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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Dustox #8
- Roaring Skies
Date Reviewed:
June 3, 2015
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.13
Expanded: 2.00
Limited: 2.30
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#8 (Roaring Skies)
Another Grass Stage 2, another interesting Pokémon.
Interesting primarily because it has the Δ Plus Ancient
Trait, meaning that Dustox
takes an extra Prize if it KOs a Pokémon with damage
from its attack. Yep, if you can take down two EX
Pokémon with this thing, you win the game.
There are a few Pokémon with this Trait and, as you
would expect, the designers have taken steps to balance
out its power. Dragonite
ROS, for example, requires monstrous amounts of Energy,
while Natu and
Swellow have poor damage
output. The latter drawback is shared by Dustox whose
two attacks are Flap, which hits the active for an
effect-free 20, and Wind Shard, which can do 50 to any
one of your opponent’s Pokémon.
As you would expect, it requires an awful lot of work to
try and exploit Δ Plus. You need a Stage 2, and you need
to get your target Pokémon in KO range of a relatively
weak attack. This in itself takes turns and erodes the
speed advantage that Δ Plus
appears to provide. Ultimately, there are more efficient
and effective ways of taking Prizes in this game, and
that puts Dustox in the
‘somewhat gimmicky’ category. It has a cool trick which
you might pull off in a casual game, but competitive
decks will overwhelm your set up long before you get
this to work. Even with the forthcoming Grass Support, I
think we will have better cards to use than
Modified: 1.75
Expanded: 1.5
Limited: 2.75

Emma Starr |
If you thought Absol was a good
sniper, wait until you get a load of Dustox, who somehow
does a better job, just by being a butterfly. However,
there are downsides to being a butterfly. Unfortunately,
to be a butterfly, you must first be a caterpillar.
Then, you have to be a cocoon. Then you can finally be a
butterfly. While this can be good advice for life, it’s
never too appealing to be a Stage 2 Pokémon these days.
With 130 HP and a weakness to Fire,
she’s in the same spot as Beautifly was yesterday,
though Dustox might not be the underdog that Beautifly
has the possibility of becoming. Although she has a
Reatreat Cost of 1, she has the Ancient Trait Alpha
Plus, which gives her the ability to take 2 Prizes for a
KO instead of just 1. As one could see when Lugia EX ran
rampant, this ability can be devastating when a capable
Pokémon can run it. In fact, Dustox has an edge over
Lugia EX, as it doesn’t even need the Pokémon it’s
targeting to be active (and Dustox dosen’t require a
Special Energy for this effect either).
To do accomplish her over-zealous
prize collecting, she has two attacks. Her first, which
is Gust, simply does 1-for-20. It’s junk. Moving on, we
have Wind Shard, which is a 3-for-50 attack, however,
this attack can hit ANY of your opponent’s benched
Pokémon! She’s like a Grass-type Absol with a Muscle
Band attached, but with an amazing Ancient Trait (and,
you know, being a Stage 2 as well)!
Now, although Dustox can be frail,
she actually COULD be very well worth the risk. Let’s
say that your opponent switched out their EX, who
happens to be within Wind Shard’s range of being KOed.
Just switch out to Dustox, and boom! You’ll get 3 prizes
instantly! Of course, that’s pretty situational, and
unless you switch out Dustox, she’ll probably get
knocked out, or at least close to it, in the next turn,
giving your opponent a prize. However, that trade-off
can certainly be in your favor if you time things go
right, and the attack can really live up to its Japanese
name: Throwing Stones of Wind.
Standard: 2.5/5 (once again, being
Stage 2 sucks, but like Beutifly, if played right, she
can be more than worth your time.)
