but it does sport two attacks. For
[L] the first attack (Drill Peck) does a simple 20
damage and nothing else. Jumping up to [LLC] the second
attack (Raging Thunder) hits for 120 damage to the
opponent’s Active and 40 to one of your own Benched
Pokémon. While not exceptional, these are pretty solid
attacks and they are atop a sturdy foundation… plus the
names are quite fun to call out. The damage amounts
aren’t stellar, but they are enough to build on and
there are plenty of tricks to manage the damage to your
own Bench… which may not even need much management,
depending upon the matchup (apply it onto something
likely to be OHKOed anyway). I’ll dive more into
strategy later, but it looks like this is a
Lightning-Type attacker for decks that want one that is
a Basic, isn’t a Pokémon-EX, and can afford to provide
at least [LL] as part of the attack cost (as opposed to
something that only needs a single source of [L] Energy
or has all Colorless requirements).
There is just
one other Zapdos available for both Standard and
Expanded, though it has two printings: BW: Next
Destinies 41/99 and BW: Legendary Treasures
46/113. Besides the miscellaneous bits the game usually
doesn’t care about (art, lore, etc.) the only difference
between this older Zapdos and today’s are the
attacks: they have the same everything else. The first
attack (Random Spark) requires [LCC] and lets you hit
the opponent’s Pokémon of your choice (no
Weakness/Resistance for the Bench) for 50 points of
damage. The second attack (Thundering Hurricane)
requires [LCCC] and gives you four coin flips, with each
“heads” good for 50 points of damage to the opponent’s
Active. Requiring only a single of the Energy
requirements be [L] makes the card easier to splash into
non-Lightning-Type or multi-Type decks and the Bench hit
is appreciated, but the amount of Energy needed for each
attack is higher. Factoring in the different
drawbacks/bonuses the damage output is pretty close
between the two versions: Random Spark costs about three
times as much as Drill Peck but does 2.5 times the
damage while also allowing you to hit the Bench while
Thundering Hurricane averages 100 damage for four Energy
but doesn’t hit anything on your own side. While these
two compete for space, it will only really matter in a
deck that has a practical use for both of them in high
numbers; they can also compliment each other in the way
any two differently named Lightning-Types could (by
sharing resources and such).
So how do you
use today’s Zapdos? You have a few options. I
don’t recommend it, but if you wished to make it your
main attacker, you could add in Muscle Band and
Silver Bangle (not on the same Zapdos) in
addition to Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City
Gym to just barely get the damage output you need to
OHKO the typical 170 and 180 HP Pokémon-EX that aren’t
Lightning Resistant. Drill Peck can be more useful than
it seems, even throughout the whole game: exploiting
Weakness or damage buffs to take inexpensive, early game
OHKOs or to set-up for or finish a 2HKO. The format has
plenty of non-Pokémon-EX attackers but many decks still
seem to “default” to Pokémon-EX for the role, so losing
a Zapdos to finish off the work of something else
instead of a Pokémon-EX can still lead to a Prize
advantage or avoid/lessen a price deficit in an
exchange. Even less recommended is avoiding the Bench
damage by having no Bench; instead consider Mr. Mime
(BW: Plasma Freeze 47/116) as its Ability (Bench
Barrier) would stop the damage. If you are not
using Virbank City Gym (which might make sense in
other decks) Mountain Ring can also completely
stop the damage while Rough Seas heals all but 10
points of damage… or all of it if whatever was hurt plus
the Stadium lasts for two of your turns. You could also
simply damage something that wants to be damaged
or where the damage is largely inconsequential (a
Bench-sitter that is an all but guaranteed OHKO while
Active). In Expanded Eviolite can help with
The thing is we
learned long ago that Ether is not going to cut
it for Energy acceleration and everything else I can
think of in Standard to help Zapdos bring Raging
Thunder online ASAP is going to shift focus. M
Manectric-EX might consider Zapdos so that it
has something Fighting Resistant that is not a
Pokémon-EX and is on-Type as an alternate attacker. Aromatisse
decks might consider it if they run several Rainbow
Energy (or in Expanded Prism Energy) but with
no easy way to get lost Special Energy back that seems
imprudent. In Expanded, this is an easy inclusion for
Eelektrik (BW: Noble Victories 40/101).
Well, as easy as deck space considerations make it.
I’ve actually toyed around (so I could do the
Lightning-Type based Daily Challenges) with an
Eelektrik deck that uses all three as co-main
attackers and it actually has some merit… not enough
that I’d take it to a real world tournament (probably
not even a PTCGO tournament), but that I was suitably
impressed. A little more relevant might be
plugging this into the Rayeels variant as a spare
attacker that doesn’t slam into itself like Zekrom
(last released as BW: Legendary Treasures 51/113
and 115/113) does and isn’t flippy like the other
Zapdos. Sometimes you just need something
that hits hard but is only worth a single Prize.
With all that
said, the card has some real competition; not the other
Zapdos so much but the aforementioned Zekrom
and Raichu, perhaps Dedenne (XY:
Furious Fists 34/111). Why? All of these can hit
hard using Colorless attacks. Unless you are in
something like an Eelektrik deck that would make
them the obvious choice… though there are conditions
required for them to function that well. Dedenne
does damage based on the Energy attached to the
opponent’s Active Pokémon (using “Energy Short”),
Raichu (via its “Circle Circuit” attack) does the
damage based on how many Pokémon are on your Bench while
Zekrom is relying on its “Outrage” attack that
does more damage based on it being damaged. Plus all
are Fighting Weak and Raichu is an Evolution.
You’re really not going to bother with Zapdos
unless you’re already running a source of [L] Energy,
and then for the earlier mentioned Fairy Transfer deck,
a pair of Thundurus-EX [Plasma] make more sense
(exploit Weakness while getting back lost Energy).
There is also
Limited play. This is a great pull for your typical
Pre-Release event; while not easy to work into a
multi-Type deck, neither is Zapdos overly
difficult. You won’t have the fancy combos to deal with
the damage to your own Bench but you’ll be hitting hard
enough that it’ll be a good deal… and you might not have
to worry about it at all because you could just avoid
having a Bench (in this format Zapdos is much
less likely to be OHKOed). While riskier than i would
prefer, you might even go the +39 route, building a deck
where the only Basic Pokémon is Zapdos itself.
Drill Peck means you won’t have any “dead” turns though
unless your opponent has an unfortunate start it
probably won’t score a KO. If your opponent can’t
overwhelm the 120 HP on Zapdos then you’ll
probably win by your seventh turn. I already mentioned
this card was in a theme deck and it's pretty amazing
there. Like most real world Theme Decks (the PTCGO only
ones are sometimes a little better) there seems to be a
lot of questionable inclusions, but for the stuff that
makes at least a little sense Zapdos tends to
compliment it well. You even get two copies in the deck
(one holo, one not) and the only Pokémon to rival its
offensive might in that deck is Dragonite (XY:
Roaring Skies 52/108)... which ultimately is more
powerful but also requires a lot more resources.
Standard: 2.5/5
Expanded: 3/5
Limited: 4.75/5
Theme Deck: 4.8/5
Summary: While this Zapdos is going to
have the most impact in Limited play (especially Theme
Deck matches such as on the PTCGO), this isn’t filler.
At the risk of sounding crazy it is actually a bit too
good for where I think the game needs to go (...only a
bit) since if we cut out all the cards I think
are too powerful we lose most of the competitive card
pool and suddenly my comment only sounds half-insane.
In Standard just needs some Energy acceleration that
does not work better with other dance partners
but in Expanded I think it has its small but very real
niche in Eelektrik decks.