Expanded: 2.5/5
Limited: 1.8/5 (again, lack of Rare
Candy sucks, but you still have Wally! Did a lot of
damage to an EX that got switched out, but still needed
that bit of damage more? Dustox is there to have your

Otaku |
Time for our
second Stage 2 in a row this week: Dustox (XY:
Roaring Skies 8/108)! The format is built around
the faster, more space efficient Basic Pokémon, though
some Evolutions do see successful competitive play; in
the end though it means those Evolutions have to do some
pretty great things to justify the added hassle. Being
a Grass-Type is a solid start; the Type is somewhat in
demand because it can hit potent, popular Pokémon like
Seismitoad-EX and Primal Groudon-EX for
double damage… assuming it has attacks up to the task.
130 HP seems a bit low for a Stage 2; this is enough to
take a hit but not reliably; I’d guesstimate that a
little under half the time it won’t survive,
while the times it does are bolstered by opponent’s with
incomplete set-ups as well as decks that just don’t
focus on big damage (like Seismitoad-EX using
Quaking Punch for Item Lock). The Fire Weakness on
Dustox isn’t too bad - the only Fire-Type easily
spotted in the competitive scene is Flareon (XY:
Plasma Freeze 12/116), used in a manner where it
likely would be strong enough to score a OHKO without
Weakness. While I can’t call it good, it certainly is
safer than many other Weaknesses in the current metagame.
The lack of Resistance is a bit of a bummer but it is
the norm so I won’t dock the card for it; think of it
more like a missed opportunity. The single Energy
Retreat Cost is very good; it isn’t a perfect free
Retreat Cost but it is low enough it’ll usually be easy
to pay and from which to recover.
Next is what
catches the eye the most, or rather what that indicates:
this is an “extended art” card (no, I’m not calling it a
“half art” because the art covers a lot more than half
the card!). Extended Art cards have Ancient Traits and
in this case it is Δ Plus. What does that mean? It
means when Dustox KOs an opponent’s Pokémon via
damage from one of its attacks, you get to take an extra
Prize. That could be incredibly potent so long as
Dustox isn’t so bad at scoring KOs that the extra
Prize taken struggles to keep up with the next best
option taking Prizes by KO even without the Ancient
Trait. If, for example, it takes too attacks to score a
OHKO against a non-Pokémon-EX (two Prizes taken thanks
to the Ancient Trait) but if something else equally
suited to your set-up (or even an alternate deck choice)
is going to be just as reliable, have just as good of
match-ups and KOs a Pokémon-EX with two similarly costly
attacks, you’re just breaking even. The first attack
(Flap) requires [G] to hit for 20. This isn’t scoring
many OHKOs, even after being boosted. For [GCC] the
second attack (Wind Shard) does 50 damage to the
opponent’s Pokémon of your choice (as usual skipping
Weakness/Resistance for Benched targets). These attacks
do about half the damage they would need to in order to
keep pace with most competitive attackers: I can
understand nerfing the card a little ahead of time to
avoid something obviously broken, but this pretty much
means Dustox has to hope and pray the opponent is
forced to Bench something with 50 HP or less just so it
can keep pace with the top decks.
Dustox has to come from somewhere and we
already have a good start on this from
yesterday’s CotD
as Dustox and Beautifly share the same
Basic Stage, Wurmple. This will be one of the
rare occasions where I’ll just let you refer to that
review and state XY: Roaring Skies 3/108 seemed
like the better option and that Beautifly (XY:
Roaring Skies 5/108) could be a nice piece of TecH
for a deck focused on Dustox (use Rare Candy
to avoid needing Silcoon; you should be running a
few anyway to supplement your Cascoon). Cascoon
is the Stage 1 that leads to Dustox; in Expanded
you have two options in the forms of BW: Dragons
Exalted 9/124 and XY: Roaring Skies 6/108
with the latter being the only Standard legal option.
Both are Stage 1 Grass-Type Pokémon with 80 HP, Fire
Weakness, no Resistance, a Retreat Cost of [CCC], no
Ancient Traits, no Abilities and two attacks. BW:
Dragons Exalted 9/124 allows you to force one of the
opponent’s Benched Pokémon into the Active spot (Tangle
Drag) for [C] while for [CC] it hits for 20 damage while
healing 20 damage off of itself. For [G] XY: Roaring
Skies 6/108 can Poison the opponent’s Active Pokémon
(Poison Sting) while for [CC] it allows you to flip a
coin and if the result is “heads” it blocks all damage
done to Cascoon by attacks from the opponent’s
Pokémon until the end of your opponent’s next turn (Iron
Defense). I’d go with XY: Roaring Skies 6/108,
but only just as a flippy defense isn’t much better than
Bench disruption.
There are two
other Dustox to consider: BW: Dragons Exalted
47/124 and XY: Roaring Skies 7/108. Both are
Stage 2 Pokémon with no Resistance, no Abilities, no
Ancient Traits and two attacks. Things get shaken up a
bit this time as BW: Dragons Exalted 47/124 is a
Poison-Type with 130 HP and Psychic Weakness that for
[P] attacks to leave the opponent’s Active Asleep,
Burned and Poisoned (Hazardous Scales) while for [PCC]
hits for 50 (plus another 30 on a successful coin flip)
with its second attack (Aerial Ace). The latter is weak
as it should hit as hard as it does without the coin
flip, maybe a little harder and the first attack is
simply “okay”: ever since Confusion became something you
could normally retreat out of it hasn’t been much good,
while unconditional, guaranteed Paralysis is broken so
Sleep is the only real choice. Burn and Poison are the
only two Special Conditions that can coexist with any
others so the attack does about all you would or really
should expect… but there isn’t a lot of use for it
Roaring Skies 7/108 has 10 more HP (so 140) and one
more in the Retreat Cost (so [CC]) than today’s version
but is otherwise the same except for the lack of an
Ancient Trait. For [CC] it hits for 30 while Confusing
the opponent’s Active (Psybeam) while for [GGCC] it hits
for 80 while leaving the opponent’s Active both Asleep
and Poisoned (Twilight Poison). Both attacks are just a
bit too costly, underpowered or perhaps a little of both
to be competitive, especially on a Stage 2. As such, I
don’t recommend running either of these with today’s
Instead, the
main use for it is the reverse of what I suggested when
I talked about Beautifly (XY: Roaring Skies
6/108): if you decide to run it (a dicey proposition)
then a single copy of this makes sense should you be
fortunate enough that your opponent has some very small
Pokémon you could potentially snipe for a bonus Prize.
If you do insist on running Dustox, you’ll
probably need to back it with massive amounts of spread
damage to soften targets up so that you can hit them
that same turn for a KO, possibly while also attempting
to make use of Target Whistle if there is
something small enough to be an easier OHKO. Expanded
means more competition but actually has a solid deck
that provides tempting targets thanks to Tynamo
being so small while Eelektrik 40/101) is so
If you get at
least a 1-1-1 line of this for Limited play, run it.
I guess if you also pull a Pokémon-EX worth building a
+39 deck around, that would also be an exception (since
by its nature that could only have said Pokémon-EX in it
for Basics). While the attacks still aren’t that
thrilling, at least their Energy costs makes them not
too painful for work into a multi-Type deck and your
opponent will likely have some small enough targets on
their Bench, including stuff they are trying to
otherwise build in safety that you can smack around with
Wind Shard… while taking an extra Prize. The icing on
the cake is that in many (most?) forms of Limited play,
you’ll be doing something like a booster draft which
means a 40 card deck as well as each player only having
four Prizes to begin the game instead of six… so two
hits from Wind Shard might win the game.
Standard: 1.9/5
Expanded: 1.9/5
Limited: 4.8/5
Summary: Enjoy Dustox in Limited play if
you can, or else probably as a “fun” deck; while there
are a decent number of small targets for it to OHKO in
Standard and Limited, there simply aren’t enough in all
decks to make it a worthwhile focus for a deck.